07-11-2007 09:17 AM #16
Originally Posted by joeybsyc
Without sponsors the bigger shows would be to high for any of us to attend.
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07-12-2007 06:39 AM #17
Will your car be with you near the booth?Jason
07-12-2007 08:42 PM #18
yes....if I can get out of the hotel parking lot in the morning
07-15-2007 06:18 PM #19
Well, I am home from Columbus, and must say, I had an awesome time... Car ran flawlessly both there and back, had PERFECT weather, and met lots of great folks... Also wanted to take a moment to give my personal thanks to Iceburgh, who went WAY outta his way to fix some swirl marks on my buddy's 34 roadster. I had never actually met him before, just knew him through this website, but he treated me like a true friend...Sorry for the cliche', but he really was a "goodguy". Thanks! Here's a couple pics of the weekend, including some "on the road" shots, and an overhead shot of Iceburgh's deuce, taken from the skylift.Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
07-15-2007 06:21 PM #20
a few more pics...Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
07-15-2007 06:28 PM #21
You forgot the star of the event ...
The majority of the cars actually look better than most of the ones I saw at INDY ... and more pre early 50's also.
Glad you had a good time ...
07-15-2007 07:55 PM #22
Deuce, there were tons of cars in general...that's what I thought was cool about it, if you were into hi-tech, mega dollar Foose/Boyd inspired cars, there were tons to see, if you were into 60's musclecars or street machines, there were tons to see, heck if you were strictly into 32 fords only, you could have spent a full day just looking at those, all neatly lined up in 4 big rows side by side. I enjoyed looking at everything, and I'm sure there were tons of cars i never even got a chance to see. I really thought it was a neat show, and hope to go back next year. Here's a couple more Deuces i liked.Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
07-16-2007 06:49 AM #23
I Agree
"I never look down at anyone who's into the hobby, just because they don't drive what i might consider an ideal car. Alot of those 4 door, not so nice, not so hot looking cars are someone's pride and joy, and they are just doing the best they can with the money and know-how they have, and trying to enjoy the same hobby as everyone else."
07-16-2007 07:40 AM #24
The green 32 almost Roadster ( real roadsters do not have side windows ) ... must be a Dearborn Deuce car. The dash is a 32 3W style dash ... with the glove box and all ... Dearborn Deuce makes some of those dashes too ...
I like the 3W dash look ... in a roadster.
07-16-2007 07:44 AM #25
Originally Posted by joeybsyc
Lots more cars ...
More vendors inside too ...
Sadly, usually a bit warmer than the past weekend @ Columbus
07-16-2007 06:36 PM #26
I'd love to go to Louisville... if the weather was as nice for the trip as it was on thursday headed to Columbus, I'd be there in a heartbeat... I can honestly say it was the nicest ride i ever took in my roadster. If I would have turned around and just drove home after I got there it still would have been a perfect day, and an awesome ride. My car gets a little hairy in the rain, with no side curtains or wipers, so good weather is always a big factor for long trips. I will say that the bias ply tires did a fantastic job, and all 3 of the guys i was travelling with had 4 wheel independent suspension cars with radials. I was afraid I would hold them back, but ended up able to roll along just fine. What's the date for Louisville? Thats a good 10 hour trip for me, but I'm thinkin......Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
07-16-2007 07:21 PM #27
I had a great weekend...did not get to see as much as I would have liked but saw plenty and had more fun at the hotel parking lot in the evening.
I also was able to get a few items I needed for my pickup I am building.
Both your cars looked great...I will get a chance and post my pics and a link.
The green 32 was owned by a woman....looked pretty good.
07-16-2007 07:24 PM #28
Had our 32 there.. on tour for the next 3 weeks .... next stop Syracuse
07-16-2007 07:28 PM #29
Originally Posted by Deuce
The glove box has a ashtray and the AC control on on the drivers side kick panel
07-16-2007 07:43 PM #30
Originally Posted by joeybsyc
Go here ... http://www.nsra-usa.com/annual.htm
It is about 550 miles for me ...
I usually come home in 1 day ... but going up ... I like to wander thru Pigeon Forge TN and spend the night ... and arrive in Louisville mid day.
I have been to most all of them over the years. I was not @ Peoria ( But my 32 was) . I went to Memphis, Detroit, Oklahoma, St. Paul, Columbus, Syacuse and Louisville. My NSRA number is 20#* ... so I have been a member a LONG time.
Some of the years ... I drove my daily ... lately either the 40 Ford coupe or my roadster. Hope to have the 32 3W done by 2008.
Was planning on having the 3W ready for 2007 ... but stuff happens ...
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