Thread: deuce week recap
02-26-2007 11:13 PM #1
deuce week recap
Well, it's official, the 75th anniversary of the Deuce celebrations are officially over, here in LA.
So how did Deuce week go?
The awesome group cruise on Thursday got RAINED ON and as a result, only about 25 cars showed up. I had been waiting for this day for over a month so imagine my disapointment when the rain started pouring at 6AM that morning. I decided to still go but drove my 2002 truck instead to the Nethercutt collection and was glad I did go because it was OUT OF THIS WORLD. By far the most impressive collection of pre 50's cars I have ever seen so far. The majority of them were 20's and 30's cars. And to think the museum is open to the public FREE OF CHARGE! It needs more exposure, many do not know anything about it!
Thursday noon I quickly ran home and swapped my "ordinary" 2002 truck for my NOT SO ORDINARY Hiboy hehe and drove to the Sage brush cantina in time to catch up with the rest of the group. We had a buffet lunch (not so good) and then it started pouring rain again. I had a blast driving home and could barely see the road, despite my goggles. But since I only live 5 min away, I made it OK.
Thursday night was Gala dinner so I drove back to the museum, in my truck again (still raining GRRR)... We froze our you know what off as the dinner party was held under a tent, outside and NO HEATERS were provided. Nonetheless, to see all the legends sitting on stage and telling stories of the "good old days" was a real treat.
Oh, you guys are gonna love this one: I sat at a table and next to me were sitting two LA roadsters members. Much to my surprise, they both were VERY nice to me and seemed to be truly NICE guys. One of them, when he heard (news travelled fast) that I drove my roadster under pouring rain was like: "A die hard! That's fantastic!!" the other insisted I go to their car show and as much as I declined (due to the fact they do not allow flat paint cars in) he insisted so much I am now thinking I "might" go after all... Well, we'll see.
But back to Deuce week. Friday they had a concert and guitar auction. I did not go cause it was too expensive and I need to spend my money on my hotrodI hear it was awesome... Oh well, maybe next year when I have a RICH husband
Saturday was the actual one day show. Woke up at 4Am and boy was it a cold drive. Made it OK and saw the largest gathering of 1932s in one spot to date. Quite a treat! Several hundreds to be exact. I SAW MORE HIBOYS THERE IN ONE DAY THAN I HAVE ALL YEAR! I also meet a lady who owns her own 32 hiboy and drove it all the way from Texas for the show.The car was a present form her son and husband who are pro hotrod builders.
Once again we froze our fannies cause the show was held inside the parking structure (no sun, no heaters, and breezy). we all bundled up best as we could. Mostly the ladies suffered, cause you know it's hard to look good and be warm
we all left around 4PM and I cruised up Pacific Coast HIghway and up the canyon roads for the first time. Hiboy handled real well and it was a lovely drive.
YES I FILMED THE DEUCE WEEK SHOW and if you guys BEHAVE I "might" get some footage edited and post it
Well, that's it folks, till next time,
Highboy Girl is off to bed (pretty beat)FAITH
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02-27-2007 07:02 AM #2
YES I FILMED THE DEUCE WEEK SHOW and if you guys BEHAVE I "might" get some footage edited and post it
I'll try my best.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
02-27-2007 07:42 AM #3
I like this 3W @ Petersons ...Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
02-27-2007 10:27 AM #4
Here is a photobucket link to a few more ... 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
03-01-2007 09:08 AM #5
Ah ah ah ah ah ... Wait til you see my footage... I actually explored quite a few Deuces with the camera, UP CLOSE and personal and even gave my two cents about each one (just my own personal opinions about what I liked about the car - or did not particularly care for).
I have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO busy. Slammed in fact. I REALLY want to capture the footage so I can load it up on the net for you guys.
(sigh) - if only I had 4 arms, 6 hands and 48 hour days!FAITH
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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