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Thread: Grille- yea or neh

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  1. #31
    lowbudget is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Good call Steve. The car really looks great.


  2. #32
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
    Bob Parmenter is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steves32
    Well- it doesn't do it for me anymore. I now hate the thing. What the hell was I thinking??? Thans for the kick in the azz- I needed it. I called the guy back east & if I ship it back in original box, he will give me a full refund. That's pretty cool. I mailed it this morning.

    Later- I'll start a new thread on different grilles to find out who to steer clear of & what's the best. There's a sea of grilles out there & many may be imported. Of course- they won't tell you that when you ask. I'll try & compile a list of venders & prices & we can run down the list. I think this will help more than just me.
    Remember- I'm new to these cars- all my experience is with Tri-fives & 40 Fords.
    Not to short circuit your plan for another thread, but to my knowledge there're only two sources of repop grilles in today's market. One is Vintique, the other is Dale's Manufacturing (it was a week or two ago we had a thread that covered this). They each have many dealers so it appears there are many sources, and of course each dealer is free to price at his own level, so there are a variety of price points. The general concensus (there's always going to be some level of disagreement)is that the Dale's is pretty accurate for fit, the Vintique ranks somewhat to much less so.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  3. #33
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter
    Not to short circuit your plan for another thread, but to my knowledge there're only two sources of repop grilles in today's market. One is Vintique, the other is Dale's Manufacturing (it was a week or two ago we had a thread that covered this). They each have many dealers so it appears there are many sources, and of course each dealer is free to price at his own level, so there are a variety of price points. The general concensus (there's always going to be some level of disagreement)is that the Dale's is pretty accurate for fit, the Vintique ranks somewhat to much less so.

    I have a Dale's and it's very nicely made - it was that @#$%#$ POS Brookville shell that needed to be massaged with a big body hammer and a small dolly. But then there were several other problems with the POS shell, too that I've discussed ad nauseum .
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  4. #34
    Steves32's Avatar
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    I called a bunch today (before I read Bob's response)
    Seems like many are supplied by Gearhead Enterprises. They won't tell me where they are made.

    So- there's only Dales & Vintique? That narrows it down alot. Who makes the one that Bob Drake sells? I called & they said they make their own. In fact- alot of them said that.
    There's also one made from Aluminum but I don't remember who now.

  5. #35
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    The old adage :

    are you trying to make youreself happy, or everyone else

    seems to apply.

    BUT.. one should consider that even if YOU love it, you may get tired of hearing the smart-assed opinionated comments eventually.

    Really, it is a nice grille, but probably not for your car.
    ( based on previous comments )
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  6. #36
    rc57's Avatar
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    I agree that your car looks awesome as is, but if you want different why not play around on paper and design your own. Draw your ideas in small scale first and if you come up with something cool, trace the outline of your insert and do it in large scale cardboard. jmo
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