Thread: Project American Graffiti Coupe
08-06-2009 07:36 AM #106
Hangin with Steve Fitch
Last night I was going through some of my old photos and I came across this picture of me with Steve Fitch (first original owner of the coupe) when I went to visit him on my 39th Birthday. Steve is holding the license plate that was on the original 55 when he taged it here in Kansas and I am holding the tag that was on the coupe. Both plates were autographed by Paul Le Mat. I tried REALLY HARD to get the coupe plate from Steve but he just wouldn't let it go (can't blame him one bit, but a guy has to try). How KOOL would it be to have both of these plates hanging in your garage?
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08-07-2009 12:02 AM #107
Some Chassis Work Done
Hey Guys,
Here are some up dated pictures of the chassis. Tonight I installed the K-member brace (just like Milners) and the 1940 rear crossmember. The crossmember was installed by welding square tubing at the top and bottom of the frame. This kept everything in place while I installed the 40 rear crossmember (only top tube was taken off as I was to tired to take off the bottom) . The crossmember was placed so that the rear end will sit on the back side of the wheel wells (just like Milners). For those of you who didn't know, Milner's coupe has a 40 rear crossmember and not a 32. The reason for this is to raise the back of the car for more of a rake as a 40 rear crossmember is 2" steeper than a 32. Next I will be notching the front crossmember (to clear the harmonic balancer) and cutting out the center of teh K-member to allow the T-10 (NOT A SUPER T-10 as this is a misprint in EVERY MAGAZINE) 4 speed in. Afer everything gets notched/cut it will be time for the boxing plates (stepped boxed). The original coupe DOES NOT have boxing plates but since this car is actually going to be driven it will get boxed. The KOOL thing about the stepped boxing plates is that if you look under the coupe it will still look like a stock chassis! Finally after all of this is done the chasiss will be painted semi gloss black and then everything will start coming together so be on the look out!!!!!!
project 8-6-09 001.JPG
project 8-6-09 002.JPG
project 8-6-09 003.JPG
project 8-6-09 004.JPG
project 8-6-09 005.JPG
08-07-2009 11:14 AM #108
Keep up the good work!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
08-12-2009 10:12 AM #109
Project, does the Arrow headlamps use a regular 7" 6024 round high-low beam bulb?Last edited by Weasel Diesel; 08-12-2009 at 10:33 AM.
08-12-2009 01:13 PM #110
Hey Weasel Diesel,
The Original Coupe and the ones I am building all have the high-low seal beams (halogen). These are a standard 7" headlight so you can buy them at any auto parts store. If you are going to drive your coupe I strongly suggest using the halogen lights as they are much brighter which means a lot safer. If you are looking for a set I can set you up with a guy that sells the correct Arrow 775H headlights with the halogen lights already installed in them (this is where I got mine)????
08-14-2009 07:57 AM #111
I was just double checking the bulbs. Ed is gonna fix me up with a pair.
08-14-2009 10:10 PM #112
08-15-2009 05:23 PM #113
Getting More Done
OK Guys and Gals,
Here is the latest update on the Graffiti Coupe Project. I have now since moved the chassis back over to my little garage to finish it out. The chassis has now been cut in all of the correct places so now it is getting close for the time to start boxing the little devil up. The front cross member has been notched for the harmonic balancer and the K-member has had the center cut out for the T-10 four speed to go through. The rear frame horns have been bobbed so now it will be time to add the special Milner bumper as I have the brackets made, I just haven't added them to the chassis yet (YES, I'm that slow). I now have the front end installed so I can line up the top shock mounts (PLEASE take note that the shocks on the front end WILL NOT be used as I am putting on the correct movie style shocks on). I have also added the engine, bell housing, and tranny. This was done to make sure everything is in it's proper place. You will also notice that I have now put in the correct tranny mount (at the present time just clamped in) as I had to make sure everything was squared away. The next things I will be doing on my list is adding the the correct shock mounts and shocks, the correct brake line brackets, bolting in the tranny mount, adding the old master cylinder bracket to the K-member brace, installing the rear bumper and finally adding my special boxing plates (stepped boxed from rear of K-member to front of rear cross member). After all this is done the chassis will be sand blasted down once again, sanded down, primered and painted. I hope you enjoy the NEW PHOTOS!!!!
Coupe Project 08-15-09 001.JPG
Coupe Project 08-15-09 002.JPG
Coupe Project 08-15-09 003.JPG
Coupe Project 08-15-09 004.JPG
Coupe Project 08-15-09 005.JPG
08-15-2009 05:25 PM #114
08-16-2009 12:09 PM #115
Nice job on your build(s). It 's not hard to believe how much time it takes for research on things like this. I grew up in the Turlock, Ca area. My mom went to "Turlock High". Went to many events during the Graffiti Nite era in Modesto in the '80's. I've met Paul a few times and often wondered how hard it would be to get Harrison Ford's autograph on things like that plate that Steve is holding.
08-16-2009 12:17 PM #116
Very nice build. The graffiti coupe is what got me into hot rods, I'm only 21 so the movie was my introduction to hot rods.
Cant wait to see some more pics!
08-17-2009 06:59 AM #117
Project, I have run into a snag. The garage I was renting, just went down the tubes from foreclosure, and I am going to have to move operations. Can I bother you for a front end mesurement? Front outside rim to front outside rim? I would like to know how wide the car is, so I can figure space. Thanks, Rick L.
08-17-2009 11:39 AM #118
08-29-2009 03:10 PM #119
Great attention to detail.
09-16-2009 12:53 PM #120
Graffiti Rear End / Traction Bars
Hey Guys,
I figured I better post something to show you all that I am still working on this coupe. I have been setting the coupe at ride height to tac weld the traction bar setup to the rear end. At the present time I am still to high in the rear (by 3 inches) so I have to take out the springs to get them De-Arched AGAIN. That's right I said again. I have already De-Arched the rear spring 3 inches and after getting everything installed it still needs more.
The one thing that makes this coupe is the stance (or at least in my book) so it is VERY IMPORTANT to make the car sit just right. The Traction Bars should have a pretty good angle running down hill to the doors. These on this coupe will do that once I get the spring problem taken car of as this is how I welded the traction bar set up to the rear end. So PLEASE take note when looking at the photos the traction bars do run down hill but they will have the proper angle once I get the springs back from the shop. Once all this headache is taken care of I will be putting in the boxing plates and then getting the chassis ready for paint. Hope you enjoy the photos!!
s Traction bar setup 001.JPG
s Traction bar setup 002.JPG
s Traction bar setup 003.JPG
s Traction bar setup 004.JPG
s Traction bar setup 005.JPG
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