Thread: Side Curtains
12-02-2007 12:51 PM #1
Side Curtains
I have a Bop top on the roadster, want to add side curtains, but really don't want to spend 1,000 for Sids. It's a 3" chopped windshield. Any help in finding one or how to make would be great. Joe
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12-04-2007 12:23 PM #2
Hard to believe no one here has a roadster with side curtains that can help out.
12-04-2007 01:09 PM #3
Well while the 1000.00 Sid Chaver's side curtains are expensive, personally thats the ONLY way I'd consider putting them on my car... sort of like when I got the top to begin with, I could have had some local shop or someone MAKE me some sort of top for your roadster, (or even made one myself) or bought some cheaper copycat version for less money than a real Bop Top, but it would never been the same, or look right. I feel the same way about home made side curtains for it... I don't have the 1000.00 curtains for mine either...but I know I'd never do anything to screw up the 3000.00 roof trying to jury-rig homemade ones onto it. I'm guessing that's the same thoughts others have had who own Bop Top's... they either have the real matching curtains or none at all.
If I decide I need em, I'll save up and get the real deals...I doubt I will, because even the real Sid Chaver's ones look rediculous on the car IMO. (I'd rather just get wet! ) If its any concillation, I actually got caught in a pretty good downpour this summer and barely any water came inside anyhow.
With all that said, if you're determined to get curtains cheaper, I'd try to copy the design of the originals as closely as possible, by either looking at pics on the website or even better, by making patterns from someone else's car with the real ones on it. Personally, i don't know anyone with the side curtains or I'd ask if i could make a pattern for ya.Last edited by joeybsyc; 12-04-2007 at 01:19 PM.
Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
12-04-2007 03:07 PM #4
Originally Posted by DennyW
Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
12-04-2007 04:41 PM #5
I just checked out the website again and call me crazy, but I think I'd have to be pretty damn wet before I put these on my deuce....even if they were free.
Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
12-04-2007 05:15 PM #6
You only need one major trip where it turns colder than a witches tit, its raining, your wife who isn't crazy about hotrods to begin with is setting beside you cold, soggy, and pissed off---and side curtains start to look pretty good---ugly or not. My advise, and I speak with the voice of experience, is ---if you can afford a hotrod---if you can afford a Bop Top---then pay the $1000, get the right thing, and be done with it. It only takes one screw up while trying to do something on the cheap to either screw up the paint job on the top of your doors, or screw up Sid's Bop top. Then you will pay $1000 for repairs, and another $1000 to buy the right side curtains.---BrianOld guy hot rodder
12-04-2007 05:24 PM #7
Wife? what's that?I agree with ya 100% though Brian... being cheap always just ends up costing you more in the end... I STILL think they're ugly though...
Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
12-04-2007 06:13 PM #8
Damn Denny---I love your design!!! But its disappeared??? And yes, I've thought about what you posted, and I,ve thought about designing my own for the roadster pickup. And---you know how it is with the roadster pickup---Its a custom built top that I designed and it does not lend itself well to having side curtains. If I was fortunate enough to have been able to buy a premade top from Sid Chavers, I would buy the correct mating side curtains from him as well. I have looked at using Lexan, fabric, combinations of both---but I am afraid of messing up the paint on my doortops (a well founded fear, you will remember---been down that road before). Heck, I'd be happy if spending $1000 would solve my side curtain issues!!!Old guy hot rodder
12-04-2007 10:06 PM #9
I always figured if it gets so bad I can't drive my roadster without windwings, side curtains, and all that junk, its time to buy a coupe!I already get picked on enough for driving around all summer with the top on!
Last edited by joeybsyc; 12-04-2007 at 10:15 PM.
Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
12-04-2007 10:26 PM #10
Occasionally here in the Pacific Northwest we have sunny but chilly days.
And it is nice to have a set of side curtains to snap on when you get the urge to
take your hot rod out for a cruise.
I have a set made very much like the ones pictured by Joe. They are extremely nice to have when the temp is around 30 or 40 degrees, and the wind chill factor bring it down to the teens.
I really don't care what they look like, I have such a big grin on my face it doesn't matter to me.
I will take a pic on Wednesday and post tomorrow night with the side curtains in place .
12-05-2007 05:55 AM #11
That's a sweet lil' pickup!Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
12-05-2007 06:41 AM #12
Originally Posted by joeybsyc
With the top on ... in my roadster ... It has to be a real gully washer for me to get wet. I had my Roadster out and about this past Sunday without the top ... it was almost 70 degrees here in the Southland. I do not have a heater in the Roadster ... and it only gets cold enough to keep the roadster in the garage ... a few weeks during the winter.
For the wife and I ... the main draw of the coupe is not a heater ... but A/C ... it gets HOT here in the Carolinas ...Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
12-05-2007 08:10 AM #13
I hope to eventually park a coupe in the garage beside my roadster... I'm thinkin' a traditionally styled deuce 5 window or maybe even an A bone. Trouble is, around here you can only drive either one about 6 months of the year anyhow... with all this darn snow I sometimes wish i was into 4WD trucks instead of hot rods!Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
12-05-2007 08:31 AM #14
Originally Posted by DennyW
Where did your picture go? I came back this morning and it's GONE.
I wanted to at least spend some more time with it to see if I could make it work on mine!!!!Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
12-05-2007 11:15 AM #15
Originally Posted by joeybsyc
Age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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