Thread: Project American Graffiti Coupe
07-12-2010 12:09 PM #196
parts list
Could you send me a parts list of all the goodies you are using to ,build this car?
Thanks, leorilla.
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07-12-2010 12:49 PM #197
Hey Mick,
Yes, I would love to see how you did yours! I have not done anything except for drill the holes in the strips and make a paper pattern off an original 32. I kinda wish that the how to video covered putting one on a fiberglass car since that what I told them I was putting it on.
I guess my big question is really this, did you use a paper pattern or a piece of cloth as a pattern? I called New Age Motorsports and talked to Ed and he said I could use a piece of cloth (bed sheet) so the pattern would lay flat against the roof. If you notice in my photos the paper does not lay really good against the top of the car. Here is my worry, if I use a piece of cloth isn't my drill bit going to catch this and twist the cloth???
Anyway I would love your input on how you did such a bitchin job on your 32! Man I would love to be seen in that rod on a Saturday night!!!!
PS. I don't like the big foam pad either but once again this kit was made to go on a steel car so I will just give the foam to my buddy that has a steel 32 and get me a piece of 1/4 " foam. What did you not like about the canvas?
07-12-2010 01:05 PM #198
07-12-2010 03:06 PM #199
like you I made a Paper pattern from an original 32, making sure to get the corner radius correct. I also took down the measurements from the windshield reveal, door reveals (rain gutters on a 5-window) and top of rear window just to make sure I'd get every thing centered the way it should be.
Using the paper pattern and the other measurements, I drew a pattern on the roof with a grease pencil, marking the centers both front to back and side to side. I drew these marks quite a ways out so they could be referenced when the oversized foam and vinyl are put on.
We then made a wooden buck the correct width and corner radius to make it easier to bend the aluminum edging and get them correct. This may have been a little overkill but it worked very well. i also marked the centers of the aluminum edging so it could be layed on the roof by lining up the center marks.
I then drilled the holes in the strips every 1/2" (lotta damn holes) for the small sheet metal screws I decided to use rather than try to rivet through the Fiberglass.
I then placed the formed edging on the roof, taped it down securely and drilled holes in the roof every 1", removed the aluminum edging, masked off everywhere on the roof except where the insert went and sprayed the 1/4" foam and top with 3-M # 7 spray glue. I had a friend help me lay the foam down with no wrinkles or air bubbles. We put the edging back on the roof and cut the foam inside the edging as per instructions.
The rest is pretty self explanatory, I pretty much went by the printed instructions that they sent with the kit, (I didn't get the video) and I assume you also got the printed instructions
Hopefully my pictures will be in the proper order to follow but in case i've confused you or you need any thing else explained please holler.
There is probably several ways to do this but this worked well for me. The tuffest part was trying to line up the holes in the roof with the aluminum edging the several times we had to remove and reinstall it.
07-12-2010 03:09 PM #200
Here's the rest of the photos, I really hope this helps you.
07-13-2010 01:10 PM #201
Hey Mick,
Thanks for the info and photos as this is going to help me out a ton! I too am going to build a wooden buck as that was really a great idea, plus this is going to come in handy since I build these cars for people (sorry to anyone wanting one but I am going to build mine after this one is complete).
I talked to New Age Motorsports on Monday and Ed has informed me that they are going to be doing a stock roof on there coupes (as an option) here in the near future (God, you have to love these guys for doing this kinda of stuff for use little guys that can't afford the real stuff). This means we will be able to install the insert just like on a stock 1932 Ford. This makes me VERY HAPPY as I love keeping everything looking stock plus I love hearing all the guys at shows asking me where I found such a nice original 32
. I laugh every time this happends!!!!
Thanks again Mick as I will post photos of the top when I get it done.
02-01-2011 07:48 PM #202
Great thread. I have built two Graffiti style coupes, and have 95% of the parts/body and chassis to build one more. Like yours, I am using a glass body, although I am using a Kilborn body. I have bought a set of the new repro rain gutters, a set of exposed hinges,and stock firewall, so it look like I started with an original steel body. I have already installed an opening windshield and working cowl vent. I am not going anywhere near the extent you are, but the car will have the look. I'll be watching this thread to see the progress on this car as you continue on.
Here is a picture of my last one. This was a steel body that I chopped, built the chassis,etc, and at the last minute I decided not to paint it yellow. And here is a current pic of the Kilborn body. My next one will be yellow,for sure. Keep up the great work.
03-05-2011 10:30 AM #203
New guy here, love your car and all the pictures and info you've been giving to us. Can we have details on your steering system? What is the steering box you are using? I notice it's not the crosssteer Vega box. Maybe some pics of the box, and the solid bars you have instead of hairpins or four bars. I would really like to build one, I thick my next project will be a period coupe like this one...
Here is my last project, I finished it about a year ago. It turned out really great and every body freaks out when they see it. Also won second place at the House of Harley WI. spring bike show in 2010. I did all the sheetmetal work, built the gas tank and sissy bar too...Thanks for looking,
Dragon1/Brian from Racine,WI
03-06-2011 05:53 AM #204
Project, How's it coming? Haven't heard anything for a while...
03-07-2011 10:57 PM #205
It's been a long time baby!
Hey Guys,
Sorry I have been away for so long! Life sometimes does that to you and you don't even know it.
Well it has been a long cold winter and to tell you the truth I HATE winter!!!! I guess I am just getting old but I just don't like getting out there and working on projects when it cold. With that being said I did get the chassis all blasted and painted late last fall and it has just been sitting in the garage waiting to be put together for the last time. I will post some pictures of the chassis this weekend I promise.
As for the question on the steering box, I just used the same steering box as the Original Graffiti Coupe which is a 1956 Ford F100 steering box and coulmn. I will post pictures of all of this when I get it installed for the last time. As for the front supension I also used what was on the Original Graffiti Coupe which is stock 1932 Ford wishbones. Once again I will be posting tons of pictures as this all comes together. However the weather is going to have to warm up for my old ass.
I would like to thank EVERYONE that has been following this thread and I would also like to thank EVERYONE for their kind words about my project as I take alot of pride in doing it the MILNER WAY.
As I promised, I will post photos of the chassis this weekend!
03-08-2011 07:36 AM #206
Been wondering where you have been.Glad to see you are still on it.
Those 56-ish Ford pickup boxes are great. Running one in my 27 and have one for my 29 rpu too. Smooth, responsive, and old timey to boot.
03-08-2011 10:36 AM #207
Glad to see your back! Looking forward to some progress on your coupe once it warms up a bit.
Don Jr.Don Jr.
"Once again I have thoroughly disgusted myself"
03-08-2011 04:20 PM #208
Thanks again for the info....
03-08-2011 10:09 PM #209
Hey Guys,
I'm glad to be back as this means it's GRAFFITI TIME AGAIN!!!! God, I just LOVE building this car!!! I can't wait for the weather to break so I can really dig into it again. This is the year the old girl should finally run which is a good thing in my book.
glad I could answer your questions and if anyone needs to know anything feel free to ask as I'm sure I probably have the answer (well that is if it pertains to the graffiti coupe!).
Catch you guys this weekend
03-18-2011 06:27 PM #210
Graffiti frame painted
Sorry for not getting these photos up last weekend but I was out of town buying another car. This car I bought will be a whole new topic on this form as it is another tv/movie car
. I swear, I must have something wrong with my brain to keep doing stuff like this!!! However, the new car is in REALLY GREAT SHAPE with 23,000 original miles on it so this project should go faster the the Graffiti build. Just so you all know, I am building the car from the tv show Supernatural which is a 1967 Impala 4dr hardtop.
OK, back to the photos of the chassis. The chassis was sand blasted by your truely in my drive way (yes, the neighbors just love me but ask me if I care) then primered and painted in the drive way (city also loves me). Like I have said before, once I start putting everything back together, it will be for the last time.
I will post more photos as I start putting the car back together.
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