Thread: My first NEAR CRASH
02-19-2007 12:57 PM #1
SUVs should be illigal. People driving SUV, while half asleep at the wheel and trying to still rush to work should be arrested and given the electric chair
Anywhoo, I was driving to work minding my own business, going SLOW (thanks God) when this loonie driving a large SUV decided to drive ACROSS my lane (as in cross it at a 90 degree angle) and decide to do ZAT as I was 10 feet away. He simply forgot to look for oncoming traffic as he decided to take his 'oh so illegal and ever so STUPID' short cut.
Well, this chick has excellent reflexes so her foot hit the brake pedal in 0.0001 second and much to her surprise, she was to find out that her 1940 drum brake DO brake afterall. All 4 wheels came to a complete stop, but the Hiboy kept going...
As I heard the screetching sound of my tires as they skid across the last few miserable feet of asphalt that were still seperating me from the SUV WALL OF DEATH, all I could think in my head was:
OH NOOOOO MY ROADSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hiboy was now sliding a bit sideways and there was no way in hell I would have had time to pump the brake a second time to unblock the wheels, cause the SUV was only 4 feet away and I was almost already on him.
Ironically never did it cross my mind to fear for my own safety at all. ALL I could think about was HIBOY getting smashed into a stupid god darn SUV. And how twisted he woud look
Well, HIboy was smart enough to stop about a feet (or less?) from the SUV.
And the SUV then had ONE PISSED OFF HOTROD GIRL on his hands! To his defense I must say he was SO VERY SORRY, I could tell he felt really bad, especially because of the type of car he almost caused to crash. he immediately put his reverse and backed out of my lane (well thank you so very much!!)
Did I swear at him? Of course not, I am too much of a lady for that. But I did vehemently wave both my arms at him and yell:
Well, I was pretty shaken after that, so Hiboy and I really went SLLLLOOOOW to work. I was so grateful to be able to drive away in one piece, with not a single scratch on my baby. PSHHHHHT that was CLOSE.FAITH
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02-19-2007 02:08 PM #2
Faith, That kind of driving happens here in South Florida all too often. Lot of discourteous drivers. Glad it didn't any cause you anything more than a scare and a little anger. Jim - BTW, I enjoyed your short video last week.
02-19-2007 02:38 PM #3
Sure glad ya didn't get banged up HiboyGal. Just knowing you'd probably come out on the short end of the stick locking bumpers with an SUV. I worry about that type of thing when driving my T coupe. Going down the freeway I just try to stay as far away as I can from the other cars.
Glad your OK!!
Larry M.Every Day I Wake Up Above Ground Is a Good Day!!
02-19-2007 03:19 PM #4
Makes you appreciate doing your brakes and suspension a little more now, doesn't it ? The 100's you spent on those 2 jobs have probably saved you 1000's now and some skin thrown in as well. Cause they certainly made highboy's reaction times quicker as well......
Oh, glad you 2 are okay and made it."aerodynamics are for people who cant build engines"
Enzo Ferrari
02-19-2007 03:42 PM #5
That's the reason many of us don't use Hot Rods as daily drivers, too many idiots on the road.... With all the cell phone users pretending to be drivers and other such idiots, it's scary enough having a nice car out on weekends and evenings....Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
02-19-2007 04:12 PM #6
Glad to hear it was a near miss and them ol'brakes aren't so bad. I try not think what would happen to me if i were to have an accident in my roadster. There isn't a lot of protection in open top cars. Incidently, do you have seats belts?
I have fitted lap belts in my roadster and insist that anyone traveling in it wears them. If you don't have them, maybe you should consider fitting them.
I did about 3000miles during my holiday in the US and found the driving standards excellent. You ought to see it over here!!!
02-19-2007 04:32 PM #7
Glad to hear they didn't bruise your sweet .................................ride.
02-19-2007 06:34 PM #8
Glad to hear you're ok Faith,it would be a shame for anything to happen to you or that fine ol piece of Henry steel.I encounter the same kind of total disrespect when I ride my Harley.There's an old saying that I try to live by ,"ride like you're invisible".
02-19-2007 07:15 PM #9
My 32 is in sick bay NOW because of a white SUV ...Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
02-19-2007 07:47 PM #10
SUVs don't kill Deuces.......People kill Deuces..
Actually, you can't kill a deuce, they just get rebuilt...............
02-19-2007 08:03 PM #11
the sad thing suv vs. duece ......suv wins and lives to tell the talenothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
02-19-2007 08:11 PM #12
Let me guess... Only one person in the huge gas guzzler.
02-20-2007 07:43 AM #13
Glad ya both came out unbent.
I am not mathce for a SUV, but the ole 48 DeSoto stands a better chance than a Deuce roadster.
02-20-2007 07:58 AM #14
People just are nuts anymore, especially when behind the wheel. When I worked at the body shop, we had the City of Cape Coral as an account..........we fixed the wrecked police cars. When they were done I would drive them back to the City lot and drop them off.
Here I would be, in a full dress police cruiser, with tinted glass so they didn't know if I was an Officer or not, and people would be tailgating me, cut me off, or blow past me like I wasn't there. I could have been a cop, and they didn't really care.
One time a guy cut me off, so I moved up closer to him, so he moved to the next lane. I also moved right behind him. Now he is sort of getting the message a cop is tailing him, so he moves over one more lane.I do the same. Now he has to be crapping himself, because he slows way down. After a while he puts on his blinker and turns off, hoping to God I don't follow, and I didn't. I had my fun, and it felt good for a change to be able to scare one of these idiots.
Good thing I'm not a cop, my ticket book would be full every day.
02-20-2007 12:16 PM #15
Close - but that only counts in the games of horseshoes and hand grenades.
NY has a no hand held cell phone use by drivers - the local cops don't even pay attention unless there is an accident, and then only if there is a complaint. I'm in the process of documenting kid filled SUVs and minivans driven by soccer moms (they are by far, the worst here)that I've had close ones with to lay on our county sheriff for action. It is also a 3 license point/$150 min fine for a first offense.Dave
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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