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Thread: Chevy short water pump issue`s

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  1. #1
    406Rich's Avatar
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    Chevy short water pump issue`s


    I`ve run across this problem several times before with a chevy short water pump being to short, once with my own and several other friends having the same issue over the years, not clearing the stock timing cover, about 1/8th inch or more to short, not sure if its a MFG defect ( off shores) or if they have been thru a rebuilding shop and they have been milled off...you guys have any insight of this, one brand in question was the Stewart brand that someone else had, the name stuck with me for never to purchase...
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  2. #2
    34_40's Avatar
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    I remember having one do that to me. Don't remember the brand tho'...
    I had to make a heavy gasket - or made a shim plate with gaskets - can't remember which.. but we did get it to clear finally.

    It was on a sunday afternoon and we just wanted to continue with assembly, it worked out in the end, all the pulleys lined up but it really drags down the job. I'd have been upset if it was for a paying customer! I'll guarantee you the parts store won't pay for the lost time and trouble!! :-)

  3. #3
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Been there - and it's a real pain in the neck! What ever you do, don't just reef it tight (ask me how I know that&^%$*)#!!)

    This kit works real good:
    KRC 15002000: SBC Water Pump Spacer Kit w/ Gaskets .250" Thick | JEGS
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  4. #4
    406Rich's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=glennsexton;570439]Been there - and it's a real pain in the neck! What ever you do, don't just reef it tight (ask me how I know that&^%$*)#!!)
    I know that from one other person, he broke the ear right off.
    `37 Ford Coupe
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    Kids in the back seat may cause accidents, accidents in the back seat may cause kids, so no back seat, no accidents...!

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