Thread: Last trip to nats?
07-27-2009 09:32 AM #121
Hey, whoever the heck you are I see you're back to spread some more!!!!! Of course it's all about the money!!!!!! What isn't??????
Geez...... No respect for it's members???? Now that's funny. They only respect the $$$$$$$ the membership generates....That's what it takes to run a show.... No different then any other organization, except some of the non-profits.... Wanna do it for free and pay all the bills out of your pocket just to placate the pre-49 crowd???? Go for it!!!! See how much support that generates for you!!!!!
Anyway, now you can go trolling away to all the other sites you frequent and spread the Gospel according to Rufus..... Maybe if you were to land on a site and actually become a contributing member instead of just passin' thru spreading hate and discontent you might actually be taken seriously.....
Change is inevitable....Call it bs if you want....but nothing remains the same....The NSRA is not exempt from change. If you and a few others want to be exempt from change just continue all the whining. Betcha it doesn't get you anywhere though.....
If the NSRA's pre-49 rule was actually something meaningful, and restricted everything but real steel cars many might be actually able to accept them as they were.... But with all the 'glass bodies and store bought chassis and drivetrains the pre-49 thing is nothing more then a brand new car dressed up to resemble an old one..... I guess if you don't look too closely some of these cars do resemble pre-49 least till you get close enough on a hot day that you can smell the resin cooking off.......
Pre-49 my butt!!!!!! At least Flippers is actually a pre-49 and though unfinished and a bit ratty and rusty (his own words) shows what the NSRA was at one time actually catering to.... Home built steel cars and trucks, not a bunch of cookie cutter store bought plastic toys...... Still no pictures of your non-chebbie powered deuce or the 4 speed Polara???????Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
- Google Adsense
07-27-2009 10:30 AM #122
Hell's Bell's now were draggin down our local event which for the last two decades was held at the local shopping center where you guessed it Kmart is!
Pretty sure more than just 49's are alowed here, but hey it's a Kmart!Funny thing is the event got so big it's now closed off the whole downtown area and grown to triple what it ever was in the past! Each year for the last three it's grown. And guess what it's popular, with muscle cars, tbirds, 57 chevies and 32 coupes. People enjoy it because there is stuff for everyone. They call this event the Salute to American Graffeti Days, but cars much newer than the movie are there. I've never heard a single attendee complain about the selection, most people just there to chat and share their love for Hot Rodding and a movie that they hold dear.
Again I realize for some of you, your into one specific type of car, or one generation. It would be wierd being in a corvette club, driving a ferrari, but, I bet the corvette owner's would check it out!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
07-27-2009 10:34 AM #123
All shows/cruise-ins are about the money. If money didn't exist, then there would be very few shows/cruise-ins. If they don't make enough to cover their expenses they're not going to continue them or they will find another way to make money.
Not necessarily greed based, just good business practices. You can't expect an orgainzation to wallow in red ink forever. So if changing the format to increase volume is needed than that is what happens, especially if the participants don't want to anty up more money on the front end.
NSRA's participation numbers have been falling for a least 6 years. I can see it every year at the York nats, which is one of the best and the second oldest behind Louisville. NSRA needs to improve their bottom line and changing the years of admissions is their way of doing it. The members may not like it, but the vendors (the ones who pay the big bucks for space) will probably love it. NSRA is going to love it because they won't have to fold their tents and look for another venue.
Another fact is that most of the spectators who go to shows spend more time looking at customs from the 40's to the 60's more then they spend time on street rods and hot rods of the 20's to the 40's. While the rods are cool and colorful to look at, people relate more to the cars of the 50's and 60's because many don't remember seeing or owning cars of the pre-49 age.
Spectators are also important to the bottom line as well, so it is only inevitable that the change has come. I don't 100% support it, even though I am a custom car owner as well as a street rod owner. I liked having the distinction, but I also like having the option.
What bothers me more is that my favorite event, the Turkey Run, will be open to cars up to the year 2000 this year.That's a helluva leap from pre-79cars. But again it is all about the money.
Oh well, we still have the Frog Follies.At least for now.
Last edited by mopar34; 07-27-2009 at 10:43 AM.
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!
07-27-2009 12:50 PM #124
If the current weather trend holds out, this "last one" may be a good one.
High temps in the 10 day forecast are in the 70s and 80'sThere are two things in life where penetration is really important.....and one of them is welding.
07-27-2009 04:41 PM #125
So now you are calling me a troll simply because I disagree with you. Figures... when someone can't successfully argue a point they ultimately resort to name calling.
