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Thread: Offy dual quad on 327

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  1. #1
    LAY N LO is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question Offy dual quad on 327


    I'm building a 29 Tudor. The engine is a 30 over 327, steel crank, new flat tops, performer RPM heads, 268 Comp cam. I bought a 360 degree Offy dual quad low rise manifold and 2 390 Holly carbs at a swap meet. Manifold appears to be in great shape, carbs have never had fuel in them. Could I get your opinions on this setup please? I'm not going to run a hood on this car and would like to have the multiple carb look. Tranny will be 350, nine inch rear, probably 3.00 gears.

  2. #2
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have to agree with Tech on this one, and I am a big fan of 327's, but duel quads with that cam is WAY to much - I don't think that you can jet it down enough. If all you want is a look then you may get it to run, but you won't get any performance from it.

  3. #3
    Mike P's Avatar
    Mike P is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Tech may be right on this, but i'm not so sure (and it's unusual for us to disagree ). He may be right especially as it applies to the runner volume.

    I've used these manifolds on a 65 Biscayne and a 53 Chevy both with 350s (the Biscayne had a 4 spd and 3.08 gears and the 53 had a TH350 and 3.36s). The both were running a cam that specs out about the same as what your running and 1.94 heads. The major difference was I ran 500 CFM AFBs with progressive linkage instead of Hollys.

    Prior to using the first one on the 65 Chevy I had the same concerns about the manifold that Tech has, but figured what the heck and tried it anyway. Both cars ran great with more than sufficent bottom end torque and decent gas milage.

    I think I would put it on dial it in and see how you like it. If it dosn't work out then it's time to make the decision on wether you want to change heads or intake to something else.

  4. #4
    dangeroustoy's Avatar
    dangeroustoy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    My Set up...


    I had a similar set up a while back on a 327... Used the low-rise dual quad manifold with with a set of Carter AFBs... I had a set of chevy fuelee heads with 2.02/1.60 valves and a 455/290 Lunatti cam... Seemed to work pretty good, just wish I would have gone with a steeper stall converter like one of the ones Richard suggested...

    Hope this helps...

    Dave Brisco

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