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Thread: SBC Woes...

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  1. #1
    86Diablo's Avatar
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    SBC Woes...


    I am in the process of swapping a new motor into my el camino. I have the new motor dropped in and am in the process of putting everything back together and i have no idea what brackets hold what accesories and where they go....none of the holes seem to line up. The only thing i can figure is that they wont fit the new combo. The only difference between the new and old motors that i can figure would affect this is the unmarked single plane intake and tall valve covers, the new heads are drilled in the same place as the old ones.....if someone has a picture of a sbc with just the brackets bolted on it would help loads, you can see a picture of the new motor in my gallery
    Last edited by 86Diablo; 05-25-2006 at 01:37 PM.

  2. #2
    cffisher's Avatar
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    I'm not sure that the intake would creat a problem but the tall valve covers can. GM has many different combinations of where thing go. A trip to a boneyard with a camera may be in order.
    Last edited by cffisher; 05-25-2006 at 02:31 PM.
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  3. #3
    robot's Avatar
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    It would help a bunch if you posted what the original engine and brackets were from as well as what the new engine is from (year, size, etc). Also, does the car have power steering, air conditioning, smog pump, etc???? Such can vary within the same year/car/engine family. Post info about which accessory was on each side of the engine....alternator was on xx side, power steering pump was on drivers side, etc. Was the original engine a V belt engine or a serpentine engine? If V belts, how many belts?

    The bolt patterns on Chevy small block heads may look the same (three bolt holes tapped) but there are two different patterns. Also, some intake manifolds have an alternator bracket attachment while others use a stud on the water outlet. Some intakes have vertical mount holes for an A/c compressor while others dont, etc.

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