10-19-2006 09:56 PM #1
An alternative to a 4" dash exstender???
.....Howdy everyone. I was wondering, I had a 4" dash exstender installed in my '32 3 window. At the time I said "ok put one in" cuz that's what was recommended. Well, it doesn't look like I thought it did would, I don't really care for it. BUT, is there really any other options when you've got 7 gauges, two a/c heat vents, a/c controlls, radio, plus other misc switches & ignition key???
As always, THANKSBill
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10-20-2006 09:46 AM #2
not really unless you mount some of that stuff over head or switches under the seat
10-20-2006 11:37 AM #3
.....ah ha, overhead??? Didn't think of that. Is there enough room overhead for all that stuff??? I know there is width wise but is the height enough??? Thanks a bunch, Bill
10-20-2006 03:32 PM #4
depends on what all you want to put up there let me go get a few quick shots of mine
10-20-2006 03:50 PM #5
Here is a picture of my dash.... it does have the exstension so I could put the HVAC controls and also to hide the A/C unit
And here is my over head. Plenty of room but all I have are buttons for the doors and the suicide locks. Also the face plate for my stereo. Plenty of room for more if you wish.
Not sure if you have this but it is easy to make. I used 2 2x4 and paint sticks on the ends ...... glassed it smothed it and painted....this really was to hide the electric motor from my wipers and decided to put the other things on it
10-21-2006 01:31 AM #6
Hey Bill or Iceburgh,
Where does a person get a 4" steel or aluminum dash extension (do not want fiberglass) for a 32 dash? Do you know the website, name of manufacturer, or a price? BTW, Bill if you decide to sell your 4" extension I would be interested unless it is the high dollar gold plated version. Thanks
10-21-2006 04:58 AM #7
....Iceburgh, Thank you for the pictures!... I like the looks of your dash extension. I had seen one in a picture and I didn't like it & I just figured that they all looked like that. It was straight across instead of curing in the original '32 shape. Actually I haven't seen mine yet. I hope mine looks like yours and not the other one I saw....
Styling, Well mine IS fiberglass, I'm not sure who sells a steel one. I would image that someone does.
Thanks everyoneBill
10-21-2006 12:04 PM #8
this is from rod doors....it is made from ABS plastci so you can mold it any way you like.
I just used my dash as a pattern put it in place and heated it with a heat gun and it will mold....let cool and it stays that shape
11-09-2006 05:10 PM #9
re; Dash Extender
Hello Bills;
Alot of Fellas use a 32 Roadster Dash and cut it to suit your needs, it's shaped different that the coupe's , ie. More Flat . then it contours to the same shape of the Coupe's bottom with the bead and all. Look at some of the dashes at a Cruise Nite or Rod Run / Show. I'm sure Brookville in Ohio can set you up with one of steel , since I assume you wanted steel , since you didn't want a glass one . Good Luck Ski Ball.skiball
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