Thread: Key Switch
09-23-2003 10:52 AM #1
Key Switch
Hello All - My key switch went out in my 64 Impala and I'm driving this thing every day to work. Can any of you give me instructions on how to "Hotwire" this thing until my new set comes in? On the back of the switch there's connections, do I have to jump a couple to get it to start?
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09-23-2003 12:01 PM #2
what do you mean by "went out"? Electricaly or the tumblers? IF it is just the mechanical parts in the switch, there is a pin hole u can utilize to rotate the assembly. if its the contacts on the plates in the assembly unplug the the switch. connect wires in succession from the first hole to the second and third. the last one is the start position and should only be touched off untill the car starts and remove. If ya want more detail, do you have the owner manual or some other book on the car? Dont cut any o the wires its not necesary. Other than that I would just wait fer yer new starter switch. Some bums stole my 63 nova wagon a few months ago and tatally ruined the switch. so i had ta hot wire it fer the trip back home. if they had only known to paperclip the switch.Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
09-23-2003 12:03 PM #3
how did you hot wire it.........the electrical part & switch is smoked.....I just unhooked the wire connection from the back of the switch to prevent further damage. My new parts may not be in for a week or so...HELP!!
09-23-2003 12:18 PM #4
How did the switch go out. I would first make sure it was the switch wich caused the actual problem and not a short circuit causing the SWITCH to faulter. If it was a short and not the switch you could do more damage by bypassing the switch and hotwiring.Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
09-23-2003 12:26 PM #5
it got shorted when the switch was removed from the me, it's the switch only. does anyone know how to hotwire this thing?
09-23-2003 12:46 PM #6
The holes for prongs in the back go in order . they need to all be connected except for the last one. the last one is the start position and should be touched off but dont leave the last wire in there or the starter will just keep rotating. Ya have ta understand the positions of the key switch, first turn connects holes one, two three, lights, acc the next turn touches off the starter. See where these color positions are on the plug. Red, yellow black, etc. Ya aint gonna get results losin yer hair. just hook a wire from the first hole to the second. from the second to the third check acc dash lights. third hole to the fourth. its only a three position switch: lock, acc, start.Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
09-23-2003 12:54 PM #7
so if I'm getting this right.......Jumpers go like dis...
Battery to Igntion - connect & leave connected
Battery to Sol - just touch it until car turns over then release?
Once running - Battery to ignition stay connected
unhook all when not running
09-23-2003 01:03 PM #8
Correct! Ya need that juice fer lights, acc, etc. but dont want it drainin when yer aint runnin.Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
09-23-2003 01:14 PM #9
thanks I don't need to cab-it to work!
09-23-2003 01:47 PM #10
You mean you dont have the turvy spec toggle tastic transverse titus thurlough theft thwarter.Justin RFFR
Isaiah 40:31
10-12-2003 06:22 AM #11
Thanks for this post, my 68 decided not to run last night. The key just wouldn't turn. I had her out all day yesterday, then last night, with a friend that wanted to go for a ride, nothing. This helped get her running today. I'm going to order a new key and lock cylider- dumb question, though- how to get the old one out?!?!?!?68 Chevy Impala 307
72 VW Super Bug
02 Jeep Grand Cheroke LTD
03 Toyota Highlander
31' Forest River Surveyor
2 Dogs, 2 Cats
Wife with a sense of humor!
10-14-2003 09:15 AM #12
Oh yeah- that would help- '68 Impala...68 Chevy Impala 307
72 VW Super Bug
02 Jeep Grand Cheroke LTD
03 Toyota Highlander
31' Forest River Surveyor
2 Dogs, 2 Cats
Wife with a sense of humor!
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI