Thread: 32 Roadster vs Bicycle
07-24-2009 12:19 AM #16
I am with ya dave ,there was a big thread on another forum the other day about these people who drive thier cars and bicycle to the back roads with no shoulder and proceed to ride there like cars will not crush them and the road was only made for them.
I have no problem with the real bicycle ridrs that go acroos country and have no chioce but to use a 2 lane with no shoulder from time to time as thats the only way they have to go sometimes .
But these weekend warrior types that purposly go out to the 2 lanes with no shoulder ,especially out here in cali where millions have been spent to give them a safe place to ride and choose to ride there are intolerable. Many head on car to car and car to bicycle accidents happen from this.......I guess some people just think that no matter how inconsiderate or dangerous something is ,they have the right to do it.
I dont feel sorry for them at all ,when they end up in the ditch or all in a pile.....I dont wish anyone to get hurt or killed ,but these people are just asking for it do to thier actions.........END RANT.Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)
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07-24-2009 08:26 AM #17
Sorry about your buddies roadster(could have been worse).
When I came to Austin in 68 people here didn't hardly know what a bicycle was. They were still riding horses.
Since brother Lance (he's not going to win) tied down here,all you see are bicycle riders everywhere.We lose a few every now and then even our mayor almost bit the dust.
I used to love riding with the kids in the neighbor hood,but know it's out of hand.They (bikers) have started marking their own bike lanes here in the city,just to make a statement.
This city is going to the dogs. JMO.Don D
07-24-2009 10:58 AM #18
One of my favorite country motorcycle rides is on a two lane road, with an old one room school house. At points there are blind turns and steep hills. It's relatively a quiet road, yet almost half the time I ride it I run into several bicyclists riding three wide taking up my lane completely, and refusing to move over. I pulled over and talked to one group explaining that they were forcing me to go into oncoming traffic, and that they should consider everyones safety. I got the finger, so I'm afraid I passed the out riding guy closer than he felt comfortable as he nearly fell over, but hell I'm not dying for these idiots either!
When there is room to pull over and ride single file, they should, but don't. All I can say is Natural selection, These guys will slowly breed/ride themselves into extinction!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
07-24-2009 02:30 PM #19
In the state of Virginia, the lawman told me if I get caught passing a bicycle on a double yellow line, I get wrote up. So I asked him " So a bicycle doing 5 mph I have to follow and can't pass on a straight away with a double yellow?" He said "Yep".
Here we have a problem with single bike riders not riding to the right,... they will ride center of the lane, and they, like "Dare You" to pass. Some riders will also take down your plate if you pass, then call DMV and file a complaint. It's awful.
07-24-2009 05:34 PM #20
Gee, I almost hit a biker today at an on-ramp to I-95 in city traffic. He weaved in front of me because he wanted to stay on the smooth surface and avoid a crack in the siding while I was trying to make a right turn onto the ramp. A car would have gone right over that crack but he had to go around it into the right lane! Bikers in city traffic are especially dangerous because they seem to think they do not have to obey the lights and cross intersections whenever they feel like it. Defensive driving is the only answer but what if the biker is an idiot? It's a jungle out there!
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
07-24-2009 07:55 PM #21
Speaking of bikes, mines done.. 66cc 2 stroke single speed.. 11 tooth engine sprocket, 44 tooth drive sprocket , gutted muffler into expansion chamber, rejetted.. installed speedometer and right now a top speed of 18 MPH.. once broke in, I might actully be able to take on a VespaYou don't know what you've got til it's gone
Matt's 1951 Chevy Fleetline- Driver
1967 Ford Falcon- Sold
1930's styled hand built ratrod project
1974 Volkswagen Super Beetle Wolfsburg Edition- sold
07-25-2009 07:58 AM #22
Heard from Chick last week, Roadster is all fixed and back on the road.Fresh motor and all.
07-25-2009 08:14 AM #23
Yeah Mike, I talked with him also.
He sent me the video of the new blower motor on the dyno.
Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Said he'll B DTPOOI (drivin the piss outta it) fer sure now.
Wasn't too bad B4, but it'll definatly B a rocket ship now!!!!!!!!!!When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>
08-07-2009 10:38 AM #24
08-07-2009 11:50 AM #25
Those who wear the Pinocco pants should be required to obey
all the traffic laws and have financial responsibility proof IF they
want equal rights on the public roads...but they want the
benefits without the responsibility.
The Arizona motto is "give 'em a brake"......brake a leg, an
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress