Thread: Project American Graffiti Coupe
05-01-2009 08:07 PM #16
Milner in my coupe
Well guys, since I am going to be showing this coupe built here on this thread I figured I would show a couple of pictures I took last year at the KKOA in Salina Kansas where I got the man himself Paul Le Mat aka John Milner to sit in the project coupe and sign the dash. I just thought you all might like to see this plus if you want to see some different angles of this project coupe just click on my gallery photos.
PLM 1.jpg
PLM 2.jpgLast edited by project thx 138; 05-04-2009 at 02:35 PM. Reason: Resize of pictures
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05-01-2009 08:17 PM #17
Cool!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
05-01-2009 08:34 PM #18
Glad you like it buddy!
05-01-2009 11:08 PM #19
That`s to f`ing cool!! You got the tags and you got pics of milner, that so f`ing rocks!!!!
05-02-2009 08:16 AM #20
Yeah, I was a very happy guy that day Paul came and did the famous Milner pose in my coupe!!!! Paul is such a GREAT GUY!!!
05-02-2009 11:39 AM #21
I have to admit that is about the coolest thing I have seen in a long time (I guess I have no life my wife would say). New to club hot rod just started my 32 ford roadster about 10 mos. ago looking at three years for completion. I have also have talk to the lady who played candy (Toads girlfriend in the movie) and I could not stop thinking about when she was in the back seat with Toad. lol
05-03-2009 05:28 PM #22
Wow that coupe is really accurate looking! Paint Job looks really straight too! Ive been wanting to build a Milner Coupe of my own for some time now. Where did you get the rear nerf bar, is that an original?
05-03-2009 08:50 PM #23
Attachment 37244
Hey Newbomb Turk,
Thanks for the kind words about my project! I'm so excited as you asked me my first graffiti question on this thread and I just love talking about this coupe!! OK, to answer your question about the rear nerf bar (bumper). I found an original bumper (Alfa Romeo) and paid REALLY BIG $$$$ for it. I was so happy untill I actually got the bumper in my hands, as it turned out the bumper turned out to be REALLY FILMSY and CHEAPLY MADE, plus the chrome was coming off of it and it had a crack/split in it. After thinking about this bumper/nerf bar for awhile I decided to contact a few places to see if they could make me a new one but NO ONE was interested in doing it because of all the bends plus they would have to have pretty small dies in which case they did not have. Well after exhausting all options here in K.C. I was about to give up on the project and just try restoring the old bumper untill one day I was talking to Ed over at New Age Motorsports. Ed said he was willing to take on this project on for me but it would have to be done in between building cars and he would have to have my original bumper to copy. Well since Ed did such a GREAT JOB on my coupe body I figured what the heck and sent him my bumper. Well six months later (hey Ed is busy over there building coupes) I got a 100% replica of the original bumper except for two little things and that is the NEW BUMPER is made of POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL and the tubing wall is 120 which is about an 1/8 inch thick which makes the bumper/nerf bar feel MUCH, MUCH better than the original. The bumper is the same size but it is a little heavier the original. Now either bumper/nerf bar is going to stop any damage from your car if someone rear ends you but the remake bumper is a heck of a lot better made than the original. Below is some close up pictures of both rear bumpers/nerf bars with the original bumper always the top photo. Can you see the difference???? If you ever have anymore questions don't be afraid to ask and I hope this answers your question about the bumper. OH YEAH, you now can buy these bumpers at New Age Motorsports!!!!
Origina lBumper SV 1.jpg
Remake Bumper SV 1.jpg
Original Bumper SV 2.jpg
Remake Bumper SV 2.jpgLast edited by project thx 138; 05-11-2009 at 12:36 PM. Reason: had to reupload bumper photos
05-03-2009 09:00 PM #24
More Rear Bumper/Nerf Bar Pictures
Last edited by project thx 138; 05-04-2009 at 02:05 PM. Reason: Resize pictures
05-03-2009 09:06 PM #25
05-04-2009 12:20 AM #26
I thought I read somewhere years ago that the rear nerf of the original was a dune buggy after market bar, made for Manx type cars or something. Was I just dreaming that?
05-04-2009 12:38 AM #27
Man that's cool having the man him self stop by.
We gotta reduce them picture sizes, makes it hard
to tell what we are looking at.
Nice car though. Kurt
05-04-2009 11:10 AM #28
Hey Don,
It seems that everyone has heard a story that goes along with this coupe. Now I can't say who is right and who is wrong but I can say this for certain and that is EVERY magazine artical written on this car had 99% of the parts listed on the coupe wrong. The Rod & Custom issue did say the bumper was a sport car accessory which is correct. The problem was that they never said what sport car was or who made the bumper. So now you know why it has taken me eleven years to get this coupe just right.
05-04-2009 11:13 AM #29
Hey Kurt,
Thanks for the comments! Yeah I know the pictures are WAY TO BIG, it's just that I'm not real good with the computer and I haven't figured out how to make them small. Don't worry as I am trying to fix this promblem and when I do I will go back and replace all of the photos.
05-04-2009 12:02 PM #30
I'm not sure how to resize photos on my own computer, but if you post them at or a similar place, it is real easy to resize them to 640x480 which will fit the screen perfect.
Interesting history. I can see why it would take so long to make the car just from a cash point of view, but being the purist you are, it must be like tracking a missing person, sorting out wrong info from right! Nice job!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress