Bob, You always throw me some with your vocabulary. Most of the time, I can figure it out ok. I'm to used to plain talk, and words. It describes things easier and simply for most, and easy to know exactly what the person means. I don't mean that in a bad way. Example is this. So many ways a word can mean something.
Definitions of advocacy on the Web:
active support of an idea or cause etc.; especially the act of pleading or arguing for something
Advocacy is an umbrella term for organized activism related to a particular set of issues.
This term refers to the role parents or guardians play in developing and monitoring their child's educational program. Advocating for your child means knowing what rights are assured you by the law and actively participating in the decision-making process to ensure that the services are delivered in line with your goals for your child's development and education.
A campaign that an individual or organization undertakes to promote any measure that would broadly benefit society. A Canadian example of advocacy is ParticipAction, which promoted the benefits of exercise.
is the act or process of defending or maintaining a cause or proposal. An organization may have advocacy as its mission (or part of its mission) to increase public awareness of a particular issue or set of issues.
The act of pleading or arguing in favor of something such as and idea, or a policy.
Speaking out on issues of concern. This can mean something as formal as sitting down and talking to your legislator; as intensive as engaging in efforts to change a change in laws or policies; or as simple as telling your neighbor about the impact of a law.
A process wherein the nurse, knowledgeable of the socio-political context, acts on behalf of the patient or the nursing profession to assure the delivery of quality nursing care and to promote professional standards of practice. The skills of advocacy include mediating, coordinating, clarifying, resolving conflict, and assisting the patient to acquire, interpret, and utilize health care information.
The act of speaking or of disseminating information intended to influence individual behaviour or opinion, corporate conduct or public policy and law. The VSF is working to achieve full recognition of advocacy as a fundamental and valued function of the voluntary sector and to ensure that registered charities are able to participate fully in public policy development and debate.
A way of advancing a particular point of view. It is characterised by a lawyer in a court room who presents arguments purely to sway the judge or jury in favour of his client. As far as possible, facts failing to conform to his side's case are ignored. It is the job of the opposing lawyer to raise such points. ...
Advocacy involves representing an organization through articulating the mission and supporting and defending the organization’s message. Advocacy also relates to representing and defending the rights of individuals with disabilities.
Clear expression of support for the rights of persons with disabilities and their families.
Taking an active role in the education and care of an individual with deafblindness.
This is when a solicitor or barrister acts on your behalf during court / tribunal proceedings.
the process of championing a particular unevangelized population segment (for example, a people group or a city), especially if voiceless or neglected, and continually seeking opportunities to present the case for its evangelization before a larger share of Christian resources.
representing the cause or interest of another, even if that cause or interest does not necessarily coincide with one's own beliefs, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations.
with regional and peak bodies, such as the SA DETE, ASME, MCA, and AMC.
Intervening with others on the behalf of the person.
Have a happy Mr. Glenn
HBD Glenn!!