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Thread: Peek - a - boo ! Guess wheroo?

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  1. #31
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I envy you, and no, you didn't overpay. These are mint, and I have seen trashed ones going for big money. When I redo my '27 it is going to get a set of these or the 682 C, no matter what I have to pay. The car deserves them after all the good times it has given me.

    Great score dude.


  2. #32
    billlsbird is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso
    I envy you, and no, you didn't overpay. These are mint, and I have seen trashed ones going for big money. When I redo my '27 it is going to get a set of these or the 682 C, no matter what I have to pay. The car deserves them after all the good times it has given me.

    Great score dude.

    .....Whew, thank you Don. I've been on 'edge' ever since I posted! I figured someone would say, "you paid HOW much"??? .... I mean, I DON'T mind paying too much. I just DON'T want ANYONE to know that I paid too much!!!! {must be a human nature thing???}.... Anyway, I like the look of headlights that are on the small side, but I also like the look of the Guide 820-D's, so these were 'purr-fect' for me..... I'm sure glad the person selling these didn't know that I'd of paid TWICE this much {seriously}.... Bill

  3. #33
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
    pat mccarthy is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    i will add when using the well nuts/ nutserts you want to make sure they pull up. if used on tubing they may hit the side of the in side of the tubing side wall and will not pull up then it can turn loose or fall out. i allways look at the inside of the well before i drawl the up with the gun the threads should be up to the top less the thickness of the wall. thickness must be check to so they can work with the wall thickness and remove all burrs with a deburring tool hand held or a die grinder with a stone. if the burrs are not cleaned from the back of the hole for the wellnut/ nutsert this will give a fake pull up or no draw up at all then fallout or turn

  4. #34
    billlsbird is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by pat mccarthy
    i will add when using the well nuts/ nutserts you want to make sure they pull up. if used on tubing they may hit the side of the in side of the tubing side wall and will not pull up then it can turn loose or fall out. i allways look at the inside of the well before i drawl the up with the gun the threads should be up to the top less the thickness of the wall. thickness must be check to so they can work with the wall thickness and remove all burrs with a deburring tool hand held or a die grinder with a stone. if the burrs are not cleaned from the back of the hole for the wellnut/ nutsert this will give a fake pull up or no draw up at all then fallout or turn
    yeah, and I would imagine the smaller the tubing, the more this is likely to happen..... zzz

  5. #35
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=billlsbird I just DON'T want ANYONE to know that I paid too much!!!! {must be a human nature thing???}.... [/QUOTE]

    OOOppps............guess I shouldn't tell ya Drake has the same license light/bracket on sale for nearly 10% less then, and no sales tax!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  6. #36
    billlsbird is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter
    OOOppps............guess I shouldn't tell ya Drake has the same license light/bracket on sale for nearly 10% less then, and no sales tax!
    ......AHHHHHH, $&^*$&^@, (*^%^%, *#&^&, $&(%%^, {expetite/really, really naughty language}. Where's my CYANIDE CAPSULE??????

  7. #37
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billlsbird
    yeah, and I would imagine the smaller the tubing, the more this is likely to happen..... zzz
    no that is not allways it. it is the right angle hitting the side of the nut that keeps it from expanding so if it is way off set it can not expand and yes it must have room inside the tubing to expand

  8. #38
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Ok Bob, go sit in the corner and don't you come out until you learn how to behave.

    Hey, don't sweat a few bucks. I did the same thing on '37 Ford taillights I bid on and won. Paid $ 112.00 for the pair, then found out Vintique sells same light for half that. The way I look at it, the difference was just the price of one dinner out that I didn't eat.

    You got them, you like them, that's all that counts.



  9. #39
    billlsbird is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    [QUOTE=Itoldyouso]Ok Bob, go sit in the corner and don't you come out until you learn how to behave.

    Hey, don't sweat a few bucks. I did the same thing on '37 Ford taillights I bid on and won. Paid $ 112.00 for the pair, then found out Vintique sells same light for half that. The way I look at it, the difference was just the price of one dinner out that I didn't eat.

    You got them, you like them, that's all that counts.

    LOL "go sit in the corner Bob" he,he,he.......I'm trying to write a reply but I'm getting a little woozy from the poison ...... Actually I don't think I paid too much for the headlights..... But the 10% less on the license plate bracket is killing me, after all that's $3 to $4 bucks... But wait, seeing as how Pres. Bush signed that law that prohibits off shore gambling & I can't gamble on Partypoker.com anymore I guess I can afford it!!! .............. Really, the site won't accept deposits & even if you have money in your account the site won't let US residents into the 'real money' part..... zzz

  10. #40
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso
    Ok Bob, go sit in the corner and don't you come out until you learn how to behave.
    Deja vu all over again..............just like being back in school!! I've had lots of practice with that!!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  11. #41
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Geez Uncle Bob, buy ya books, send ya to school......then you wanna play with the teacher!!!!! What r we gonna do wit ya??????
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    Carroll Shelby

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  12. #42
    Old Hippie is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey Folks,
    Just a word to the wise, make sure you us an anti-size or lube on the nutserts if you ever want to take the bolt/screw out. I have used them and that seems to be the only other problem (not compressing correctly the other).
    Less weight more speed; there's no substitute for cubic inches; If it don't go-chrome it

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