Thread: Where to get started???
10-04-2005 10:30 PM #16
Fresh picture of the driver's side.An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks
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10-04-2005 10:31 PM #17
And the roadster waiting in the shop for a bath and some detailing.An Old California Rodder
Hiding Out In The Ozarks
10-04-2005 11:05 PM #18
So this Vortex head thing is going to be a pain!!!
Anyone know if anyone makes brackets for Vortex heads that have the old look!
Not all billet out!!
Wished i would have heard more 1st lol
10-05-2005 06:54 AM #19
Contact Bill's Hot Rods in Covina, CA. I have his alternator and A/C brackets on my car. They are chrome plated steel, and they are works of art. If you don't want chrome, he can make up a set in plain steel. Nice guy, too. I highly recommend him to you. He does not have a website, but you can call him at (818) 332-1915.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
10-05-2005 05:00 PM #20
Bills # is 626 332-1915
thanks again for the info.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress