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Thread: Ship in a bottle?,... Wayward Deuce in a Basement !

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  1. #1
    highboy32's Avatar
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    Ship in a bottle?,... Wayward Deuce in a Basement !


    Hey Guy's,

    Just thought you would all get a kick out of this, Years ago I found a Deuce 5/W genuine 50's Hot Rod, 331 Caddy, 39 trans, shortened 40 Rear, I pulled out all that stuff and did a Street rod out of it, Sold it in the 70's and regretted it from that moment on. Fast forward 33 years, I always tried to get the car back but no luck. the car was taken apart for a total rebuild, finally last summer I was able to strike a deal to get the body back, I ordered new sub rails from McPhersons and they got way back ordered, I needed the space in the Garage for another project,....... so my Son and I moved it into the basement, My Wife went ballistic when she seen it, she asked how was I going to get it out? I told her I wasn't, I was going to get a big screen TV and put it in front of it so we could have a "Indoor drive in theater",...... she didnt think that was funny.

    The first picture was when I drug it home 39 years ago, that's my Dad standing there, He was really upset, I was trying to get the garage cleaned out to stash it before he got home from work, but he got home to early, took the picture with my sisters "Polaroid Swinger" camera, I had just finished a Deuce Roadster in the garage. and Dad was planing on parking his car in the garage that winter,.... (my Dad was the greatest)

    The next pictures are on the way home, stopped in Birch Run for fuel and took these shots,... finally the Deuce in the basement,..... I have a couple cars to finish first but I hope to get to this one soon,......

    And the best part, the Cad engine, 39 Trans & 40 Rear end,....... was covered up in my folks garage all these years, brought them home about 5 years ago,It will be rebuilt as the original owner/builder had planned with all the original parts............... Just thought this story would give you guys a grin.
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  2. #2
    highboy32's Avatar
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    And the last three,...
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    Last edited by highboy32; 05-15-2007 at 02:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Nothin' like a good little love story..............
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  4. #4
    nitrowarrior's Avatar
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    Brother, I think I lived that story. My similiar dilema was a 37 International truck. I too was trying to hide it until I could break the news to my Dad. I had a 331 Cad motor to put in and that really got him fired up. He wanted it for his 48 Ford pickup. I relented to give him the Caddy motor so he brought home a 413 Dodge Hemi for my truck. I think I came out better in the deal. Thanks Highboy, good to go down memory lane once in a while.
    What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?

  5. #5
    brickman's Avatar
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    That is a great story, so is the car a start to a Jay Leno type thing where youhave a building full of cars?
    "Sunshine, a street rod and a winding beautiful Ozarks road is truely Bliss!"

  6. #6
    highboy32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brickman
    That is a great story, so is the car a start to a Jay Leno type thing where you have a building full of cars?
    Well here is the garage (or "Home entertainment center"),... I don't think I have a picture of the barn. but it's a "Poe man collection"
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  7. #7
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    hey that,s cool ...nice stuff i see your from mich i seen that when you said birch run been thru there many times
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 05-15-2007 at 07:36 PM.

  8. #8
    BradC's Avatar
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    Great story, I did an airplane wing in the basement, because it was winter and I didn't have a garage. The exwife didn't thing it was funny when I had to knock a couple of blocks out of the foundation to get the wing out.
    Oh well I had fun.

  9. #9
    R Pope is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    My brother and I o'hauled a big ol' Indian bike in the basement, took it down there in pieces. Had to tow it up the stairs with a tractor, dam near tore the side out of the house! Our old Dad just stood by, shaking his head in amazement.

  10. #10
    nitrowarrior's Avatar
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    Pope, was that amazement or disgust?... I alwys thought my dad's dissapproval was amazement until later in life, I figured out it was him biting his tingue so as not ot teach us new cuss words.......
    What if the "Hokey Pokey" is what it's really all about?

  11. #11
    R Pope is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well, with three teenage boys in the house, he had plenty of opportunities to cuss! But we had an uncle that supplied us with all the words, directing them at his own three. The six of us kinda ran wild all over this country for many years.

  12. #12
    46 tudorford is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by R Pope
    My brother and I o'hauled a big ol' Indian bike in the basement, took it down there in pieces. Had to tow it up the stairs with a tractor, dam near tore the side out of the house! Our old Dad just stood by, shaking his head in amazement.
    My brother re built a 36 Harley VL in dad's basement. We had to get about 4 other guys to come over and help us carry it out by hand (Man those things are heavy).

    I re built a 65 Mustang in dad's garage when I was in college. He was really mad when the biggest hail storm in our history came through and totaled his brand new car and pick up while my mustang was in primer in the garage.

  13. #13
    highboy32's Avatar
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    If you will all indulge me for a moment,

    My Dad was the greatest ! ( as I am sure most of you feel about your Dad's)
    A WWII Combat Vet ( that never talked about it until after I got back home,... he helped me keep it between the lines.), A Test Driver for Ford Motor Co. for 38 years, and a fantastic singer. In the 60's when my Brother and I were growing up, Dad never understood our fascination with old cars, but never discouraged it, the 60's were a weird time and he was worried about us guy's getting involved in some bad stuff, So when we started dragging home old cars and fixing them up, our cars were in his garage, and his car was out all year in the rain and snow. In my minds eye I can still see him standing at the kitchen window watching me and my buddies work on all of our Hot Rods in the back yard,.... in the winter sometimes he would bring me out a hot cup of coffee, and try to act interested in what I was doing. This Deuce Coupe and my 66 Fairlane were still there for me when I came home from over seas, the Coupe still sitting right where I left it (Dad kept the tires pumped up and covered it).
    We locked horns a lot when I was a Teen, but as time went on he became my best friend, counselor & confidant,... Dad passed away 15 years ago last month from a tough fight with cancer, and words can't express how much I still miss him, every time I see that old picture it effects me.,.............
    well, sorry to get all sappy on you guys, but with that picture of Dad on here
    I felt he deserved this recognition,....... Thanks for indulging me.

  14. #14
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thank you for sharing a wonderful, touching rememberance of your Dad. Mine died when I was almost 12, so I never got to experience the things you did, and I miss having him around when I was growing up. I swore I would always be there for my own two Sons, and hopefully have done that.

    The fact that you feel so strongly about him, and the things he did to make you the man you are speak volumes about his character. I am one of those people who believe the ones who pass over never really leave us, so I bet he is still there watching you build your car, and smiling.

    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 05-16-2007 at 12:11 PM.

  15. #15
    Troglodyte's Avatar
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    Gee guys....I feel left out. You see, I was a perfect child, never got into trouble and ALWAYS played well with others. When I got an old car, I always asked permission first, then always kept the work area spotless and put away my tools when finished...............uh, any body buying this???

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