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Thread: Suffix code question

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  1. #1
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Suffix code question


    I've been checking the codes on the engine in my 76 Vette and this is what I found.
    Block code: 39700010 69-79 302/350 2 or 4 bolt mains
    Head code: 333882 350/400 70/80 1.94/1.50 76 cc's
    Suffix code on block: V1001KX
    I can't find any information on the suffix code. Tech, DennyW and I figure it's a rebuilder's code.
    Can anybody offer more info?
    Ken Thomas
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  2. #2
    robot's Avatar
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    KX is not in my MSA-1 code book...the last K series suffix is KM. Doesn't show as a Pontiac, Olds, or Buick small block Chev code either nor a marine/industrial code. There are some 1__ codes but none that are 1KX.
    Unlikely that a rebuilder would stamp a V______KX code on a block.

  3. #3
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Chevycamaro.com and chevellestuff.net shows these codes....

    CKX 1972 350 200hp 4 barrel carb turbo hydro trans Corvette
    CKX 1973 350 L65 145hp 2 barrel carb turbo hydro trans, NB2, Camaro
    CKX 1976 350 L48 180hp 4 barrel carb turbo hydro trans Corvette

    Can't find info on "NB2", have no idea what it is. Maybe someone who has a complete code book can look it up.

    Last edited by techinspector1; 12-14-2015 at 09:31 AM.

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