Thread: Roadster driving glasses
07-07-2007 10:08 PM #1
Roadster driving glasses
Ok- I'm an old fart & I wear prescription glasses. For years, I've been able to get by w/ a pair of RX Ray Bans. No more. My eyes dry out before I hit the 1st stop light. I've been getting by with a pair of goggles over my glasses but they aren't exactly cool & I catch a ton of grief from my buddies over them. Like- where did I park the bi-plane?
So- I've been shopping for RX driving sunglasses- like some of the Harley guys use.
1st stop- Panoptx & specifically the Bora CV RX
I want day & night lense, removeable foam , & straps to convert to goggles if I desire.
So- I order them at my local Harley Davidson store & gave them my doctor's prescription. 3 weeks later, they call & say they can't make them. The max Panoptx will do is a +3 & mine is a +4.5 I get a refund.
Next- Wiley X
I like lots of the Wiley X but guess what? They sell the frames & it's up to you to take to your RX & have the prescription filled. I find out the lense is too curved to work with- especially w/ my +4.5 (or they aren't interested)
So my question to all you roadster guys-
What are you wearing & how many are RX & how strong?
What are my options besides goggles over my existing glasses?
Even more important- where are you buying them? I want 1 stop shopping.
I found several places on line but for RX glasses? Safe & accurate?
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07-07-2007 10:29 PM #2
Laser surgery ... to correct your eye sight ... then Raybans will work ...
I am NOT a good candidate ... but 4 or 5 of my friends and/or fellow workers had it done ... and LOVE the results ... and no glasses.
07-07-2007 10:41 PM #3
My RX changes every year so Lasix is out. Trust me- I would have it done if I could.
07-08-2007 01:03 AM #4
Try OAKLEY, they had an RX sport sun glass product some time ago.
07-08-2007 08:00 AM #5
Are you sitting out in the windstream?
I drive my 2" chopped windshield 32 roadster in the dry Arizona desert without problems.
I do sit an inch or two higher than optimum, but windflow goes up and over when the top is off.
I wear transition lenses in an aviator style frame.
There used to be a place in Santa Barbara, California that would grind your prescip into a pair of glass lense goggles with split lenses.
(Take a look at what motorcycle road racers wore in the 50's and 60's.)
You may be able to find a pair of over-the-glasses goggles at a bike shop.
Look in the MX section.
Same deal at a ski shop.
They have some good ones nowadays.
I used to wear contacts riding in the desert and wear standard MX goggles.
Worked fine.C9
07-09-2007 11:12 AM #6
I have a pair of aviator goggles form WWI, Glass lenses with leather along the sides for a nice tight fit to your face. Also with a soft lambs wool for cushinging. Out side of that I would suggest contacts and raybans.
I wouldn't go for Laser surgery. Although most of the people I know had it done successfully, one did not -- went blind and another had an eye explode. Both are suing for big money, but loss of sight not worth any reward.Bob
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!
07-09-2007 12:18 PM #7
3 stores referred me to a local lab in an industrial complex.
They carry WileyX, so I tried on a few. I gave him my prescription & he said no problem. They have the removeable foam & the side pieces snap out & can be converted to goggles. I got the transition polycarbonite lense (night & day).
I asked how long (most said 3-5 weeks if they could do them), he said should be ready in 5-6 days.
And the bonus? They were $100 cheaper than even the internet.
07-09-2007 04:26 PM #8
After you get them if you are happy with the results please post the name and number of the company. I don't have an open cockpit ride, but need a prescription sunglass and would like it if it were something I could wear out when shooting, the snap in and out side pieces would be nifty for when I finally get another motorcycle.
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