Thread: Last trip to nats?
07-20-2009 06:08 PM #91
Well I am not a big fan of bolt ons....but at the same time I have seen some that are a nice display of what you can buy. I guess if you can touch them and see them they must be real just hot rodded a little.
You stop and see me at the nats and the QD is on me. It will be the 1sttime at the nats for me in a few years....I dont like that show as much as others but I will be there starting Friday and make the best of it
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07-20-2009 08:39 PM #92
Really???? Well, heck, you'd better call them and straighten it all out!!!! Of course it's about money!!!! You think the do it for their health??????? It's just amazing to me..... people haven't even been to a show with the new rules, but they all know it's the ruination of the organization!!!!! Truly amazing!!!! If your crystal ball is that good, how about a bit of insight on some good stock investments now that the market is in the pooper????? How can anything be a total failure before it's ever given a chance?????
Anyway, you'd better call NSRA and straighten the whole mess out!!!!
I've never heard so much negative on a change that for all we know could be the best thing that ever happened to Hot Rodding!!!!!! What a bunch of whining cry-babies anyway..... Sound like a bunch of 6 year olds, "I'm gonna take my toys and go home---you can't play at my house ever again!!!!"
At least save the negative crap til we see how things go with the change....Be real.....Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
07-20-2009 09:34 PM #93
Talk about negative. You, someone who admittedly hasn't attended an NSRA event in years have the gaul to tell paying NSRA members what is good for them.
You're a real piece of work. Total BS from beginning to end, and talk about negative.... that's your entire attitude when it comes to anyone who disagrees with your opinion. Which, by the way is based on.......absolutely nothing except possibly your dislike for the NSRA. You hate it, you quit a long time ago, so in your eyes any change they might make would be an improvement. Well, for current members this change sucks and until you join the NSRA again your opinion carries no weight whatsoever. It's just second class fertilizer.
07-20-2009 09:55 PM #94
You really don't know me at all, nor do you put any credance on my signature block. Nothing negative about me, you're the one whining....(and whining, and whining, and whining......)
Oh yeah, and still no intro post, or pics. Matter of fact, haven't seen much of any input on other then this thread and your whining...... Anyway, you've already made your mind up about me, so I see no reason to confuse you with the facts. Matter of fact, all I can think of to say in regards to this thread anymore is.......
I'd say see ya at the nats, but you ain't going----and NSRA isn't gonna change no matter how much you berate me and misrepresent what I've said........ Oh well. My guess is you just dropped by CHR to whine, and soon you'll be gone..... CYAYesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
07-21-2009 09:34 AM #95
07-21-2009 09:38 AM #96
I say again:
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
07-21-2009 10:21 AM #97
Our registration number for this years nats is in the 7600s. We waited until almost the last day to mail it in. Don't know how that compares to normal.There are two things in life where penetration is really important.....and one of them is welding.
07-21-2009 02:47 PM #98
Contary to what some folks think ...
This 30 year deal is going to REALLY affect the Nationals and other NSRA events. Vendors who sell generic stuff ... ( wax, SBC engine stuff, wheels and the the like ) may actually see a increase in their business ( which is a GOOD thing) ... but the majority of vendors will most likely see a decrease in business. Dick Spadaro, the V8 shop, Brookville Roadster, Lobecks and places like that ... have NOTHING for the new rides ... so they will LOSE business because of the older NSRA faithful will not be there as strongly as in the past. I know of two folks who were talking about starting new pre WWII projects who have since decided not to. Why invest that much time and money in a project to go park with a bunch of 1970's and 1980's vehicles ...
NSRA did start this new rule ... for $$$.
We all know that to be a NSRA partcipant, you must be a member. NSRA figures that the new membership money ... will be fairly large. They are HOPING that the old faithful will not leave of maybe come back if they do leave. There are a LOT of 1970's and 1980's vehicles within a 200 mile radius of Louisville KY and they plan on getting a bunch of them. I cannot leave ... as I am a lifetime member. If I had known the rule change was coming, I would not have joined up lifetime.
This is a emotional issue for a good many folks. Some REALLY care ... while others who have made comments are just TROLLS who like to stir the stink and smell. You have to look at each posters committment to old cars and their support of NSRA events to really get a idea of the validity of their statements about the NATIONALS and NSRA ... IMHO. You decide
GoodGuys Charlotte is 125 miles from my home. I rarely attend. I am even more rarely a partcipant. I took my 32's 4 times and I have 3 GoodGuys awards plaques on my wall ... so it is not about winning ... they just have a bunch of cars and stuff I do not care to pay $$$ to see. GG has about 3,000 cars @ Charlotte with a 1972 cutoff. A couple hundred miles away in Knoxville, NSRA has more vehicles with a 1948 cutoff date. This indicates to me ... that the 1948 cutoff date is as successful or more so than the 1972 cutoff. the 1980 cutoff will be worse IMHO.
You folks have a NICE DAY ...Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
07-21-2009 02:52 PM #99
I spoke with a NSRA rep last week he said they are having trouble finding enough people to watch the gates for this years nats. in louisville. Car clubs and individuals have volunteered to help with this for years. Ya think a few people might be pissed at the NSRA.
07-21-2009 05:04 PM #100
I can't believe people would scrap projects because of this. First of all, I hope anyone building a hot rod is first and foremost doing it for themselves and the passion of making a unique car, not to enter contests and win. Sure it's nice to get recognition for your hard work, but come on.... scrapping 40k plus projects just because of this...get a life! Seriously I know a bunch of folks are upset and they have clearly expressed this here, but if your only building a car for recognition..well then I don't think any show is going to do it for you!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
07-21-2009 07:20 PM #101
I have to jump in here again and just say that DEUCE is right on the money! I am sure he has been a street rodder way longer than us but the fact that this is an emotional issue is right on. We went to the street rod shows long before we could purchase a car. We would go and look and dream that maybe one day. Then the day came and we finally got a 32 coupe. That first trip through the gates at Louisville was beyond emotion it was the realazation of many years of hopes and dreams. We had had some muscle cars and vans over the years but this was different. Nats in Louisville is or was like stepping back in time where you see all aspects of early cars rough, finished to best of show and you can really talk to anyone about their cars. It is something that really needs to be experienced. It is sad that alot of the negative on here about this seems to be a place just to raise post counts with no sense being made. Maybe that negative was what was always lacking at Nats. I truly hope not but I fear the majic will be lost in this change. Time will tell but it seems it will be over. We have been to Goodguys and it is fine but just not the same as NSRA. Lets hope not though I have kids that have lived the Dream with us and their day will come. DEUCE keep the great comments coming and lets hope for good times ahead.
07-21-2009 08:59 PM #102
Well, I have no comittment to old cars, I like them all!!!! Old, new, and in between. Once all the BS is over and I don't arbitrarily have to show up with a pre-49 to be acceptable, I will rejoin NSRA and hit a few events.... Does this mean that I am a troll who stirs the stink and smell, or am I just another Hot Rodder ready for change????? I guess whatever anybody thinks, the decision has been made and change is upon us!!!!!
I care about Hot Rodding, built my first one at age 15, have 4 of my own in the garage now, and numerous other projects waiting for their turn in the shop. Building Hot Rods has been and will continue to be far more then a hobby for me, it's a way of life and the way I've made my living for many years. Pre-49 vintage cars are not the only cars that folks are allowed to be passionate about. I'm not trying to establish who's right and who's wrong. It's NSRA's show and for now, that's the rules. No amount of rationalizing, insinuating, or name calling will change it..... I'm looking forward to the change and the variety of cars that will be at NSRA shows. That doesn't make me an evil person, just a guy with diverse interests in cars. Calling me and others names and making insinuations as to our credibility or passion for the sport won't change a thing, but if it makes you feel better, have a ball!!!!!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
07-21-2009 09:16 PM #103
I did not mention your name ... or indicate any one person who posted.
IF you think it is you ... you hung that label on yourself ... not I
The reason the two folks decided NOT to build a new car ... is that they already have pre 49 vehicles that they drive to the NSRA events. They are of the opinion that the NSRA events will N O T be a good place to sell the vehicles they now are driving ... They build a new ride every 4 or 5 years and sell off the old one when the new one has proven to be reliable and what they want. Sometimes they sell the new one and just start over. They believe that the majority of folks at the NSRA Nats in 2 or 3 years will not be looking for pre WWII vehicles and those that are will not have the $$$ to buy it. SURE ... they will be some of the old faithful there with $$$ enough to buy but we all know that their percentages will be down.
I plan on being @ Louisville this August ... as I have for many years. I have not made plans for next year and most likely will not book my hotel room for 2010. I have 3 friends who usually work the gates and 2 who work in registration who have told NSRA that they will work in 2009 but to find someone else for 2010. They are not planning on being @ the NATS in 2010 either.
Going 33 and 1/3 rpms in a IPOD world
07-21-2009 09:20 PM #104
usmcdad, I was getting sort of sick of this thread but I have to agree with your thoughts on the first trip to the Nats in Louisville. My first trip was 87 but I had wanted to go for years just couldn't or didn't have a Street Rod. I have had many cars over the years but the first NSRA was just special.
I’m guessing your username is US Marine Corps Dad. I have something you would be interested in, it’s a poem from a Marine plus a letter to his Dad, and I’ll post it as soon as I can get the print and pictures smaller.
07-21-2009 09:21 PM #105
[QUOTE=Deuce;358284]I did not mention your name ... or indicate any one person who posted.
IF you think it is you ... you hung that label on yourself ... not I
Nope, I know I'm not just a troll, I was asking if that is what you think.....????? Don't just hint and hide!!!!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress