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Thread: Project American Graffiti Coupe

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  1. #211
    Weasel Diesel is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Lookin Good Big Daddy !!

  2. #212
    PanheadBones's Avatar
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    Wink Best thread anywhere


    nice to see your back at it as it's been a long winter without many updates on this build. I was starting to have withdraws LOL
    You building this coupe is the very reason I sighed up and I am glad I did as I've been learning lots. I, like others have many questions but I have been just watching as you have answered many. I sorta feel like a free loader ( something of which I'm not) as I have watched you do all the leg work while I've just sat back and made notes for my Milner coupe.
    Well mister I'll get outta your way and please keep this going. it's not just about you anymore...

  3. #213
    PanheadBones's Avatar
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    This is a great build I've been watching like so many others and enjoying all your updates -Thankyou for sharing all that you've done with us
    My question is: what is the right Yellow to use? does it look any different on your glass body then it did on Milners steel coupe? Sorry if this seems like a no brainer but im no painter


  4. #214
    PanheadBones's Avatar
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    What Yellow did you use


    Hey great build your coupe is the reason I joined
    Been watching for sometime now
    Feel like im cheatin on a test or something like that
    your doing all the work and I just lean over a take a peek every
    once in awhile
    My question is "what is the correct yellow paint" to use?
    Thnks keep up the great work

  5. #215
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Hey Kent,

    Sorry for not doing much updates on the coupe but I have been busy doing two projects at one time (I do NOT recommend doing this). Hopefully I will have ALL NEW PHOTOS posted on here by late summer of the coupe. I am thinking of also starting a new post on my other project which is the 1967 Impala from the hit show Supernatural. Anyway to answer your question about the paint. I painted the 32 with this paint code; DuPont #5248A (however I had my painter find the matching code to switch it over to PPG Paint, not sure of that code???). The paint matches the coupe as it appears in the movie and is pretty close to what is on the car today. I will say this, the paint changes color from indoors to outdoors and also when you take pictures of it. All I can say it is a mighty strange color of paint. Thanks for keeping up with this post and I hope I do not disapoint you or anyone else with this build.


  6. #216
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    Hey Rick,I've been going though withdrawals also from the lack of posting on your fantastic coupe. I will just have to wait eh. LOL
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  7. #217
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Man, I didn't know I had so many fans out there on this build.........LOL I guess I better put down the Impala wrench and pick up the Milner wrench huh? Hopefully my next photo update will make you all say "NO FREAKING WAY". I guess time will tell.

  8. #218
    Whiplash23T's Avatar
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    We are waiting with baited breath. Sounds good.
    I maybe a little crazy but it stops me going insane.

    Isaiah 48: 17,18.


  9. #219
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    My oldest daughter lives in Liberty, just east of KC, and the next time I make it up there I'd love to come over and catch a glimpse of the Graffiti coupe in person.
    Ken Thomas
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  10. #220
    stovens's Avatar
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    Yep there are a bunch of us here watching your build!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  11. #221
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Great!!! Now i'm under pressure!!! Lol
    Last edited by project thx 138; 07-27-2011 at 03:57 AM.

  12. #222
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY View Post
    My oldest daughter lives in Liberty, just east of KC, and the next time I make it up there I'd love to come over and catch a glimpse of the Graffiti coupe in person.
    My Door is ALWAYS open brother! However you better watch out as you might get stuck hearing all of my Graffiti Stories and having to stay and look at my American Graffiti Collection.

  13. #223
    PanheadBones's Avatar
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    Hey thanks for the paint info . I really do appreciate it. No worries about any dissapointment - your doing something that I can't wait to get into. Just money ,time and talent is all thats holding me back But that's gonna change. I've read alot about Milners coupe since the movie aired and saved some of the articals and it seemed like every other story had a different "yellow" used on the coupe. So I was never really sure. Maybe the writers weren't either! I do remember one story that they welded a small tab on the rear frame rail or cross member to support a camera ( for filmimg) did you ever see that or read about that? Just wondered if it was still on the original coupe. Take care and thks

  14. #224
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    Glad to be of help! I just want to give you warning, do NOT go by anything the magazines say as they are DEAD WRONG on 98% of the parts they talk about! As for the the tab being welded on the frame, I have never seen this or heard of this before. I'm not saying they didn't do this but I just have never seen it and I have tons of photos of this car (old and new). The ONLY camera brackets that I know about are the ones bolted under the doors to the PSI Hangers.


  15. #225
    stovens's Avatar
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    When your done, I think you need to compile a parts list and color codes for all that went into it. You might literally be the one guy left who knows more about this car than anyone else!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

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