Quote Originally Posted by jayman54
ok heres my plan and hopefully i can get some input and some advise...i want to build a blower motor for my 1956 pontiac...i'm currently running a sbc that works alright with truck stock dished piston and double bump heads milled down to 60cc and a decent cam, headers,5speed etc...
its a four bolt main block and is standard bore...
i want to run a weiand 177 roots style blower and have done alot of reading and can get one for a good deal through my work and still give me some room to play if i wanna make more hp... i want to run it on the 350 with the stock pulley setup to start with which will run 7.4 lbs of boost...i've been thinking about goin with aluminum heads to give me a little more of a safety zone and help out with compression issues and better flow..i will have to drop my compression down to 8.5 to make it work well so i've been told and have read from holley...i was wondering what i should be looking for for pistons and combustion sizes and weather i should have the block decked...now i'm just looking into cams and am not sure yet what to be looking for for duration or lift....according to holley i shouldnt have much problem making 400hp+ if this setup is done right... so if anyone can throw some advise my way i would greatly appreciate it thanx...
The 177 blower will work but the belt set up makes me nervous.
I would save your money and buy a 6-71 for a few hundred more.
Piston's like the Speed-Pro reverse dome will work fine.
Depending on who you talk to they will say either 110 or 112 l/s for the cam either on will work for what you are doing.
I would look at cams that have a duration of 225 to 235 at .050.
I would also have at least 6 degree's min. more of exhaust duration.
The aluminum heads will help some with the detentation issue.
At 500 or more hp I would start to look at 4340 cranks and very good h-beam rods.
At 450 or under the 1053 steel crank will work but I would buy some good i-beam rods to go with it.
Buy good head gaskets the $20 a set ones won't cut the mustard.
I would run the Cometic head gaskets.
Yes,I know they are pricey,but they are about bullet proof.
If you decide to go with the 6-71 make sure you have to key-ways cut in the crank snout.
Run a good balancer with the two-key ways.