Thread: new guy here with a 32
02-04-2007 06:19 PM #1
new guy here with a 32
well ive been off line for a while but im back to stay , ill be posting a bunch now here and id like to say hi to everyonei have a 32 ford highboy all steal roadster im building and hopefully i can get it on the road by summers end at least , im from forked river nj and if anyone else is in my area give me a shout it would be nice to meet some hotrod people ...
nothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
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02-04-2007 06:22 PM #2
PICTURES,PICTURES,PICTURES, it aint a motor it's a car, body pics, chassis pics, the works."aerodynamics are for people who cant build engines"
Enzo Ferrari
02-05-2007 06:33 AM #3
Love to see it as you move forward..... I am on the east coast so maybe we will run into each other at some point
02-05-2007 07:34 AM #4
Welcome to here. Please make youself at home and visit often.
02-06-2007 08:30 AM #5
Welcome to the Deuce Den (where the Kooooool people hang out hehe)
You are going to have a lot of fun with your roadster I can garantee it!
02-06-2007 01:37 PM #6
thanks guy and gals ...well im getting my stuff together to get the project on its way again it has been a year almost it has sat due to construction of my new garagenothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
02-06-2007 04:48 PM #7
Welcome, i'm a newbie here also. Love to see some pictures of your roadster.
02-06-2007 05:36 PM #8
Always good to see another 32 Ford owner post here ...
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures ...Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
02-06-2007 06:06 PM #9
i have a few click on the camera in my profile picnothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
02-08-2007 08:44 PM #10
looks like my brookville body maybe ready for delivery in june !!! cant wait ,nothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
02-19-2007 07:59 PM #11
moon style tank or no ?? tring to deside or maybe a seperate speaderbar for a differntlook once in a while..nothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
02-19-2007 08:06 PM #12
hey godspeed32 what year is the vet you're hiding under the car cover??
02-19-2007 08:20 PM #13
64 , with 327 ....added the 67 side pipe too...nothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
02-20-2007 06:59 AM #14
Welcome. Nice looking build you've got going. We will all be looking forward to the progress you will be making.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
02-20-2007 09:41 AM #15
here are some pics of my parts so you can vision what this will turn out like..nothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
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