Thread: drove the deuce!
09-16-2007 07:47 PM #1
drove the deuce!
well for the one whom followed my thread , i droive the car this weekend and i have too say this car is stupid fast and a blast to drive > . i had a few things to fix but im gonna say it was successful and now i really need to finish the windshield .nothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
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09-16-2007 08:03 PM #2
Sharp car Speed must have been a blast to get it out for a maiden run . Waiting on one of those Kodak moments myself .
09-16-2007 08:20 PM #3
Ok, we want YouTube!!!Want to hear that blower whine firsthand.
09-17-2007 09:13 PM #4
yeah it was a trip alright , i got the little one to go for a ride and we ran out of gas an 1/8 mile from home lol .....well she sat in car and i pushed it to house .....oh well , gas goes a lil faster in tank then gauge ..nothin like hearing those lake pipes roar!!!!
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