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Thread: Engine spraying oil at high RPM

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  1. #16
    shine's Avatar
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    any engine will blow the dipstick if not vented well enough. i mistakenly use the push in caps with no holes on a 302 ford engine. all it had was a pcv valve . it blew the dipstick and oiled down the engine. i now run moon breathers on every build. they releave crankcase pressure well enough i have dry engines . i would try better evac first before i tore anything down .

  2. #17
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    some boat engine dipstick tubes go all the way down to bottom of pan so oil can be sucked out on oil changes--------buttttttttttt---------then , if the engine isn't vented properly and/or some excessive blowby--------it will pump oil out the top---

  3. #18
    axm0z5h's Avatar
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    The dipstick doesn't lock. It just pushes in. I'm going to take a look at the PCV valve this week. It was new when I installed the motor.

    What are your thoughts on my oil pressure? 45 at idle, 60 at 1500rpm and 80 psi from 2500 rpm and up.

  4. #19
    shine's Avatar
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    i'm not really a wrench but i have always gone for volume instead of pressure . if a pcv is all it has it will always leak. you need a good evac on a boat . they normally run on the high end of rpm and oil is sloshed around the pan . i would drill and tap those screw in valve cover caps and run a hose to a recovery tank. an old mech i once knew would say engines only leak at the drain plug, everywhere else is blown out by crankcase pressure.

  5. #20
    34_40's Avatar
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    If you can, verify that your pcv is working and that the opposite valve cover has a breather.
    A pcv valve only "pulls" at lower throttle settings, so you'll need the vent on the opposite side to allow air in as well as allow pressure out at w.o.t..

    If you aren't blowing off the oil filter at 80 psi (and above?) then run it.

  6. #21
    jerry clayton's Avatar
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    # 6 cylinder low compression is pressurizing the crankcase forcing oil up the tube-------boat engines are configured with an oil dip stick tube that goes all the way to bottom of pan so during an oil change you can pump the oil out of the pan into container---------in some boats you can't drop hose out thru bilge drain hole to change oil-you PUMP it out the top---------

  7. #22
    axm0z5h's Avatar
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    im going to spend some time on this week checking into everyone's suggestions. I will report back with my findings. Im hoping that all I need is some new rings and PCV valve

  8. #23
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    I don't think I'd jump to rings too quick - you only have a few hours on the engine and the rings do need to seat. PCV valve is an inexpensive item and easy to change. Do you have a vent in the opposite valve cover? Also, you may want to consider a sealing/locking dipstick like this:


    There are a lot of vibrations in a boat so a different dipstick may be appropriate.

    Thanks for keeping us posted - the video say a lot and is extremely telling.

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  9. #24
    axm0z5h's Avatar
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    Well what has me thinking about the rings is a whole other issue. I have two of these motors. They both make the same noise but the 2nd one didnt make the noise when I first installed it. It only made the noise after it blew the oil out, but prior to blowing the oil the engine ran as quiet as a new car.

    I was thinking that the piston skirt is really short and it has pressed in wrist pins. maybe the piston is rocking back and forth and hitting the skirt?

    here is the noise that it makes.


  10. #25
    axm0z5h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glennsexton View Post
    I don't think I'd jump to rings too quick - you only have a few hours on the engine and the rings do need to seat. PCV valve is an inexpensive item and easy to change. Do you have a vent in the opposite valve cover? Also, you may want to consider a sealing/locking dipstick like this:


    There are a lot of vibrations in a boat so a different dipstick may be appropriate.

    Thanks for keeping us posted - the video say a lot and is extremely telling.

    I think ill get that dipstick.

  11. #26
    40FordDeluxe's Avatar
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    IMO the locking dipstick would just lead to blown seals. I'd make sure it breaths well first.
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  12. #27
    axm0z5h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 40FordDeluxe View Post
    IMO the locking dipstick would just lead to blown seals. I'd make sure it breaths well first.
    So i just checked the PCV valve. The valve covers do not have a baffle in them however the stock ones did. I am going to install baffles. also there was a ton of buildup on the PCV valve most likely from condensation. im pretty certain it wasnt operational.
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  13. #28
    axm0z5h's Avatar
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    Well i never found out what the issue was. I had an intake gasket fail last week and filled the motor with water so I took it out and swapped in my other motor.

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