06-18-2009 06:49 AM #31
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
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06-18-2009 06:57 AM #32
I asked that very question about electric fuel pumps almost a year ago - tho stayed with the mechanical after a lot of under my car time running lines. There are some pretty good answers in the thread below - and Holley, tho not the worst choice, was not one that I would have used as they are quite hard to mount in a confined space and are noisy. As far as reliability - I have run them on various cars for years with none of the problems that others have had - might just be my good luck and others bad.......
http://www.clubhotrod.com/forums/sho...tric+fuel+pumpDave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
06-18-2009 08:13 AM #33
Excellent info. I am stuck using an electric at this point since a mech just will not fit due to the pinched front.....no matter how big of a hammer I useI guess I have to look at this as a chance to learn about Elec pumps.
I will take the mech push rod out.....have to save weight.....
Thanks everyone.
07-20-2009 03:05 PM #34
Blue Update
I thought I would update my build since it has been about a month. As you can see from the pictures the wheel and tires are now on the car. The past month has been a little slow with delays from Outlaw in getting the body....but it will arrive on 7/30......that should be a fun day. The seat is ordered from Teas which is needed to spot the steering column. I have been working on the plumbing (e-brake cables, fuel system, tranny lines, etc). I have all the electronics and wiring for the car as well as the hood, sides and latch kit so it should move along pretty quickly once the body arrives
07-21-2009 01:34 AM #35
Looking real nice Dan
" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
07-21-2009 06:53 AM #36
You will find that fitting the hood will take a great deal of time and patience. Be prepared. I think it took me about 40 hours to get it done. Your chassis looks great, and I think you will like the workmanship on the Outlaw body.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
09-24-2009 07:23 AM #37
It has been awhile since I updated my project. Due to travel schedules I have not had the most productive Summer on the Hot Rod but that is Ok. The body is on and I am currently working on the trunk and the dash. I am still hoping to get the exhaust and the steering completed before the snow falls as well as a drive shaft ordered. The body needs to shift about 1" forward yet and the rear end needs to be lowered.
09-24-2009 09:53 AM #38
Looks real nice." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
09-24-2009 12:18 PM #39
Wow, that's beautiful!! Nice job!
12-18-2009 10:14 AM #40
Its aweful lonesome in the saddle since my horse died.
12-18-2009 10:28 AM #41
01-09-2010 11:36 PM #42
Hey fine job Dan!
You've got good taste and a clean garage floor =)
01-12-2010 05:53 PM #43
Looking good. I enjoy following the build. Nice write up with useful info of do's and don'ts.“Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it”--Lou Holtz.
07-06-2010 12:49 PM #44
July 2010 Update
Well I certainly didn't get as far as I wanted before the snow last year and I took the Winter off from the build but I am back at it now.
Swapped the rubber on the car for some taller profile tires on the rear and adjusted the 4-link so the tires are centered on the body. Had a seat made, finished up the steering column install as well as the gas pedal and e-brake. Put together the main dashboard (I am going to build a custom underdash for the remainder of the items - it will be fiberglass and painted to match the car).
Got the radiator into its final position, mounted the horns, fan and puke tank. Drive shaft is ordered, should arrive from Denny's next week. Working on trunk insert and battery mount. I am going to go back and center the tank since I changed my mind on the battery location but this gives you and idea of what I am up to.
Soon it will be off to the exhaust shop and then I have to decide if I keep pushing forward to finish the entire mock-up or blow it apart and paint the frame, motor and tranny while I work on the body. Any thoughts or suggestions?
07-09-2010 11:00 AM #45
Hm. Your trunk sure looks familiar. lol! Here is mine finished.
'32 3W
There's no 12 step program for stupid!
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