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Thread: the new Deluxe Gal?

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  1. #1
    HiboyGal's Avatar
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    the new Deluxe Gal?


    Not quite (guess I am not pretty enough to qualify ) but I am pretty enough to have a small photo of me on page 16 of the Deluze current issue hehehehe...

    Well, beggers can't be choosers

    I didn't even know I was in the issue, a friend called me and said: "hey, are you going to autograph my magazine for me?" (of course he was kidding), so I go: "?? what magazine??" and that's how I found out. My reaction to the news:

    , then: , then

    but I'm over it now

  2. #2
    moparjack44's Avatar
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    No picture you can share?
    Congrats on the magazine picture. Page 16 not bad, unless only 14 pages in the magazine.


  3. #3
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    I would not be too upset about it, do you really want to be connected with such trash, not implying anything bad about your looks, but in all honesty they do not choose the best models in ol skool rods or deluxe, and you appear to have more class than those girls, just my opinion

  4. #4
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Oh and btw congrats on the other pic though, from my experience with those two mags, they usually only put there buddies pics in there, so you are a little special

  5. #5
    HiboyGal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotroddaddy
    Oh and btw congrats on the other pic though, from my experience with those two mags, they usually only put there buddies pics in there, so you are a little special
    2 mags? No, I only know of one, but since it was coverage of the Pimer nationals 2006, I could be in more than one magazine, if more than one is covering that event in their current issue...


    The only reason they published my photo is cause Hiboy took 1rt place (one of the 7 cars picked in each class) so they snapped photos of me when I went onstage to get my trophy.

    For more details and muy own photos of the event see http://www.bettatalk.com/first_car_show.htm

  6. #6
    HiboyGal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotroddaddy
    I would not be too upset about it, do you really want to be connected with such trash, not implying anything bad about your looks, but in all honesty they do not choose the best models in ol skool rods or deluxe, and you appear to have more class than those girls, just my opinion
    Yes, the deluxe models are sometimes drop dead gorgeous but invariably look very "nasty" ... In a vulgar kinda way... As opposed to a Marylin Monroe glamor sexy pin up kinda way... Which I favor.... Too bad... but I guess that's what sells?

  7. #7
    j_nigrelli is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    that's okay, too.

    i only like "classy" ladies who wear leopard print
    Last edited by j_nigrelli; 01-05-2007 at 04:54 PM.

  8. #8
    kitz's Avatar
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    Very nice and respectful IMO as is all of your work.

    But the world abounds with exploiters so please beware as I'm sure you are.

    And I am a bit jealous. I built (still building) mine piece by piece pretty much and it will never have the accolades of yours as I am a big fat ugly dude. Although I do know some sexy mammas who would pose sexy for it!

    But that is OK. Mine would blow yours off the road in a race, and somehow being the dumb-ass man I am, I take solace in that.

    OK, acceptance, keep up the good work, and peace out, Dr. Kitz
    Jon Kitzmiller, MSME, PhD EE, 32 Ford Hiboy Roadster, Cornhusker frame, Heidts IFS/IRS, 3.50 Posi, Lone Star body, Lone Star/Kitz internal frame, ZZ502/550, TH400

  9. #9
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    I was not saying you were in both, i was implying both mags ,cause they are owned by the same company, who also owns the horse magazine

  10. #10
    HiboyGal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kitz
    And I am a bit jealous. I built (still building) mine piece by piece pretty much and it will never have the accolades of yours as I am a big fat ugly dude.
    Oh now you make it sound so bad... Nothing a little diet, sex change and good shaving razor couldn't fix ...

    But seriously, I think the reason Hiboy is getting some attention is not only because I am a girl owner (it's true, you don't see a woman owning a 32 Hiboy everyday - to say the least), but also because I am out there driving the beast 1000 miles a month and very active, going to car meets, car shows, car cruises, contributing, participating and supporting the hobby and hotrod scene of my local area.

    Do I see car drag racing in my future?

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm .... NOT

    Although I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy going from a full stop to flooring the gas pedal in 0.1 seconds and doing a nice burnout... And I'll be darn if any car can ever take off faster than me when at a red traffic light. Unless the other car is a hotrod too, that is

    I don't care for top speed but I am a sucker for launch. And would love to tweak Hiboy to make him launch faster than he already is... Maybe in 2008, cause in 2007 I still have a LOT of basic fixing up to do, such as:

    1- replacing the entire wiring
    2- replacing read chocks
    3- doing wheel alignment and balance
    4- restoring and adding the two 1932 original louvered hood side panels I got on ebay last fall.
    5- redoing the seat cause it is KILLING my back and noone wants to ride with me because of it
    6- redoing the carpetting
    7- getting a good flat black paint job
    8- adding an electric brake booster
    9- getting the progressive linkage to work
    10- polishing intake manifold
    11- powder coating 1941 wheels
    12- restoring 1941 hubcaps
    13- redoing exhaust - Cherry bombs? headers? What? hiboy sounds lovely but he's way too polite... I want him to get louder...

    the list goes on and on... THEN I can add: Adding more power?

  11. #11
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    I agree faith, I think the reasons you and the rod are getting attention is because of a combination of things. First of all, you are proactive, and really enthusiastic about it. Lots of women have neat cars, but how often do they get on here and mix it up with the guys? You have a good attitude about the car and the hobby, and you don't really give a d*** if people like it or not.

    Secondly, your car is pretty neat looking. Sure, it has some shortcomings you want to correct............never had one that didn't. But overall the car has that true hot rod look, and commands attention on it's own.

    Your enthusiasm for this hobby is nice to see, and maybe some of your stuff is a little over the top, but that is ok. It is you, and that is all that matters. Plus, you are doing what hot rods are built to do........drive the wheels off of them. No dust collecting on your Deuce.

    Keep having fun, that is the true sign of a real hot rodder, and regardless of what you may have heard other places, you are a true hot rodder.


  12. #12
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Just a note of caution. That is a long list of accomplishments for one year...and a lot of $$$$$.... I have seen people get into hot rodding via a bought driver, then get so intense and involved in so many aspects of the hobby that when there achievements fall short of their projected goals, burnout sets in and they're gone. Been doing this stuff for 40 years, just a recomendation to set some realistic short term goals, and leave the rest as long range plans. Taking on too much is usually a real quick trip to burnout city...... JMO
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  13. #13
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Some time back I copied some pics from an ebay listing that I thought caught a '32 hiboy format pretty nicely. Just ran across them while cleaning up my photo files.
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  14. #14
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Wait.......there's more!!!
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    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

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  15. #15
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    It is nice. Not nuts about the whitish frame, but otherwise is sharp.


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