Thread: 400 Small Block
03-29-2004 11:02 AM #16
Well I picked the car up Saturday and what an adventure that turned out to be...
Started the day out going to Springfield to bury my Dad's ashes (He died not to long after my Grandmother from cancer). So after a 3 1/2 hour drive each way I got the bright idea that since my wife was with me, I could drive the car back to the house and she could follow me. Needless to say she was less than thrilled about driving my pickup as she say's its too big and loud.
When I tried to start the car it was as dead as a door nail. Light didn’t even come on when I opened the door. I hooked up a little trickle charger for about a half an hour and got the motor to turn over. With my wife getting impatient I figured I would jump start the thing off my pickup and with a shot of starter fluid in the carb it finally started. Thinking I'm good to go I make it to the highway and stop so she could catch up. She does and I go to step on the gas and it stalls out and is dead once again.
I pull the truck around and hook up the jumper cables and try and try but it just would not start. I'm starting to get irritated at this point and yank the battery out, jump in the truck and run to the Auto Parts Store and buy a new battery. Back I go and put the new battery in and it fires right off.
Now I'm feeling pretty good doing 60 miles an hour and I'm about 10 miles from home, look back in the rear view mirror to see if my wife is still behind me and the car starts letting out a huge cloud of gray smoke. Man this sucker is smok'n so bad I can't see what’s behind me and I immediately pull off on the shoulder to see what the hell is going on.
If you can picture the scene in Day's of Thunder when the drivers are blindly driving through that cloud of smoke then you get the picture. As soon as I got out I could smell the sweat smell of radiator fluid steaming off the block so I knew the engine wasn’t blown. Some guy in a utility type truck stopped and jumped out asking if it was on fire while looking for a fire extinguisher. I said no, It's just the radiator and he say's ok and leaves. I give my wife my AAA card and tell her to go ahead home and call a tow truck so she leaves.
So I'm standing there after popping the hood and letting the steam die down and here comes the sirens. You guessed it, someone called the fire department and I now have a big double pumper with about 6 firemen inside rolling my way. They block a lane of traffic on a two lane highway and get out. I'm trying to tell them it's Ok, a tow truck is on the way, as traffic is now backed up for about a mile. So after a good look they get back in the fire truck and leave.
No sooner are they out of sight when a Highway patrolman pulls up on the passenger side, in the grass (at least he wasn’t blocking a bunch of traffic) and ask if I'm Ok. I go through the story again, hoping he hasn't looked at the expired tags to give me a ticket on top of all this. He tells me there is a thunder storm rolling my way and asks if I was sure and I tell him the tow truck is on the way, I would be OK and he leaves. Well I appreciate everyone looking out for me but this is getting to be a bit much.
It's Dark now and I look towards the west and sure enough there are some big lighting strikes coming right at me. I get in the car and prepare to ride it out thinking what is taking that tow truck so long. I go through the glove box and find an empty flash light and a package of batteries and I'm thinking cool. Turns out the batteries had sat so long they were leaking acid out the bottom. It starts pouring rain and it was pounding on the roof of that old car pretty good but I tell myself to be patient and know it couldn’t be too much longer.
Well the rain dies down and I’m starting to wonder if anyone is coming, so I get out and take a good look at the upper radiator hose and find the leak right above the clamp. Having my pocket knife, I cut the hose off above the tear, undo the clamp and replace the hose using the can-opener / screw driver tool on the pocket knife. No sooner than I think this sucker is fixed the tow truck pulls up. The tow truck driver say's he's impressed I fixed it with a pocket knife and asks if I still need the tow. Not knowing how much radiator fluid was left I told him to go ahead and tow it.
Well we finally get back to the house, my mom pulls in behind us as my wife had called her, two neighbors come out and I have to start explaining what happened. Pay the tow truck driver and finally everything calms down. Tow truck leaves, neighbors go inside and boy do I need a beer.
I pop the hood throw a jug of antifreeze and a jug of water in the radiator, fire it right up. Good, no smoke I drive up to the local convenience store and grab a twelve pack and back home I went. How's that for a first experience with the car. I think I'm going to name her Christine?
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03-29-2004 11:44 AM #17
I like happy endings. Nice story, well written.Objects in my rear view mirror are a good thing unless,.... they have red and blue lights flashing.
03-29-2004 11:48 AM #18
Thanks Typhoon, It's kinda funny now, wasnt at the time.
03-29-2004 04:04 PM #19
What a first day!
I can only imagine how exciting this car is going to be! Now that it's home it sounds like it's running pretty good.
03-30-2004 08:18 AM #20
I don't know if it's going to be worth it or not. Car is pretty old and brittle. I cleaned it out on Sunday and the old 70's shag green carpet in the truck just crumbled in my hands. Mom was telling me to check the motor mounts that my Grandmother had it in the shop and they suggested they be replaced. They quoted her $500.00 bucks to replace them. Sounds high to me and this is also 2nd hand information. I have not had a chance to really take a good look at them. If the motor mounts do need replaced are they bolted or welded into place? I thought if they were bolted in I could unbolt them, jack the motor up and replace them? If they are welded, I would have to take it somewhere as I would not trust my small welder / skills on the motor mounts? Has anyone here had experience replacing motor mounts?
03-30-2004 08:47 AM #21
Thanks Streets, I understood everything but the "turn the passenger side bolt around so the head is to the rear of the car" part? I'm assuming it goes in the same way it comes out. Do you know what a ballpark $ is for the mounts themselves?
03-30-2004 09:54 AM #22
Thanks for the info. I need to post some picks to see if you guy's think this car is worth fixing. I'm starting to think it is going to be a big money pit for a car that I really don't care for as far as body style, looks etc. I'm starting to lean towards cleaning it up and putting it in the Estate sale and maybe find something I would really enjoy working on and that is in better shape.
03-30-2004 10:46 AM #23
Point well taken but I am also taking into consideration the amount of work, money and my own skill level. I dont think she would want us to keep the car if it were to become a burden and not a gift?
03-30-2004 11:39 AM #24
JCT, one thing... be very careful when you start to nudge the throttle to check the mounts. I had a broken one in a 68 wagon and when I gave it some gas, it rocked up far enough to pull the throttle some more. engine started to run faster which pulled it up harder. soon the fan rubbed the shroud, and the brakes were not holding the car. about that time I shut the engine off. Scared the who-ha outa me and the guy in front. word of advise... stand on the side when you test it.
03-30-2004 11:40 AM #25
Wow I'm not sure how to respond to that. I think I may have given you the wrong impression. My family comes first period and your statement about lacking in family values is completely out of line. I will be the first to admit that if I keep it I will be in over my head. Should I clean it up and put it in the estate sale the proceeds would go to my mother. As for finding a car in "better shape" I mean newer and not need a complete restoration. Sorry that you did not get to keep your Grandfathers Pontiac but I don’t think you should be taking out your aggravation on me. Thanks anyway for your input and have a nice day.
03-30-2004 11:55 AM #26
Thanks doctor Al, my neighbor up the street races dirt track and seems to know alot about cars. I think I'll have him over for a beer and see what he thinks.
03-30-2004 12:13 PM #27
No problem tech, It's good you have that kind of passion and say what you feel.
You're welcome Mike, glad it worked out for you. Roger, it's taken a few years but my inventory of excess parts has shrunk a fair bit from 1 1/2 garage stalls to about an eight by eight space. ...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI