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Thread: What causes low rpm hesitation?

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  1. #16
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    What intake manifold are you running?
    Ken Thomas
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  2. #17
    brickman's Avatar
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    I have an air gap duel plain eddy intake, they are pretty new. I liked everything about it and it sounded like a real good street intake.
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  3. #18
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    I've heard a lot of good about them. Are they square bore?
    Ken Thomas
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  4. #19
    brickman's Avatar
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    Yep, do you suppose that because of the higher manifold, it is cutting down the air/fuel mixture under initial accelleration? Also someone mentioned that maybe lighter advance springs. I'm still leaning toward carboration being the culpret. Tell me, the pipes are soot black, smells very rich when idling but acts like it is running out of gas when you first put your foot to her. I have yet to stomp on it, it would just die I am pretty sure.
    Last edited by brickman; 05-17-2006 at 04:22 PM.
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  5. #20
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    If your tailpipes are that black you are running too rich. Makes me think that the primary jets are too big and/or the metering rods are too small. The lighter springs will cause the vacumn advance to come in sooner and with the weight of your car that's not necessarily a good thing. What size is the carb and what size are the primary jets? Much over 600cfm and you're over carbed. Are you coming to the Nats on Friday or Saturday?
    Ken Thomas
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  6. #21
    brickman's Avatar
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    The carb is a 1405 (600) and I could not tell you what size the jets are. The hesitation is in the accelleration part of the carb I think. It does it when I press on the trottle no matter what speed I am going. Yes I will be there on friday for the whole weekend, I can show it to you then and see what you think.
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  7. #22
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Excessive fuel pressure will also cause hesitation...... about all and engine needs is 4-6 pounds.... Weak springs can let the distributor advance at too rapid of a rate when you smack the throttle.... Along with the jets and metering rod isssues. Could be a number of things, Brick. What did you end up with for timing on the new engine????
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  8. #23
    brickman's Avatar
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    Everything is stock as far as fuel pump but I did put in 3/8's line. The timing was about 4 after, I didn't have my glasses with me that day. My light is out now too, I need to get another one and re-time it. How much does changing the cam change the timing or does it?
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  9. #24
    Mikej's Avatar
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    I could be the springs on the metering rods. They might be lifting the rod out of the jet at idle. Really rich and gassy. Also if you can turn the idle screws in and out with no effect,your throttle plates are not adjusted right or metering rods again. Aren't edlebrocks wonderful
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  10. #25
    htrdsx's Avatar
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    You can download a PDF file of the users manual for Edelbrock carbs at their site. www.edelbrock.com
    I'm having the same problem with mine. I'm leaning toward the metering rods and jets. I put the elec. choke kit on my manual choke carb and I think I need to change the jets and rods also.

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