Thread: oil pressure brass thing
01-30-2006 08:37 PM #1
oil pressure brass thing
i dont know the actual name of the part. but i was trying to break the oil pressure sensor loose on my 4.3 and it broke the copper piece flush with the intake manifold.
i really dont have much time to fix this so has this happened to anyone or have any ideas on how to fix this?
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01-30-2006 09:03 PM #2
is it a reducer for an NPT threaded sensor, or is it actually part of the sensor.... if its just a reducer, then just thread in a new sensor and leave it how it is for now.... if its the base of the sensor, then one trick might be to try and cut a slot in it with a small chisel, and then use a screwdriver to remove it....just because your car is faster, doesn't mean i cant outdrive you... give me a curvy mountain road and i'll beat you any day
01-30-2006 09:06 PM #3
the sensor threads into the part and the part threads into the intake manifold
01-30-2006 10:12 PM #4
Twist it out with an E-Z-Out, available at any auto parts store or hardware.PLANET EARTH, INSANE ASYLUM FOR THE UNIVERSE.
01-31-2006 06:12 PM #5
i got it out with a ez out but noone had the part so napa had to rig me up something and the sensor doesnt work lol
thanks tech for all your help i really appreciate it
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