Thread: Repro firewalls
10-11-2006 01:33 PM #1
Repro firewalls
Sorry if this has been done already. I'm looking to get one for my Tudor.
Any comments about them. Where to get them? best price? etc
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10-11-2006 02:02 PM #2
I've used these guys, and the work was very good.Jack
Gone to Texas
10-11-2006 03:13 PM #3
Hey Mel, I am building a 1930 Model A Brookville roadster. It came with a 4 inch recessed firewall, but since I am installing a BBC I purchased a Bitchin firewall (gave me more room) with front floor pans & tranny hump. Loved the bitchin fire wall. Now I will sell the Brookville firewall which has never had one hole drilled in it or anything mounted to it. Bitchin products fit excellent and are good quality not to mention excellent customer service!
10-11-2006 04:37 PM #4
I'm guessin' since this is in the Deuce Den you're asking about the stock style repops.
Of course there's Brookville, .
Then Deuce Steel,
And see, , about 1/2 way down the page. These are made in Sweden by Lars Lundstrom, and might have some cost advantage to you.Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
10-12-2006 02:35 PM #5
Thanks Bob
Thats the company i was trying to think of. Deucesteel. Has anyone here used one? Are they worth the 800 dollars? i'm sure i've seen them on ebay for around 600 'buy now' price. I'm wondering if they are made by the same company?
The reprosteel firewall is a possibilty for me but it could be easier to get one from the USA rather Swedan (very high taxes) and the exchange rate is certainly in my favour right now. I have been searching ebay without too much success so i'm tempted to get a stock repro. Any thoughts always welcome.
10-14-2006 08:38 PM #6
shiny firewall?
Sorry to ask a question about a firewall for a '29 in the Deuce Den but I forgot how to start a new thread and this is about firewalls. I
am having trouble patching the hole in my fiberglass firewall since I cut out the tunnel to make more room in the cockpit. I have the floor pretty well finished and more like a stock Model A floor with a 45 degree slanted floor board but I still have a half moon hole about 3" high and 11" wide. It is now too cold to do reliable fiberglass work in my unheated garage even with a heat lamp so I want to cover the hole, not the whole firewall, with some shiny metal. I have thought about using aluminum diamond plate but really I wondered what folks use for a reflecting firewall like the DEUCE in the picture I am attaching. I would like to know where to get such shiny mirror metal? My need would be met by such a shiny plate only covering about the lower 20% of the firewall and then fill in behind it with scrap fiberglass when a warm day comes along.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
10-14-2006 09:13 PM #7
Looks like polished stainless to me. We have a company locally that builds tanker trailers with Stainless, when I need some I get it from them.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
10-14-2006 09:22 PM #8
Thanks Dave, that is a hint anyway. Actually if I make a template, a piece of 1/8" stainless plate would be ideal if I can find a local supplier and someone to polish it. I am pretty sure I can find the stainless but I am not aware of any source of the polished version or anyone local to do the polishing but I can look around. The Hanover Air Park is less than a mile from my home and probably someone there has or knows where to get stainless plate. I guess if I got fancy I could fill in most of the indented 'glass firewall and everything would be OK again instead of sitting here with an ugly hole in the firewall.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
10-14-2006 09:25 PM #9
The place we get it is called Hill's Stainless Steel, think they call it mirror finish stainless. I'm sure it has some technical name as well. If you don't need to big a piece (shipping) let me know the rough dimension and I'll get you a price.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
10-14-2006 09:28 PM #10
Dave, that is an offer I may take up on after I look around locally; very generous of you and maybe just the trade name will help me find it locally. Thanks.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
10-16-2006 05:45 PM #11
Stainless Firewall
Dave, your comments were very helpful. I spent the morning calling around for various types of stainless steel. The only mirror finish (#8) I could find was only available in 4'x8' sheets for close to $600 but I also checked out a company in Chicago which makes mirrors; they offered 0.031 stainless in small pieces like 12"x16" in a frame for about $50. Anyway I basically gave up on the mirror finish and found a company in the Air Park near me where for the price of a conversation about the Foreman's '40 Ford coupe I got a nice piece of 16 gauge stainless, 16"x24". Then for the price of two dozen donuts for the crew at Heritage Steel nearby (welding fabrication company) they cut a trapezoid for me 18" across the bottom, 16" across the top and 10" wide using their large sheer machine. That piece just slips nicely into the rounded cavity of the BeBops "firewall" and so I will have a (mostly) steel firewall after all. I will use stainless capscrews around the edge and I am finguring out how to polish the heads of the capscrews. "Kenny" who painted my car thinks he/we can buff the stainless to be a little shinier, but if I have to have it painted the same color as the body that will be OK too if it doesn't look good after some buffing. Actually it is almost free of scratches and has a pleasant dull reflective surface now without any buffing and of course it will never rust. I'll post a picture when I get it installed (soon). I am pleasantly surprised how rigid the 16 gauge steel is, it is really firm!
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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