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Thread: Jacking car up

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  1. #1
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
    Itoldyouso is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by bucs012
    I assume I just use the front Pete and Jakes I Beam Axle to raise the front end?
    I kind of interpreted that you want to know if it is ok to put a jack under the axle itself to raise the car. If so, yes, it is where I jack up mine. I only have one floorjack that goes low enough to slide under mine, the rest are too tall. I just put a rag on top to protect the painted axle and lift it high enough to either put jackstands under the frame, or wheel ramps under the wheels.


  2. #2
    Offy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso
    I kind of interpreted that you want to know if it is ok to put a jack under the axle itself to raise the car. If so, yes, it is where I jack up mine. I only have one floorjack that goes low enough to slide under mine, the rest are too tall. I just put a rag on top to protect the painted axle and lift it high enough to either put jackstands under the frame, or wheel ramps under the wheels.

    I use the small Harbor Freight aluminum racing jack on my CE beam axel. I have about 3 1/2" between the axel and the ground and it slips in nicely with the removable cradle removed and a piece of carpet in it's place.

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