Thread: hard starting when warm
04-30-2008 09:06 PM #1
hard starting when warm
my truck is hard to start when warm.starter cranks fine and motor does start after cranking over for about 5 seconds.I have a rci fuel cell mounted in box of truck with the pickup fitting mounted on top of the tank.I have a new fuel pump and a clear fuel filter that appears to have fuel in it.the carb is a holly 600 and have set the float bowls to correct hight.the motor fires up fast when cold.motor is a 355 chevy. any of folks have any idea were I should start
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04-30-2008 09:24 PM #2
what kind of choke do you have? and do you have a mechanical or vacuum advance distributer?" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
04-30-2008 10:30 PM #3
I have a manual choke and a vac, advance distributor.I will check the float level when hot I checked put didnt see any fuel seeping in the throat of the carb but maybe i wasnt quick enough looking.
05-01-2008 05:23 AM #4
How hot does it run? The engine heat can percolate the gas in the carb so the fumes flood a warm engine.
05-01-2008 06:27 AM #5
temp running about 195
05-01-2008 11:22 AM #6
i use 1 in phenolic spacers under carbs. helps stop the evap when you shut it it an electric pump ? on the clear filters, we had one split right in half and set the world on fire. i threw 4 of them away that day.
05-01-2008 09:52 PM #7
Im running a stock mechanical fuel pump.Im going to change the clear fuel filter with a solid metal type after all the nigtmares im hearing about the clear ones. now that I think about it I think I had a clear glass one break and leak on me before also maybe they should outlaw them .
05-02-2008 06:32 AM #8
Originally Posted by DennyW
Ken Thomas
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Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI