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Thread: 100HP V8 flathead in a new 32 frame?

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  1. #1
    Ralph Moore's Avatar
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    100HP V8 flathead in a new 32 frame?


    I found the 32 rails for my project, but I have been looking for a front crossmember to use, Does anyone make one that has the mounting flange to accept a 40's flathead. Or do you have to add these on?


  2. #2
    robot's Avatar
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    In either Street Rodder magazine or Street Rod Builder magazine this month, they show a Model A crossmember with the motor mounts added to the frame instead of the cross member. I am not aware of a 32 front crossmember...most use the Model A since it lowers the car a tad.

    mike in tucson

  3. #3
    SirSpeedy's Avatar
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    For that application, I assume you are going to the water pumps with the motor mounts on them, you'll need to add motor mounts behind the front crossmember for a '32 chassis. The motor mounts on a stock '32 front crossmember were for the '32-'36 style 21-stud engine, and the '32 engine had Model A style water pumps in the heads. The later '38 up motors end up being a longer assembly with the block mounted water pumps. If you put the later engine all the way up on the '32 crossmember, the water pump pulleys will be into the radiator core.

  4. #4
    Ralph Moore's Avatar
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    Thanks, I have not seen any plans or drawings of this type of install. And I did not know the mounts were so different. So I am probably better off to go with a Model A crossmember. I want to install a 38-48 motor, but if I can't find a good one I will put in a 49-53, style. Will I have to fabricate my motor mounts or does anyone sell these?

  5. #5
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    This should give you some ideas. The cushion sets are essentially flathead V8 repops, and the frame mounts are very adaptable. This is page 3 of the catalog, but you might want to look at pages 1 through 5 for visuals; http://www.chassisengineeringinc.com/page3.html
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  6. #6
    Ralph Moore's Avatar
    Ralph Moore is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: 1932 5W, Flathead Powered

    Thanks for the info. I have located several engines, but I won't be able to examine them closer till spring. I prefer to go with the 39-48 engine, but if I can't find a good one I will use the later engine. I'm having my rails shipped up in the spring also and will be starting on the frame when they arrive. I already have a ford 9", and a fellow rodder is thinking of changing over his four bar front end from all painted to all chrome and will sell me the painted one when he does the swap.
    My biggest drawback will be the body, I love the 32 five window, but can't afford a steel body, and I am not sure about a glass one. I could manage a steel roadster body, but I really like the coupe.
    We'll see.


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