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Thread: Lizard Skin ceramic insulation?

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  1. #1
    stylingZ is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question Lizard Skin ceramic insulation?


    I am contemplating on using Lizard Skin ceramic insulation on the inside of my roadster. The distributor claims this same ceramic insulation is an excellent product to use on the underside of my running boards and fenders. He claims this will really prevent "rock stars" the ceramic insulation is applied thickly. Have any of you used Lizard Skin in this manner and what are your thoughts or recommendations?

  2. #2
    29arod's Avatar
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    I recently used a ceramic product called Cool Car and was pleased with it performance in my car. It is just as effective as lizard skin.... Check out the following link for pictures of the application.


  3. #3
    stylingZ is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    29arod, your pics looked much better than the examples of the other vehicles on their website. Did you use a Shultz gun to apply the Cool Car product or did you use the AR-1 gun? I am wanting a decent looking appearance under my fenders and running boards because it will be painted over in a light color. If the Cool Car product looks as runny and poor on all the other vehicles their website (yours looked good) you could not pay me to put that on my vehicle. Perhaps I will stick with Lizard Skin! Thanks for you input and I'm curious as to how you applied yours not to mention the size of the tip on your gun if you used one. Thanks

  4. #4
    29arod's Avatar
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    I used the AR-1 gun recommended by Cool Car to apply the coating... I covered the firewall, floor boards, and the inside of the body behind the seat and below the windows. The application was done over three days. The finish was smooth and very much like a sprayed in truck liner. It is my intention to also coat under the fenders and the running boards.

    This past month my car took one of 10 best of show awards from a field of 105 cars.... no carpet only the cool car finish ..... I agree with you the other photos are not very good.


  5. #5
    29arod's Avatar
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    If you hold the gun to close for two long it will run. I tried it first on scrap and found that a distance of 8-10 inches worked well. Keep the gun moving and mask well.... I had no issues with runs even on the vertical firewall!

    It is my understanding that both product are formulated about the same and the end result depends on how it is applied. Good luck with your choice.

  6. #6
    stylingZ is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    29arod, how thick did you apply the Cool Car on the inside? What thickness do you think you will be using under your fenders & running boards? I just hoping this will stop the staring when it is used on my metal fenders? I do not know if staring is more prominent on fiberglass cars as opposed to metal fendered cars? Thanks for the advice on the distance to hold the gun from the surface being shot!

  7. #7
    mopar34's Avatar
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    I have not used either product yet, but have heard from builders. They mostly use Lizard Skin and swear by it. Cool Car's product was on the market about 2 years before Lizard Skin. I don't think you can go wrong with either product, both are excellent from what I have heard.

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  8. #8
    29arod's Avatar
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    Each surface was coated twice (40mils overall)

    I will only coat the underside of the fenders and running board once to about 20 mils. My car is all original steel also, no fiberglass. You are on your own regarding starring! Be sure you have a good compressor and maintain a constant application pressure of 70-75 psi or wait between each arch of the gun for the pressure to recover.

  9. #9
    sgo70's Avatar
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    I'm considering this for my '31 Model A, I figure two pails should be enough, any idea how much the gun is?? Of course it's between this and Lizard skin I guess they're pretty similar.

    It sounds like you just spray it on the raw steel, no primer, is this right?

    Last edited by sgo70; 07-26-2008 at 07:59 AM.

  10. #10
    mopar34's Avatar
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    Cool Car Ceramic is a one step operation. Product combines a heat barrier with a sound barrier. Lizard Skin is a two step operation, you need both their product for insulation as well as the one for sound proofing. I beleive that the gun for Cool Car is in the same price range as the one for Lizard Skin which is abut $140.00. Price used to be on their website but is not any longer.

    Both are excellent products, comes down to personal choice and maybe price, Cool Car might be a less expensive due to the single coat product. Best thin is to check both out.

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  11. #11
    Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgo70
    I figure two pails should be enough, any idea how much the gun is??
    I paid $130 for the Lizard Skin gun at the NSRA Nats South event this past May 2008. One pail of the heat treatment and one pail of sound treatment and the gun was $430 ... I goes on real nice and smooth. Cleans up nicely also. I have not YET driven the car yet ( in the process of painting it now ).

    The stuff is really HEAVY ...

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  12. #12
    bucs012 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Can you roll or brush on either product?

  13. #13
    shine's Avatar
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    i use lizardskin on the early vettes i do. the top of the wheel well is around 60 thousands. never used anything else , not likely to. their gun is adjustable .

  14. #14
    bucs012 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I was just informed today by a hot rod building company in Ohio that using ice and water shield (used in roofing and has a sticky backing) works very well and much less cost compared to lots of options.

    Just thought I would share that for what it's worth to anyone.

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