Nope. And no pictures of my hemi powered 48 Chevy pickup or my pro-street 41 Chevy coupe either. There is nothing in the rules of this board that require anyone to post pictures of their rides and when and if I decide to post any pictures it will be because I feel like sharing them. It certainly won't be because some self proclaimed expert nags me into it.
You are the one who seems to be in the minority in this thread. All you have to do is count the people who are against this change to see that. And you are the most vocal proponent as well. And.... as a non member of the NSRA it certainly sounds to me that all you want is to ruin everyone else's fun just so you can get your late model whatever in the show. Talk about sour grapes!!!
Anyway I'm tired of dealing with you. Its like fighting a war against an unarmed enemy.... there's no longer any challenge to it. Time to put you on my ignore list where you belong.Last edited by Rufus; 07-27-2009 at 04:45 PM.
07-27-2009 05:16 PM #126
If nothing else, this thread has got some activity brought back to THIS site. I check the Deuce Den once in awhile, and for the past severeal months... (ok a year or more) there hasn't been too many new posts or activity... aside from this thread there STILL isn't as far as that goes, but at least with this thread there's something to read!Joe Barr
1932 Ford Roadster
07-27-2009 07:46 PM #127
I didn't bother to read the whole thread - but the younger guys (under 40)that are into pre war hot rods (not street rods) - which I am in that group - these guys do not car about this rule. We are more into events like Billetproof, The Roundup, etc.
I went to Louisville a few times - drove up in my roadster from FL. There is NOTHING to do there - no nightlife around the fairgrounds - no young people doing anything. You have the standard sit around the parking lot BS session until about 10pm - and thats it.
The last time I went, 2006, I brought a girl with me, stayed at a nice hotel downtown, went the the show for about 3-4 hours on Friday, 4 hours on Sat...and spent the rest of the time in Downtown going to attractions, museums, wandering around downtown, hitting up the bar/club scene at night and sleeping until 10-11 each morning.
I've seen enough pastel green '47 chevy sedans with 15" billet wheels to last a lifetime.
07-27-2009 08:33 PM #128
Fine, I'm done..... Keep up the whining, I'm sure NSRA will change everything back to the way it was to keep you happy....
PS---I've more then likely built and or owned cars to fit into any catagory you would ever choose to list..... The reason I don't bother with anything pre-49 anymore is that there's really nothing there that trips my trigger... and I have no desire to be just another glass bodied car in a covey of others...... The newest car I own is an '82, guess that's a late model..... Anyway, I'm certainly in the minority and I too will give up.... Guess time will tell who is actually correct as to what goes on with NSRA....Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
07-27-2009 08:37 PM #129
Hey Speedy, you don't have to be under 40 to be bored with the pre-war events!!!!!!!!Heck, I'm 58 and don't really care to go to any event that isn't held at or in conjunction with a drag strip!!!! All show no go never did trip my trigger!!!!!
PS---10-4 on the pastels.....Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
07-29-2009 06:10 AM #130
last 1948 and under Louisville
I appreciate many of the points brought up here. Mopar 34 has a point about what do spectators want to see. An earlier post had comments claimed to be from NSRA said it was not about money. If it was, the writer claimed NSRA could have raise fees and cut back at freebies and events. NSRA is more reasonable then say Goodguys. As a member of GG, I paid $55 for 3 days to get into Columbus to see 5,000 cars . I think NSRA will still be $25 or 35.00? NSRA actually opens the gates a day earlier so you get Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat ans Sunday. A lot of people come early, but many people leave Sat afternoon which used to be the best day. At NSRA, I see more guys like me (wife stays at home) than families. Famlies with kids means 20-40 generation. Maybe the other cars will bring in more wives and kids. We all should encourage younger people to go to car shows. I have been going to Louisville since 1988. I am one of those people who set up my vacations for these events. I just finished my car. I am going next week. I'll report back ."Chance favors the prepared mind"
Car Cruisin spectator remark about my suede paint :
"That will look nice when it is painted"
(it is painted).
07-29-2009 11:13 AM #131
07-30-2009 09:59 AM #132
A traditionally Hot Rodded Volvo?????? That be way kewl, man!!!!!Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
07-30-2009 12:30 PM #133
Actually I was referring to the customers cars at my local KMart. Lots of POS Chevy pickups with cherry bombs held on with bailing wire along with a bunch of mid 70's piles of junk and lets not forget the rusted out imports with fart can mufflers and 4' high wings. The same period stuff that will be allowed at NSRA shows next year.
07-31-2009 06:29 AM #134
People build and drive what they like and what they can afford.... I have no problem with that.
I have had trailer queens, magazine cars and POS chevy pickups, street legal race cars. All depends what I want to build and what I could afford at the time.
Never needed permission from anyone other than the DOT
07-31-2009 09:09 AM #135
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
55 Wagon Progress