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Thread: GM Engine?

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  1. #1
    iMechanic is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    GM Engine?


    Hey, Ive been working on cars for a while but mainly imports (japan and such), well ive been looking into building an old rolling camaro SS chassis that a friend sold me but didnt have an engine, until now, but i have no idea what it is...

    It is in great shape and has been kept clean and free of rust.. this is the thing... it is still in the factory crate (which is def old, held together by solid wire spanning around the whole thing and bent into locking tabs where the lid locks closed), which is labled "general motors half engine 396921." i didnt look for any casting numbers yet but its brand new in the crate and im sure its the original crate because it was passed down to me in my family by a member who used to race professionally in the 70's... its def original still had the plastic on it.. came with two holly 4 barrel carbs and old (but also new) elbrock valve covers... not worried about the carbs yet just want to know what engine i have, any help appreciated! if i need to take it out and get castings i will, just wondering if anyone heard of this first...

  2. #2
    Daffy427's Avatar
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    If it comes with dual fours it's gotta be pretty good
    I remember when hot rods were all home made.

  3. #3
    Flipper_1938's Avatar
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    six digits doesn't look like a GM part number
    There are two things in life where penetration is really important.....and one of them is welding.

  4. #4
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Some things don't add up here. The "Half engine" part is a term I've never heard, and why would a GM crated up engine have two Holleys and Edelbrock valve covers? To me a half engine would be a short block, whereas this one sounds like a complete pan to carb(s) engine. Do two Holleys even fit on top of a Chevy small block? I know they do on the crossrams, but.........

    Very easy way to solve this. Take pictures, lots of pictures. Take the crate, the writing on it, what you can see of the engine, etc. Then we have something to validate what you are saying. Not that I am doubting what you are saying, but you are kinda new around here and we haven't had a chance to get to know you yet.

    Post up those pictures, we're anxious to see this motor and try to help ID it for you.


  5. #5
    Mike52's Avatar
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    IMO, the shipping crate may be factory original, but the engine as described sounds like it possibly was the engine taken out of the car when the crate engine was dropped in and the crate was used for storage. To my knowledge, there was never a factory GM crate engine that came with Edelbrock valve covers or 2 Holley 4bbl carbs. Even the twin Holley cross ram intakes used on the early Z-28 302 engines were dealer installed options, not complete engines. I agree with Don, pictures would tell the rest of the story.


  6. #6
    iMechanic is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Haha i think i worded my first post very poorly judging by the response of some of my new peers here on clubhotrod... first of all thank you for all of your posts...ill clarify what i meant a little bit now..

    when i said "came with two holly 4 barrels and valve covers" i meant came with as in, sitting on the garage floor next to the crate ...i dont know why i even included that in the post it was completely irrelevent as far as what i was looking for in an answer....for all i know they could have been for one of his other cars....

    second, ill try to get pics up as soon as possible... but yes the only thing on the crate was printed "General Motors"...im going to have to dive in and take pictures tomorrow if i can... its 1 AM here and i have work in 5 hours

    the only thing i noticed from quickly peaking in was that it has a timing chain installed on it already and looks like complete heads up to where a manifold would go, but again i havent opened the crate completely yet in proper lighting, just my dark garage corner...

    as for the number 396921... i searched and searched and havent been able to match it to any engine casting number on the net... so its probably some kind of stock/serial number... anyway, pictures will tell the rest... any other input def appreciated though, i will get the pics up asap! thanks again guys!

  7. #7
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Ok, that clears it up somewhat. Post as many pictures of the whole deal as you can and we will have a better shot at figuring out what you have. Sorry to be skepical but sometimes one of those 12 year old kids in Nigeria or wherever gets bored and comes on a forum to have a little fun with the locals. We've had our legs pulled a few times when we offered sincere opinions and then we find out the poster was bogus.


  8. #8
    robot's Avatar
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    Six digit GM part numbers are common for the pre70's era. In my small block book, there are six digit numbers listed for partial engines (a partial engine has a block, crank, cam, timing chain, rods and pistons and is commonly called a short block) ( a fitted block has the block and pistons).

    For instance, 376372 is a 62-67 partial engine with a hydraulic cam.

    Pop the plastic and identify the engine. Grab a casting number and the engine code and we can identify it.

    mike in tucson

  9. #9
    iMechanic is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    That's what I thought, and considering how long it's been in the garage I wouldn't doubt if it was pre 70. I'm sure half engine would be similar to "partial engine". I can't wait to get the castings now, but I'm still at work I'm actually on my phone right now, so tonight I'll try to get the info. I'll include pics and model #'s of the carbs also, which are still brand new in plastic in the original boxes. Thanks for doing the research!

  10. #10
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Oh Don - that was funny. I can see it all now:

    Most Honorable Hot Rodder.. I am the barrister for the late Count Forrest Columbia Winston Ohmart who has died and left in my care a garage with the following - a 1940 Ford Deluxe, 1963 split-window Corvette, a 1969 Z-28 and a 1970 SS454 Chevelle. All are original, with numbers matching and under 1,000 miles.

    If you would be so kind as to send to me your home address and I would then begin the process to crate and ship these fine automobiles to your house. I would also be so bold to ask for your bank account number, routing information and your Visa and Mastercard numbers to guarantee prompt and correct identification of you as the only worthy surviving ancestor who is very much deserving to receive these cars. My fee has been graciously covered by the 2 mjillion US dollars that has been set aside for processing of these tresurers.

    Your kindly response is most desired to assure the happiness of the dearly departed one.

    Sincerely -Majuhobia Nigerauka III, Barrister

    Oops - sorry to hijack the thread, but I just couldn't resist

    Regards All,
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  11. #11
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Glenn; You got THAT letter too! I can't wait until my new cars show up. But first I have to find out why my bank account is missing $ 10,000.00. He promised me he wouldn't run my card until the cars showed up, and he seems so trustworthy!


  12. #12
    iMechanic is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    haha we have all gotten those letters.... i knew where he was going with that one... anyway im not trying to sell anything i just want to know if its worth bulding for my car , still at work, ill get pics tonight...

  13. #13
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    All righty then - get us the pictures and we can get this think back on track!
    "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil

  14. #14
    iMechanic is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    JUST GOT PICS WILL HAVE THEM UP IN 45 mins- 1 hour

  15. #15
    iMechanic is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey Guys, here are some pics.....by the way the other side of the crate did say "Partial Engine Group .033"... its everything you said it was Robot...

    The main number off the block is "26GM 3070010"

    other random numbers on the block that i found include....
    "F 101, 010, 020, H38, 371,338

    Pistons Read 3959456

    crank has GMT 11, and what looks like 1182? take a look at the pics and lemme know what you think! i gotta get to work! thanks guys!
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