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Thread: Project American Graffiti Coupe

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  1. #241
    graffitifreak's Avatar
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    Beautiful color. I know you said the color is dupont 5248A. Do you know the PPG code your painter crossed it to?

  2. #242
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    I have the paint cans in another Garage so I will get you the info later this week.

  3. #243
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    OK, I FINALLY went over to my other Garage and looked at the paint cans. Sorry to say but there are no numbers on the can, in fact I couldn't find ANY information on the cans. Sorry but I tried. You may just want to give the Dupont paint code to a PPG paint guy and I'm pretty sure they will give you the PPG paint code for that color. This is pretty much what my paint guy did. Sorry I wasn't to much of a help on this one.

  4. #244
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    AACA Museum 32 Ford Coupe


    Hey Guys,

    Sorry I have not posted on here in a LONG TIME but the guy I am building the Graffiti Coupe for has not had the money to keep the project going so I have been a bit of a stand still with the project. Once the project is back up and going I will start up my post again.

    In the mean time I found out that a New Age Motorsports Body (maybe chassis) made into the AACA (Antique Auto Club of America) Museum in Pennsylvania. I thought this car had a Graffiti type flair about it so I wanted to do a small post on it. The coupe looks like it just rolled out of the 50's and right into the Museum. Now here's the thing I don't understand (just one of the things in my life....LOL). Aren't these cars that go into this Museum supposed to be original steel???? If so someone over there was fooled by the curve ball big time. But then again I know first hand how the NAM bodies fool people as it happend all the time when I was taking this project to car shows........ I guess in the end we really do end up what we pay for..........

    Anyway here is the coupe and the name of the owner is Dick Railing. I pretty sure he is one HAPPY GUY at this point with the coupe!

    s 32.jpg

    Talk to you all soon

  5. #245
    stovens's Avatar
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    Nice coupe for sure. Hear yah about money being tight and projects on hold, same here, but I still have lots of low budget body work, wiring, etc... that I need to do! Just don't like to do!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  6. #246
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by project thx 138 View Post
    Hey Guys,

    Sorry I have not posted on here in a LONG TIME but the guy I am building the Graffiti Coupe for has not had the money to keep the project going so I have been a bit of a stand still with the project. Once the project is back up and going I will start up my post again.

    In the mean time I found out that a New Age Motorsports Body (maybe chassis) made into the AACA (Antique Auto Club of America) Museum in Pennsylvania. I thought this car had a Graffiti type flair about it so I wanted to do a small post on it. The coupe looks like it just rolled out of the 50's and right into the Museum. Now here's the thing I don't understand (just one of the things in my life....LOL). Aren't these cars that go into this Museum supposed to be original steel???? If so someone over there was fooled by the curve ball big time. But then again I know first hand how the NAM bodies fool people as it happend all the time when I was taking this project to car shows........ I guess in the end we really do end up what we pay for..........

    Anyway here is the coupe and the name of the owner is Dick Railing. I pretty sure he is one HAPPY GUY at this point with the coupe.
    Talk to you all soon
    That's rich that the AACA may not realize their display car is glass On your project, I guess I had missed the fact that you were building that one for someone else. Thought it was going to be yours
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  7. #247
    graffitifreak's Avatar
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    Thanks for checking for me. I tried to do a search for the DuPont code and came up with nothing. I will give the code to my paint guy to see what he comes up with.

    Thanks again.

  8. #248
    1bad32's Avatar
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    Beautiful looking coupe!!

  9. #249
    Weasel Diesel is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by project thx 138 View Post
    Hey Guys,

    Sorry I have not posted on here in a LONG TIME but the guy I am building the Graffiti Coupe for has not had the money to keep the project going so I have been a bit of a stand still with the project.
    Don't feel bad, the economy got me and I'm out. Can't do no more. All that money & time invested, Gonna take the kick in the pants and sell mine for whatever I can get out of it. I really hate to, but sometimes ya just got to do what you got to. I'll list it under parts... Sad...
    Last edited by Weasel Diesel; 01-16-2012 at 11:48 AM.

  10. #250
    JeffB2's Avatar
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    I noticed at the beginning of this thread the 4 carb Offy intake and then I ran across this: Offenhauser 4 carb manifold with carbs for SBC someone posted on another forum that the real "Graffiti Coupe" had a Man-A-Fre 4 carb setup and this ad for the Offy is untrue referring to what was on the real coupe,so what is the real truth?

  11. #251
    graffitifreak's Avatar
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    The original Graffiti coupe has a Man-A-Fre set up on it. The add posted on the other site states that it is the "same style of set up" as the Graffiti coupe. It should state that it is a "similar" style but not the exact same....Hope this helps.

  12. #252
    patfromjersey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by project thx 138 View Post
    Hey Guys,

    Just thought I would post this Picture of one very cool looking 32 Ford that just made it into the newest Street Rodder Magazine. The car is owned by Ron Wolcott and the Body was made by New Age Motorsports. I'm telling you guys, NO ONE builds a better body than Ed and Chris over there at New Age Motorsports!!!

    Talk to you all soon!
    Thanks Rick for the additional picture of Ron Wolcott's Coupe. I bought a recent Street Rodder magazine with their 2012 calendar, and Ron's Coupe made I think June. Awesome car! Ed called me the first week of January, and he started my 32 5 window Coupe. I'm so excited! I'm bringing up the 521 stroker/C6 in early February for him to set in. I can't wait to pick it up when it's done. Here's a pic of the engine, with the new Sanderson Jayster headers with 3" dumps I bought for it. I also picked up some cheap Hoosier 29.0 x 12.5 R15's for the rear tires. A local guy on Craigslist sold them both for $275! They are like brand new.

    New Age Motorsports 32 5/W 521/C6

  13. #253
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    A Ford in a Ford!!!!!! Way to go Pat!!!! Good thing you found a deal on tires, it never really seems to take too long to burn the first set down to the cords for some reason!
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  14. #254
    patfromjersey's Avatar
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    Thanks Dave! LOL I wouldn't have it any other way; Ford in a Ford! I was looking for a little taller and wider tires, but I couldn't pass up that deal to get me going. I can't wait to get my Coupe!
    New Age Motorsports 32 5/W 521/C6

  15. #255
    project thx 138's Avatar
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    OK BOYS, I FINALLY HAVE THE GRAFFITI COUPE PAINT CODE IN PPG! Yes, after a long wait I finally have the code as I had a long talk with my paint guy today so here it is:

    PPG 83849

    My painter said there may be a few variations to this color but he told me that he used "PRIME" on the coupe I am building as he said this is the TURE COLOR of the paint.

    Hope this helps you all out and sorry for the LONG WAIT. But like I say better late than never.....LOL

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