Thread: Project American Graffiti Coupe
09-16-2009 12:56 PM #121
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09-16-2009 12:59 PM #122
Last Photo
PLEASE TAKE NOTE, TRACTION BARS HAVE NOT HAD THE SIDES WELDED TO THE REAR BRACKET YET. Also PLEASE don't make fun of my tac welds, that's why they make grinders!!!!
09-16-2009 01:44 PM #123
09-16-2009 09:53 PM #124
Man, the first comment right out of the box is about my welds! How did I know that was coming?It does look Iron Man took a big one on my brackets
I guess I will just have to pull out the old pooper scooper, my trusty old ginder and take care of teh problem (like always).
09-22-2009 11:06 AM #125
Lookin Good Buddy !! I'm sitting here like a kid waiting on Santa for Ed to call with the go on my chassis. I'm so excited I need depends....
Project, is there a place other than Paulson's that does the wheels? I have called them a few times and was told I'll get a calls back, but they never called.
09-23-2009 10:42 PM #126
Hey Weasel Diesel,
Thanks for the comments!!! As for your chrome reverse wheels, paulsenis the ONLY one I know that does the wheel the correct way. If you give me your phone number I will get a hold of Pete for you and tell him to call you. Hell, I haven't given Pete any crap in quite awhile so I have NO PROBLEM doing this for you!!!!Last edited by project thx 138; 09-23-2009 at 10:43 PM. Reason: I can't spell
09-25-2009 04:35 PM #127
not to ask a dumb question but what welder are you using?
10-10-2009 01:19 PM #128
10-10-2009 01:40 PM #129
Back on the Project
Hey Guys,
Sorry I have been away so long but I have been battling kidney stones for the last monthand to tell you the truth I haven't felt much like doing anything! Well the good news is that I am feeling MUCH BETTER and I couldn't wait to get back in the garage to start working on this Graffiti Coupe Project.
First off, I FINALLY got the rear end to sit just right after making a couple trips back to the spring shop. Seems you have to have the rear spring de-arched quite a bit if you want the coupe to sit like Milner's. I still left room for the spring to settle and adjusted for the body weight. Once everything is sitting on the chassis the traction bars have that nice down ward slope to the doors like Milner's. At the present time the traction bars do run down hill but they look a lot better once the body is on the frame which will be coming up here VERY SOON.
I also completed the correct drag link! YES, this has taken be sometime to do but the wait was well worth it in my book! I also have the shock setup on the front axle. This setup was made by my friends over at NEW AGE MOTORSPORTS. The shocks I used are the Monroe 5819 (I had them chromed) which allows the coupe to have plenty of shock travel and will keep the old girl ridding very smooth.
I hope you like the new updated photos! I still have to mount the rear bumper brackets and tac weld some other pieces in place as you can see in the photos but the next set of pictures should make you all go WOW!
Project 10-10-09 006.JPG
Project 10-10-09 005.JPG
Project 10-10-09 007.JPG
Project 10-10-09 008.JPG
Project 10-10-09 009.JPG
10-10-2009 01:42 PM #130
10-10-2009 01:44 PM #131
10-10-2009 03:27 PM #132
Sorry to hear of you not feeling well, but glad you are on the mend. It amazes me the lengths you are going to for accuracy in this build. Most guys shoot for something close to the original Milner car with some elements of it, but yours seems to be dead nuts on. Alot like what Von Franco did with the two Grabowski cars.
Looking good.
10-10-2009 04:04 PM #133
THANKS FOR TAKING NOTICE DON!!!!! I take GREAT PRIDE in building this coupe to the correct specs. Not a lot of guys really care about this but to me it's a VERY BIG DEAL. I'm not saying that I don't like anyones graffiti clone (as I really like a lot of them) I'm just saying that I want mine and the one I am building for the guy in England (this one you see here) to be just perfect. Yeah I know I'm a little touched in the head but I am having a TON of fun doing this!!!!
I have enclosed a photo of the original coupe's drag link to show you that mine is dead on (except I have to put the castle nut on the tie rod end, once I locate the damn thing). Once I get everything in it's place a lot of stuff is going to the chrome shop including this drag link. Can't wait to show you guys how this coupe is going to turn out!!!
Original Drag Link sv.jpg
10-15-2009 02:09 PM #134
Project... 2 pictures below.... In the first, of the drivers side firewall, I know this is a voltage regulator... correct?
In this picture of the passenger side, what is the finned thing in the circle??
Thanks !!
10-15-2009 02:32 PM #135
Hey Weasel Diesel,
Your are correct, the item on the drivers side of the firewall is the voltage regulator cover made by Cal Custom (part #40-63). The finned item on the passenger side is a horn relay cover also made by Cal Custom (no part #). The horn relay on the original coupe (and mine) is a 1956 Corvette 913 relay. I don't really know why this is on the coupe as it is not hooked up. Here is a FREEBEE for you. The master cylinder on the origianl coupe can be bought at Napa Auto Parts Item#: UP34404. Encolsed below are some better pictures of these items for you to get a better look at. Hope this helps you out.
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