Thread: 32 Roadster vs Bicycle
03-23-2009 07:59 AM #1
32 Roadster vs Bicycle
Just got this from a buddy of mine.
Seems he was out on a little cruise on Saturday and came across a pack of bicyclist. They were comin down the hill, he was goin up.
1 of them lost control and OPPS- and found the front end of his roadster.
The biker is ok and my buddy said the Roadster will B fixed by next week.
All are ok.
When I get to where I was goin, I forgot why I went there>
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03-23-2009 08:20 AM #2
Yeah................Share the road.Give me something to cut with, I'm going to build a Hotrod
03-23-2009 08:52 AM #3
Everybody's luck obviously was in good order that day. Could have been a lot worse. Biker could have gone over radiator, into windshield hitting your buddy in the head and doing serious physical damage. Biker could have ended up terminal as well.
Bicyclist can be a damaging as a flock of geese in an air traffic lane.
Glad everybody, except the car and the bike, was okay in this accident.Bob
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!
03-23-2009 10:18 AM #4
Wow, seems like a lot of hot rods are getting bo-boes lately. Glad no one was seriously hurt. As Sgt Esterhaus used to say "Let's be careful out there."
PatOf course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong!
03-23-2009 11:46 AM #5
Damn bikers is right, passing em on corners or on hills is enough of a pain in the ass. Tip for all of you bikers out their keep to the trails!
03-23-2009 12:06 PM #6
I KNEW all that bunk about bike riding being good for your health wasn't true!!
03-23-2009 12:21 PM #7
Youch! We have major biker issues around here. There is a group of individuals who believe our roads were made for bicyclist instead of cars! So fanatics to that extent organize a ride through San Francisco called Critical Mass, everyone else calls it Critical Mess! They do this during rush hour traffic. It unfortunately gives normal people who enjoy bicycling a bad rep they may not desrve and incourages road rage! I'm glad both car and people's are safe!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
03-23-2009 01:39 PM #8
That`s a lot of damage for hitting a bike!! Glad all is fairly well.
03-23-2009 03:11 PM #9
Ouch is right!!
The mayor of Portland, Sam Adams (also in trouble for doing bad things with teenage boy - but that's another story) wants to make Portland a "car free" city. We have poured millions into bike lanes and experience some real snarls downtown also due to Critical Mass.
I live out in the country and there's nothin' worse than coming around a corner doing the legal limit and having a pack of bicyclist spread across your lane - especially when there's oncoming traffic!
I'm all in favor of "sharing the road" but jeeze louise, there are some bicyclists that truly believe all cars are evil and we are the ones that should bow to their whims and stop driving anything motorized. I passed a group on my Harley and gave it a "wee bit o' gas" (okay - so it was pretty hard in second) and looked into my mirror to see a domino effect with about thirty bikes go down. I thought, "should I go back and render aid?" Until I saw them all flippin' me the bird and figgered they were not too pleased with the "V-Twin" relative. As luck would have it, there was a County Sheriff down the road about two miles and I stopped and told him what had happened - He said not to worry, that he'd look into it and thanked me for being a concerned citizen. I was really glad that the sheriff was on an Electra-glide.
Y'all ride safe out there, ya hear..
GlennLast edited by glennsexton; 03-23-2009 at 06:16 PM.
"Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." John Basil Barnhil
03-23-2009 05:57 PM #10
go on e bay motors type in train horn there about 275.00 inc. shipping but they are worth it they are so loud that thy shake everytinig for 500ft and scare the pee out of everybody anywhere around........tedI'LL KEEP MY PROPERTY, MY MONEY, MY FREEDOM, AND MY GUNS, AND YOU CAN KEEP THE CHANGE------ THE PROBLEM WITH LIBERALISM IS SOONER OR LATER YOU RUN OUT OF OTHER PEOPLES MONEY margaret thacher 1984
07-23-2009 09:17 AM #11
Um, Sorry officer, but I don't know how that bicyclist could have got 6 bullet holes in him....
07-23-2009 03:58 PM #12
We have the same exact problem here in Kirkwood,Mo. Happens several times a week right at rush hour. Idiots group up and take the whole lane several rows deep so no one behind them can pass,they completely ignore stop signs
and cuss and yell at motorists trying to get by them. And who in the heck ever told mid age men they look good in spandex pants,beanie hats and googles
07-23-2009 05:42 PM #13
The bicyclists are certainly a pain and their obnoxiousness is only exceeded by the idiots on the little scooters.Ken Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
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07-23-2009 08:02 PM #14
Need to put a cattle guard on the roadster for next timeSteve
Ferrari Killer
Member since 2001
see ya later Club Hot Rod!
Now I remember why I don't post on this site anymore.
07-23-2009 09:19 PM #15
Seems the pedalers think they have the right of way regardless of the situation, and along with this I feel they should have the right to a decent burial......Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
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