Thread: Project American Graffiti Coupe
04-14-2010 01:36 PM #181
THANKS green34ford and welcome to the site. I am sure you will have a lot of fun on this site as everyone I have delt with has been really nice. I would have to agree with you on the tributes vs the clones issue, however this coupe I am building I hope turns out to be a clone but just nicer. I think if you want the MILNER LOOK but don't want to go through all the hassle of trying to build it with all of the correct parts then you have a tribute but if you go through the pain of searching your butt off and pay the BIG BUCKS for this stuff to put on your coupe then I would have to call it a clone as long as you keep everything Milner Correct. I too look forward to seeing this coupe on youtube and the especially the road!!!
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04-24-2010 02:10 PM #182
04-24-2010 11:20 PM #183
Time For A Little Bragging
OK, I am going to do something I promised myself I wasn't going to do but I guess I just can't help myself due to what happened last weekend. The thing I never wanted to do here on this site was to mention my little company called Project THX 138. The reason for this is I really don't want to come off as a salesman except when I talk about New Age Motorsports and thats only because Ed and Chris are the BEST in the business when it comes to making 32 Ford stuff. Project THX 138 ( on the other hand is just about the Graffiti Coupe. Here on my site I have talked in great detail about the original coupe for seven years and have a lot of guys build their dream car (Graffiti Coupe of course).
One person I helped was Dave Acheson (Super Dave) who has since became a VERY GOOD FRIEND of mine. Well here is the story that made me break my silence (although some of you had already figured out that I was the owner of Project THX 138). Dave last weekend meet the man himself CHIP FOOSE. I don't know about you guys but Chip walks on water in my book! Well anyway Dave was getting Chips autograph for himself and one for me (as I have never met Chip before) when Dave ask CHip if he would sign his coupe. When Chip asked him what car was his and Super Dave started to tell him Chip seemed very excited to do so as he was going to have a photo shoot in front of Super Daves coupe for some magazine so he said it would be no problem. Now this is were the story gets REALLY GOOD in my book. Chip started talking about the Graffiti Coupe and how he has met the original owner Rick Figari but then Chip said that if he (Dave) really wanted to know about the coupe that he should get a hold of Rick in Kansas City! YIP, Chip Foose was talking about me! I couldn't belive it and either could Dave!!! Dave started laughing and told Chip that he and I are good friends and that I helped him oout with his coupe and infact that one autograph Chip had signed was going to be sent to me and Chip said give back and wrote what you see below! I just want you all to know that I am just so freakin happy I just want to tell the world about this!!!! I still can't belive that Chip Foose was talking about some dumb Kansas farm boy. It just goes to show you every dog gets in day at least once
Below are photos of Chips autograph to me and pictures of Super Daves coupe before and after dealing with me (just a side note, Daves Coupe is getting quite popular) plus Chip's autograph on Super Daves Coupe.
Hope you all enjoyed this little story of mine!
s THX 138 Autograph.jpg
David Acheson AG Clone 1.jpg
Super Dave at Mels.jpg
s Autograph on coupe.jpg
04-25-2010 11:15 PM #184
Front Brake Line Brackets Installed
Finally installed the CORRECT front brake line brackets on the coupe today (afer the NASCAR race of course)
brake line bracket 1 small.jpg
brake line bracket 2 small.jpg
04-26-2010 12:23 AM #185
I'd be stoked too, great story. Chip Foose is one of those people I'd really love to meet and chat with. Seems to be the real deal as well as super talented.
Maybe Chip will want you to autograph one of his creations.
04-26-2010 03:28 PM #186
thanks for sharing the story, I have met him a couple times here at the year one events. he is a real nice person.
05-02-2010 08:58 AM #187
uo-34404 master cylinder
hi all!! i put this master cylinder on my car for the clutch,it works great but seems to seep fluid out the top,under the top is a cardboard gasket? and two o rings,do they go top to bottom around the cardboard on the bolt? can i get a new gasket and where? thanks pete
05-02-2010 09:55 AM #188
I'll have to look at mine today and report back, but I think the o rings go directly under the lid, but before the paper gasket.
Mine never seeped, so wherever they are in there they must have worked. I'll let you know tonight, in the event someone else doesn't post an answer first.
05-03-2010 06:28 AM #189
05-04-2010 06:35 AM #190
Hey project thx!
Car is looking great! Great does not even cover it. Your attention to detail is amazing. Glad to hear you got through those kidney stones and very sorry to hear about your grandfather earlier this year. AWSOME CAR!! Don Jr.Don Jr.
"Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"
07-11-2010 01:11 AM #191
Still Working On Milner's Coupe
Hey Everyone,
Just thought I better post something so you all don't think I have fallen off the face of earth.
Well it has taken me a quite a bit of time to get this far on this project as my family and I went on vacation (to Branson Missouri), we have also had a couple of deaths in the family (my aunt Sharon and my great uncle Joe who both I will miss as there is still an ache in my heart as both were GREAT people) and I have been going down to the farm to help my grandmother out since my grandfather passed away in March. So as you can see I have been pretty busy running around but I am know finding a little time to work on the old girl.
This is what is taking place at the present time. The chassis is getting all welded up plus it is getting the boxing plates step boxed. The stainless firewall insert is getting drilled so all of the componets can be installed (fuel block, master cylinder and radiator support rods) which is not that easy as this stuff is HARD!!!! I am also in the progress of installing a Juliano's top kit. just so you know that installing this kit is a pain in the ass as it is made for a original steel car. However I will get it installed so it looks like it belongs on the (yes I am using the original 32 measurements).
Hopefully it will not be so long until my next post and THANKS to all of you who are saying such nice things about this build!
Enjoy what photos I have
07-11-2010 01:14 AM #192
07-11-2010 01:17 AM #193
07-12-2010 07:46 AM #194
thanks for the update I have looked several times for updates. Glad to hear your back and safe.
07-12-2010 11:16 AM #195
Project THX, I recenrly put a Julianos insert in the 3-window I'm doing.
I bought the kit but ended up not using the canvas material that goes under neath and the foam that they provided.
It comes with 1/2" foam that I was afraid would give a "moving a matress" look to the car, so I used 1/4" foam so it wouldn't stick up too high.
If you haven't already finished yours I have some photos of how I did mine if your interested but here is a picture of the finished product.
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress