Thread: Last trip to nats?
07-13-2009 07:40 PM #61
Hey, I gotta ask a couple questions again:
1. Nobody wanted to address the issue of "pre-'49" being applied to a 2009 glass body on a 2009 frame with a 2009 drivetrain??????
2. Guess I'm still waiting for someone to tell me WHY the new rules instituted by the NSRA will be so bad?????
With all the outside pressures and do-gooders trying to get Hot Rods regulated out of existence, it's time for all of us to present a united front to preserve our sport and end all of these different factions working against each other!!!!! Wally Parks and his buds came along and saved Hot Rodding from extinction once.....doubt there's anyone around to do it again if all we are is a bunch of different little groups....... What could possibly be a POSITIVE outcome of one group trying to exclude the others????
Also, like Iceburg said.... Want to keep going to events and visiting with all the vendors???? Tell ya what, they aren't going to show up for 1,000 prima donnas from any group!!!!! Ask some of the vendors what it costs to set up at an event, it'll scare you!!!!
Nothing wrong with exclusive little clubs as long as theirs somebody there to pay the bills!!!!!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
- Google Adsense
07-13-2009 08:11 PM #62
last trip to the nats
[QUOTE=Dave Severson;357381]Hey, I gotta ask a couple questions again:
1. Nobody wanted to address the issue of "pre-'49" being applied to a 2009 glass body on a 2009 frame with a 2009 drivetrain??????
2. Guess I'm still waiting for someone to tell me WHY the new rules instituted by the NSRA will be so bad?????
We have a 2005 glass body on a 2005 frame with a 2006 dirve train. "ALL" the major componets for the 32 glass car were purchased at rod events like tha nats.
The NSRA would not have stirred up a hornets nest if they had 1. Actually asked the members or 2. Used some reasonable year cut off instead of floating year that keeps increasing each year. In 20 years my wife's Prius will be elidgble or 3. Changed the other events and left the nats alone.
I have been to the nats for the last 5 years. When you have 11,000 to 13,000 cars at this event there is not a lot of additional parking. I admit you could get maybe a couple more thousand cars parked but I am betting attendance will remain about the same.
I am going to follow your advice. I plan on letting my membership expire in 2010 and forget it. I think this is a great opportunity for club sponsored events like the back to the fiftes in MN.Danny
07-13-2009 09:53 PM #63
07-14-2009 07:45 PM #64
I can tell you what it cost as a large vendor at the Nats with a crew of 4, truck, trailer food,lodging , flights and extras. It will cost us about $18-20k
The smaller NSRA shows or anything that is 3-4 days with 3000 cars you are looking at about $12k. Not cheap so more customers we get our product n front of the better off we are
07-14-2009 08:55 PM #65
Iceburgh, you still with Meguiars? I haven't seen ya at any shows I've been to this year... (York, Carlisle, Columbus)
Hey, how 'bout those Pens?Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
07-14-2009 08:56 PM #66
There are two things in life where penetration is really important.....and one of them is welding.
07-15-2009 07:32 AM #67
Still there... York and Columbus I was in Carlisle for other shows. Carlisle the guys said you were there but I must have been out walking around. Most of my shows have been at Carlisle in the summer this year. Also have done a few GG shows this year that I typically dont do. The schedule has been all new this year. It is nice to see different shows
I was at game was like being in heaven
07-15-2009 07:49 AM #68
The "Pens" had a secret weapon--it was called Marion Hossa! And I guess if I glue a model of a 32 ford on my wifes Kia I could get it in?
07-15-2009 11:58 AM #69
If MSRA ever goes to later than 67 at BTT50's I am out, (club accepts anything newer,even NO car at all) We have attended all four days since '81. The BTT50's is WAY over crowded now. One big traffic jam inside AND out. NSRA was done for us when the St Paul Nats ended. (NOT their fault,city of St Paul got greedy). Its no good use for us as we never leave the state (health issues) and MSRA handles our legislature. NSRA does not. Everything good that pertains to us in MN has already been done by NSRA long ago.
Talking about cry babies For years newer car owners (post 49) have been whining about "Let US in". Well ,Join or start your own Street Machine/Muscle car associations and start your OWN nats then. Why do people always have to try to force in where they do not belong? Want to be a hotrodder/street rodder? (pre 48) BUILD one and stop telling us your 1981 Monte or 1967 4X4 Pu POS is a steet rod, its NOT!
Attend a Car Craft Nats and see what late models bring to the table besides money Over loud cars and booming thumping music, half naked young ladies, drunks, 4x4 trucks and assorted POS. Many people who are into the earlier pre49 cars including me are the 50's to early sixties crowd who do not want that atmosphere. I've been a member of MSRA since '81, rodding since 68' + played around before that. I like the later cars do not get me wrong (In fact I am looking for a 61-70 car right now. But I will attend where I fit in as I should. Will I demand to be let in to BTT50's? Not on your life. Will I still attend the 64 and earlier BTT50's? YOU BETCHA! JMOLast edited by Dgas56; 07-22-2009 at 06:14 AM.
Attended my first drag race in 1961 and hooked on cars ever since.
07-15-2009 05:20 PM #70
07-19-2009 12:03 AM #71
I find it interesting that most of those with 1949 UP vehicles are for the " change " and most of us with pre 49 vehicles are not.
The younger guys ( and older ones with the newer stuff ) WANT IN.
Some vendors like it ( ones who sell generic type stuff ... not year specific. )
This will most likely be my last trip to the Louisville NSRA Nationals. I am not driving 550 miles one way to see a bunch of late model stuff that I can see for free at a parking lot cruise-in night.
4 or 5 nights in the host motel, fuel up and back ... added to eating out 3 meals a day for my wife and I ... adds up to around $1500. Too much money ... to see a bunch of non street rods.
As far as the new fiberglass body/ reproduction vehicles with no parts over 3 or 4 years old ... At least they LOOK like a old car. Both of mine are Henry Ford steel ... but I have no real issue with the plastic replicas( with the exception of Street Beasts ... because they DO NOT look like a old car to me ... )
I have been a NSRA member longer than a lot of the " posters " here have been alive. I am a lifetime member and my NSRA number is in the very, very low 2 thousand range ... so I have been there and done that ... for a long.
I do understand that NSRA might need to do something ... because a lot of the NSRA faithful are getting up in age ... dying off and some are just not driving a long distance in their street rods anymore. I could easily live with a 50 year sliding rule. Next year the 1960 models would be eligible. 1961 ... the next year and so on.
I believe NSRA has shot themselves in the foot. As a example ... The Shades of the Past run was a pre 1949 event. It drew 3,000 to 3,500 vehicles ... regularly. About 5 or 6 years ago they opened it up to 1964 vehicles. The count went DOWN. What do they do?? They open it up to 1972 ... and the count still goes down further.
It will be interesting to see how this all plays out ... I have been told that GoodGuys car count has also been down ... due to over exposure ( too many GG events ) and the current economy. The late model owners are not as dedicated as the NSRA guys. A vendor friend told me that he sells about 60 to 70 percent dollar wise at a Good Guys event compared to a NSRA event with comparable car counts. He said the GG Columbus event sucked ... and they he lost money ... after figuring road travels expense, GG vendor expense and the 60/70 per cent buyingLast edited by Deuce; 07-19-2009 at 05:03 PM.
Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
07-19-2009 06:13 AM #72
I would say DEUCE's comments here are right on the money. I made some comments earlier in this post that were taaken the wrong way. We have been to many but not all NSRA Nationals over the years. It is a week we look forward to. The pre 49 rodders are a very loyal bunch and have put many thousands of cars at nats every year. With 10,000 plus cars it is still a peaceful fun time and I am sure the vendors are fine because it's the biggest crowd out there. If there was a problem the hall would not be full. Most pre 49 loyalists will just not attend if it becomes a bunch of muscle cars hotrodding around, if they would the Goodguys shows would be bigger. Whatever anybody thinks or whatever happens I think this change is a big mistake. We have a some good friends that we go to GG Columbus with that have a 63 split. I told them next year they can go to Louisville and the response was that just wouldn't seem right. I guess all good things eventually come to an end!
07-19-2009 08:58 AM #73
My last NSRA was 92 in Columbus, I really enjoyed going, and have looked forward to going back, just had a lot of things that prevented my wife, and I from going. I kept up my membership for years after 92 just to stay informed. I don’t hunt; fish, golf, or some of the other hobbies but cars have always been a big part of my life. Just driving to the Nats was a big thrill even the couple of times we ended having to do some repairs, getting close to where you see so many old cars on the highway was like getting a shot of feel good.
I have gone to the Super Chevy Show in Indy, the Goodguy’s at Indy, Classic Chevy International show in Fort Wayne plus the local shows. I have a 67 Nova, 68 Camaro, 68 SS Impala, 55 Chevy, 54 Chevy, 50 Fords, 54 Merc, most are not show worthy but if they were it would not be the same to be at a Hotel with these cars sitting next to my 39 Ford I’ve had since 1968, or a 40 Chevy Coupe. I could see adding a few years like maybe up to 57 but anything after that would change the show to much in my opinion not that it’s up to me. Like one person above posted everything has to come to an end sometime.
I wonder how this will ultimately affect the big companies like the ones building bodies, chassis, etc for the Street Rods.
RichardLast edited by ford2custom; 07-19-2009 at 09:54 AM.
07-19-2009 01:03 PM #74
Deuce is right on!!! Couldn't have said it better myself.
07-19-2009 05:30 PM #75
Again...the argument can be made that the not just the younger guys want in but the older guys are afraid of change.
Dont be fooled by car count at this years nats or any show the past 18 months. The economy is driving that more then the show.
Yes GG Columbus was down for every vendor but the economy and the weather played a part in it
Necessity is the mother of invention! Nice work, as usual!
55 Wagon Progress