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Thread: Heads?

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  1. #1
    tigers83's Avatar
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    Hey in the next couple of months I plan on building a 355. What kind of heads would be good for a 350 .030 over that will be pushing 350-450hp? The pair of heads need to cost no more than $1500 because I am on a budget build. What do you guys recommend?

  2. #2
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Go with Vortec heads.

    Scoggin-Dickey part number SD8060RA2 is a Vortec that has been modified for extra valve lift and has heavy duty springs to handle big roller cams with lift up to 0.600” (which you may need to reach your target horsepower). List is $399.95 each, but they’ll likely discount a set.

    Web site is: http://www.currymotors.gmmotors.com/...ollerCams.aspx

    Scoggin Dickey Parts Center
    5901 Spur 327
    Lubbock, TX 79424

    Order - 1-800-456-0211
    Tech Info: 1-806-798-4108

    These are some real good folks and they love to race the daylights out of anything with wheels.

    Good Luck,
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  3. #3
    djv8ga's Avatar
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    AFR 180 Eliminators. I know they're right at the max end of your budget, but I also know you will be thrilled with them.
    I have a set of their old 195's and they are awesome, but those 180's will kick their butt.

  4. #4
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Those AFR heads are something sweet that's for sure! But they are a lot more expensive and you can buy all of other stuff (cam/carb/manifold) for the difference.

    Great article on comparison between the Vortec and AFR180 on a 400 SBC.


    One outstanding quote is,

    "The added cost of the project is the price difference between the complete Vortec heads ($640) and the AFR 180 heads ($1,924)."

    Have Fun,
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  5. #5
    djv8ga's Avatar
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    The AFR's distroyed those Vortec heads according to that test.
    I didn't know the Eliminators were that much money now. I thought they were running $1,500.00 a set.

  6. #6
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    No doubt the AFR's are killers here. All things equal it would be a no-brainer - Tiger's got to decide if that's where he wants to spend the money.
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  7. #7
    ceh383's Avatar
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    The questions I would have on those test results is under the AFR's it shows 1.6:1 is that the rocker ratio? Are the Vortec heads using the same or 1.5:1 rockers?
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  8. #8
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Good Question - if you read the article at the link posted above it goes into all the detail.

    The short answer is, no - the Vortec heads were using 1.5:1 rockers. The AFR's were first tested at 1.5:1 and then with 1.6:1. The 1.6 ratio increased lift from 0.480 inch to 0.512 inch and the duration by approximately 2-3 degrees. As expected, the increased valve lift and duration afforded another 13 hp and 4 more lb-ft of torque. CHP did not test the Vortecs with the higher ratio but the point being the AFR's out performed - but at a substantial cost.
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  9. #9
    ceh383's Avatar
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    Just read the article, no doubt the AFR's are better heads. It would be nice for them post results for both heads with both rocker ratios that way you'd have an apples to apples compairson.
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