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Thread: engine has no power/torqe

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  1. #16
    hanseriksson is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    when i did replace the pickup line(witch whas totally deteriated, half of it whas gone) i did remove the tank and cleand it. as far as i can tell i have plenty of gas going to the carb right now. when i said the filter is full i meant its full of clear gasolin the rubber fuel line is bulging a tiny bit from presure but i will but a guage on it to veryfie the presure this is why i dont get whats up with this car i have tryed a lot of things finding things and corecting it but it still akts weak like im starting on high gear where my shop is ther is a bit of a clim uo to the road when i get going on flat ground its ok but when i start to climb i need to add more gas thats when it chokes up and dies unless i really give it some gas i might make it up but there is no midrange power
    i have messed around with cars for many years but this is something ells

  2. #17
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    I had this exact problem once upon a time, it just can't remember what it was. I can only vaguely recall something to do with the timing.
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  3. #18
    34_40's Avatar
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    Do you have a timing light? Can you verify the setting at idle (vacuum chamber disconnected)? And then verify the setting at 3000 RPM (vacuum chamber disconnected)? Let us know what you've found. Leave the vacuum chamber disconnected and take it around the block. Does it drive better or worse?

  4. #19
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    damper mark move outer ring can slip . timing tab on front cover could be wrong ? there more then one .new timing set put in engine never degreed ? check that the ex choke is open mufllers pluged up rust. you did say the weight s did move under the dist cap for advance curves . but what about the springs? there is heavy med light. check that. there nothing holding the curve up this can be check by seeing if the cap will advance some by hand spring should snap back . check timing for total timing . spark plugs are gapped at .035 . points can not take 12 volts for any amount of time they will burn out then throw dwell off. when all checks out the timing marks can be off find TDC. remark TDC set timing. or set timing to ear then pull a couple of degrees out
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 06-16-2013 at 04:29 AM.
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  5. #20
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hanseriksson View Post
    when i said the filter is full i meant its full of clear gasoline...
    Hans, sorry for my mis-understanding. Pat mentioned the possibility of the outer ring on the dampner slipping, or the pointer being off from true TDC. There's a slick method of verifying TDC that's been posted a few times, but either I don't understand our search engine or the search engine is really, really bad here. This is the most accurate, non-invasive (nothing poked into the cylinder to get jammed) method I've seen:
    1. Make an indicator from some clear plastic tubing, a jar of light oil, and an old spark plug.
    2. Break up an old spark plug and attach a length of clear plastic tubing to it make it airtight. Silicone will work, but so will hot glue and it's quicker.
    3. Remove all the spark plugs.
    4. Stick your thumb OVER the #1 cylinder spark plug hole. Rotate the engine with a socket on the dampner bolt until you feel pressure on your thumb. That's the compression stroke.
    5. Screw in the spark plug with plastic tubing attached and insert the other end of the tube into a jar of light oil. Continue rotating the engine. Bubbles will appear until the piston reaches the top of its travel. When it starts down on the next stroke, the bubbles will stop and oil will begin traveling up the tube. Stop at a convenient point and mark the tube. Then mark the crank pulley and the engine body at a convenient spot.
    6. Rotate the engine backwards and watch the oil recede into the jar. Continue rotating. As the piston continues past TDC and downward it will again suck oil into the tube. Rotate the engine till the oil again reaches the mark. STOP! Mark the crankshaft pulley where it lines up with the mark you made previously on the engine. You should now have two marks on the crankshaft pulley. The midpoint of these two marks lined up with the mark on the engine is TDC.

    If your dampner is good the "new" TDC you mark should align perfectly with the line cut in the dampner ring, and the pointer should be aligned.
    Last edited by rspears; 06-16-2013 at 05:41 AM.
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  6. #21
    hanseriksson is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    i did check the tdc with a special tool as i have heard that the outer damper ring can slip it did check out ok

    i will do the other checks and get back with the result

    thanks for all the respons

  7. #22
    cffisher's Avatar
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    With all the checking you have done are you sure the floats are right on the holly?
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  8. #23
    Bug is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Another item is that your cam gear could be cracked and flexing/splitting under load, thus changing your timing. This happened to me on a SB327 years ago.
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  9. #24
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Since you have a lot of suggestions, here's one more. I think I'd run the valves.
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  10. #25
    hanseriksson is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    i did some of the checks suggested checked the float level on the carb ,gas is trickeling out of the insbpektion hole so it shold be fine. i do not have a rpm meter but i did try to do the timing check.(i do have a timing lite)
    at idle (700 rpm guestamete) it is at 4deg bef tdc reving up it moves a way out side of the timing marks .

    here is when is becomes intersting im only able to rev up to about 1500 rpm after that the engine dies it comes back to life if a let up on the gas( lowering the rpm) now i did have the same problem before i did replace the fuleline and carb thought it hade to do with it not getting enough gas. its getting plenty of gas now
    so i dont know what to think about this (.its like a over rev switch is cutting in at 1500rpm klilling the ignition when the rpm gets lowerd it fires up again) it happend every time dident have enough time to test this out good today

  11. #26
    34_40's Avatar
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    After reading you're response above.. I think I'd try a new coil and a different condenser.. to me it "feels" like the ignition is breaking down. I'd also bump up the timing to 8 or 10 degrees BTDC, also- have you cleaned the timing marks? can you see where the scale ends? What's the last number on both sides of TDC? If you don't have a dial back timing light, maybe you can add a piece of timing tape to the damper? so you can be more precise with the timing.

  12. #27
    35WINDOW's Avatar
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    Lots of really good suggestions in this Thread! Looks like it's not the usual suspects-the best Technician I ever knew said that people usually look too deep at a problem (I resemble this remark)-

    You mentioned that you were going to put on a fuel pressure gauge-did you do this? If you haven't yet, I would put one on and check the pressures not just at idle, but through the RPM range (to make certain that pressures don't fall off)-

    The fact that you have cleaned out the Fuel Tank is good-this reminds me that we recently had a unit in here at work (specifically, a brand new Skid Steer)where it exhibited exactly the same symptoms (would idle, but not pick up RPM's)-we pulled our collective hair out (we even stumped John Deere Tech Support), and, we finally found that when they cut the hole in the Tank for the Fuel supply that they missed the "plug" that was left when they cut it-that plug would suck up against the outlet and starve fuel -

    Do we know for sure that the Distributor is good (do you have a spare, or one you could borrrow)?
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  13. #28
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    fuel cap not vented . if you have a tach could be bad un hook it
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  14. #29
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    Whats the dwell setting on the points????????????/Dwell is important because it creats a TIME factor for coil saturation and if the points are too wide(less dwell) the saturation time won't be enough for higher speeds------thats a reason fo dual points!!!!!!!!!!also point type and electronic coils are different------------so if mixed ?????????????
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  15. #30
    hanseriksson is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    30 deg dwell but i will check it again as it whas some time sence i did that
    i do apreciate all the info im getting

    i did buy a new distributoe a HEI waiting for it to show up in the mail
    i did check the float level there is gas trikling out the inspection hole at idle

    i did play around a bit with the timing and got it to run somewhat better now the timing is so early i can not see the mark as its behind the waterpump
    i got it out on the road it run ok to a point then it sputters and dies unless you accelarate so too keep it runing its step on the gas then let go and so on
    it dose not seam to like light load/cruse condition that where it akts up
    i did run it with the gas cap of it did not make a diffrens

    will check fuel pressure and check the number on the scale

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