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Thread: 11 sec. mods for a 350

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  1. #46
    vortec king is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    first off I personally saw the track times of that chevelle, and believe me, that car was always low 12's and broke into the 11's with slicks. This guy weight his chevelle with iron headed sbc at 3780lbs.It's not the horses that make this engine powerful it's the torque. that engine combo makes 500lbs tq from 3300 to 4700rpm's, everytime the car shifted, it fell back on peak torque . you can believe what you want, but i know this combo is capable of 11's just check some
    of the chevelle and camaro combo forums and also a article of hotrod mgazine called 10 best engine combos, you might find some other people with the same 406 combos, but they're probably blowing smoke .

  2. #47
    Dahlhjelm's Avatar
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    You'll need 550hp on a rear wheel driven car. The rearwheels need to be atleast 235/75..

    My friend got a Volvo 240 -75 with a csb 350 LT1 with 375hp from the factory. Now running 11,50s 1/4 with 2.0 sec 60 feets and this car has 550hp now. And it weighs 3400lbs.
    Nothing beat cubic inches...

  3. #48
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
    pat mccarthy is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yes it can be done with a 406 two guy had them in 80s cutlass one was a friend of mine the car had not much gear 411.and did drive it on the street had a soild crower cam and dart iron heads all stock bottom end had good pistons and a edelbrock Jr intake that was about it had good hook up some work 12 bolt rear end and good fuel pump and sump in the fuel tank 3 inch ex . the car was driven to the track and would run 12.60 but it did run better i think i drove my car to it run 12.40 both car run stock street radials both cars would not hook my car was terrible 60 foot times 250 but they were as we drove them. it was i would say 40+ miles to the track one way so both car would of hit 11s with slicks i know my car would have i had bad luck with trans converters did work on a 37 ford with a 406 small block that run with a 456 gear and slicks mild11s and was driven on the street and was drove to the track so it can be done but they were not every day cars but close to it. all soild cam engines with 3inch ex and there was fast cars then this but this was close to what you were asking if it could be done
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 01-04-2007 at 11:10 PM.

  4. #49
    erik erikson's Avatar
    erik erikson is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by vortec king
    first off I personally saw the track times of that chevelle, and believe me, that car was always low 12's and broke into the 11's with slicks. This guy weight his chevelle with iron headed sbc at 3780lbs.It's not the horses that make this engine powerful it's the torque. that engine combo makes 500lbs tq from 3300 to 4700rpm's, everytime the car shifted, it fell back on peak torque . you can believe what you want, but i know this combo is capable of 11's just check some
    of the chevelle and camaro combo forums and also a article of hotrod mgazine called 10 best engine combos, you might find some other people with the same 406 combos, but they're probably blowing smoke .
    You know you come on here and beat us to death by asking any and all questions about Vortec heads and a 406 engine build and now you are so sure about this Chevelle that weighs 3,780 lbs. has a 3.73 gear has a 406 that makes 430 hp and run's 11.90's.
    Buy yourself a Moroso slide ruler or find another web site to see how much gear and hp/torque it needs to get this done.
    By my "rough" calculations you would need a min. of 490 hp to get this done.
    Not to mention a 3.73 is not enough gear.
    Please don't believe everything you hear or see.
    That 406 might have been a 421.
    The 430 hp might of been over 525 HP.
    And the 3.73 gear might have been a 4.56.
    Do you see what I mean?
    I have been involved with motorsports for over 20 years.
    I build CNC'D cylinder heads for a living not to mention all the engines I build.
    There are some people on this forum that have been involved with motorsports for over 40 years.
    Back in the late 80's/early 90's I bracket raced twice a week and sometimes on Wednesday nights.
    I know things have changed some but not that much.
    Sometimes it is better just to sit back and learn a thing or two from people on here.

  5. #50
    cutlassman_406's Avatar
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    maybe the 350 should be given up on and a big block should be built for it insted i know of a 406 in a early 60s elcamino that runs low 11s on the motor street slicks 411s and a stage 3 turbo 350 its a runner at something like 475 horse 490 lbs on engine dyno or you could put a big nitrous system on the 350 and spray off the line
    Last edited by cutlassman_406; 01-05-2007 at 07:28 AM.

  6. #51
    #1firebird's Avatar
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    screw spray! all motor. Keep your 350 plz convert to 383 youll never have as much fun with a bb
    Last edited by #1firebird; 01-05-2007 at 07:49 PM.
    No body messes with the Night Rider

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