Thread: build up on a 265 engine
10-30-2008 06:52 PM #16
Originally Posted by gassersrule_196
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10-30-2008 07:04 PM #17
Originally Posted by gassersrule_196
Ken Thomas
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11-02-2008 12:56 AM #18
Ah, another trip down memory lane. In '59, a buddy from one of the high schools I attended had an emerald green '56 post with a lumpy 265 with three deuces, and a swapped in four speed from a 'Vette. It would smoke the 7.75/15 rears as long as he'd keep it on the floor, and when he let off and it hooked, it was like a slingshot. He could run clean away from my poked and stroked '51 Ford/Merc flattie, and it was a getter. The 265, when built right, was much more than the sum of it's parts, and the progenitor of one of the most successful engine designs ever concieved. To build one today, though, what with all that has come since, would only be an exercise in nostalgia, and most likely a bit frustrating in finding some parts, although the problems could be fairly easily overcome with aftermarket and later model items.
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