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Thread: Intake swap

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  1. #16
    TomJ's Avatar
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    RTV for sure.
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  2. #17
    rumrumm's Avatar
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    You will need to re-jet that Demon and change out the squirters so it won't run so rich. I would hold on to your present carb. You may wish to re-use it if you cannot tune that Demon. A lot of guys have had problems trying to dial them in. How about posting a photo of the entire car. You have me curious to see the rest of it.

    '32 3W

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  3. #18
    TomJ's Avatar
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    heres a current pic Rumrumm. I'm in the process of putting a black canvas top on it too. Plus dropping it an inch all around.
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  4. #19
    rumrumm's Avatar
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    Nice! Sometimes a soggy bottom end does not matter quite so much with a light weight car. You'll just have to experiment and see if you like the results.

    '32 3W

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  5. #20
    TomJ's Avatar
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    Thanks, I'll post the results after I install it.

  6. #21
    TomJ's Avatar
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    Wouldn't the dual quad wcfb's they ran in 56/57 flow as much fuel as a 625 cfm demon? Especially if the demon is detuned?

  7. #22
    rspears's Avatar
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    The WCFB's ranged generally from 375 to 500 scfm, and there were something like 222 different models built through the years they were made. To your question, yes, a pair will flow more than the Demon, and maybe as much as 1000 scfm. A good link - THE CARBURETOR SHOP /Carter 4 barrel carburetors
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  8. #23
    TomJ's Avatar
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    NTFD, my heads are the lower compression heads without the triangle on the rectangle. I'm looking at some of the power pack heads 3731539. These were used on the '57 283-283 hp engines. Will these work on my 265 with stock pistons ya think?

  9. #24
    stovens's Avatar
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    Tom I like the look of your truck. I'm also curious of the maker of your fan shroud. I need to get one soon for my truck, and lack the tools to fabricate one.
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  10. #25
    TomJ's Avatar
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    Thanks Steve. I made the shroud from some sheet metal from home depot. I had to make it in two pieces to be able to install it with the fan in place. It is pretty crude but seems to do the job.

  11. #26
    Mike P's Avatar
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    Nice looking truck!

    ".....Wouldn't the dual quad wcfb's they ran in 56/57 flow as much fuel as a 625 cfm demon?...."

    While a pair of WCFBs will potentially flow as much or more than the Demon, as the link Roger posted says, most have have a secondary air valve that effectively prevents the secondary from operating until sufficient vacume is created to open them.

    "......I'm looking at some of the power pack heads 3731539. These were used on the '57 283-283 hp engines. Will these work on my 265 with stock pistons ya think?....."

    Depending on the source book you read, those heads are 59 or 60CC chambers and if your running stock compression (8.5) with the low performance heads they should move you up to a bit over 9:1-9,25:1. There were several other casting numbers used on the PP heads (the ones with the pyramid) over the years, but the later ones would have the valve cover bolt holes that are straight across.

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  12. #27
    rumrumm's Avatar
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    If I remember correctly, the 283 I had in my '59 Impala had the lower compression head that came with the 2 bbl carburetor which was 8.5:1 compression. By swapping to a power pack head, it raised the compression to 9.5:1. Feel free to correct me if my memory of an event 47 years ago is incorrect.

    '32 3W

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  13. #28
    TomJ's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info. Incidentally, the Typhoon intake is a no-go. There is no way to seal the larger runners to the heads. I'm going to smooth the stock manifold and have it chromed or ceramic coated.

  14. #29
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    The power pack heads from 57 and the engines they were used on were rated at 265/270 hp, I don't remember which, and the 283 hp heads came off fuelie engines and are rare as hens teeth. To retain the valve covers you have you will have to find heads from 57 or earlier. If your engine is stone stock it will be running a solid lifter cam. At one time I ran the fuelie cam from 63 in my coupe and the valve lash was 8 on the intake and 12 on the exhaust and it would spin higher than 7 grand as I bent some push rods one night in Oceanside when I'd had one too many.
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  15. #30
    TomJ's Avatar
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    NTFDay, I think the rare fuelie heads are the 997 heads. The charts I see show them as heads for F.I. and 4 barrel and hp from 220-270. The chart shows the 283 hp heads to be the 539 casting. This could be wrong maybe.

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