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  • 1 Post By glennsexton

Thread: engine ID?

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  1. #1
    Johnny 58 is offline CHR Junior sMember Visit my Photo Gallery
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    engine ID?


    I recently picked up a "350" to rebuild and am not sure what it really is. Numbers on the rt side pad ar V1229MA which says its a 302,327 or a 350. Partial Vin stamp is 18L323985. Can anyone tell me what block this is? Date code on rear of block is L267 which I assume is a 70 model. This block has what looks like two very large plugs behind the timing cover with large square drive holes. Could just be casting but seems to line up with the lifter journals.

  2. #2
    robot's Avatar
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    MA means it is a 58-64 truck 283 with 2bbl and auto trans.
    67-68 Camaro manual trans 2bbl 327

    From the partial vin, the second digit is an 8 so it suggests 1968
    so it was originally a 327 block.

    The L267 decodes as being cast (not machined) on Dec 26, 1967 (L is december)

  3. #3
    glennsexton's Avatar
    glennsexton is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Welcome to CHR Johnnie!

    Your block decodes as:
    V= Flint
    12 = December
    29 = 29th day
    MA was used in the following: 1958, 283 manual transmission trucks, 1963,283 Powerglide trucks, and 1967,327 manual transmission Camaros.

    The L267:
    L= December
    26 = 26th
    7 = 1967

    The VIN:
    1= Chevrolet
    8 = year (1968 probably)
    L = Van Nuys
    323985 = production sequence

    My guess is that you have a 327 (not a 350) from a from a 1968 Camaro 4 speed – The first 1968 Camaro built at the Van Nuys, California, plant had a VIN ending in L100001. The total number of number of 1967 Camaro was 221,306 so the production sequence number would have peaked at 300307. In 1968, the production sequence number reset to L100001. There were 235,147 Camaro builds – so the build sequence topped at 335148. It was not uncommon to have an engine built in a previous year (in this case late 1967) installed in a 1968 car. 1968 Camaro 327 engine options included LF7, 210 horsepower 2 barrel and L30 275 horsepower 4 barrel.

    techinspector1 likes this.
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