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Thread: Perfect Deuce

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  1. #1
    32driver is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Perfect Deuce


    To me this is the perfect deuce. Just as it is, the wheels, tires, stance and most of all the chop. I don’t even want to know the price for this body from Walden speed shop. Does anyone make a glass body with this chop? It is 3” in back and 3 ½” in front.
    Last edited by 32driver; 08-21-2009 at 07:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Deuce's Avatar
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    I believe that Walden gets 38 grand for " JUST the Body "

    They buy are the parts and pieces new from Brookville and then assemble the body themselves ... with the chop. Brookville gets 25 grand or so and has a waiting list for assembled bodies.

    38 is not all that TERRIBLE ... when you consider it is already chopped ... OR ... consider how much a original 32 3W would cost you if you can find a decent one for sale.

    I can assure you that originals ones are very difficult to find ... and makes the Brookville bodies look like a good price I chased my 3W for 15 years before I finally convinced him to sell.
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  3. #3
    Mike52's Avatar
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    If I'm not mistaken, the Outlaw '32 3W coupe body has a 3" chop. Hopefully RumRumm (Lynn) will see this and reply, he has an Outlaw '32 3W. I have an N&N Fiberglass 3W body, it has a 2½" chop.


  4. #4
    32driver is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    What I really like about the chop is the difference from from to back.

  5. #5
    joeybsyc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32driver View Post

    To me this is the perfect deuce. Just as it is, the wheels, tires, stance and most of all the chop. I don’t even want to know the price for this body from Walden speed shop. Does anyone make a glass body with this chop? It is 3” in back and 3 ½” in front.

    Yep, that's about as bad ass as it gets. PERFECT stance/chop. Love it!
    Joe Barr
    1932 Ford Roadster

  6. #6
    32driver is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I wonder how much the ride would suffer with the bias ply tires?

  7. #7
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Not pickin' on you with the picture just needed an excuse to use it.......

    Ride quality is very subjective, so opinions are all over the place (pun intended). We've had some lively disagreements before on the radial vs bias thing. Most will agree the bias plys tend to track with road inconsistencies more than radials..........after that it can deteriorate to "you're an idiot if you don't agree with me" kind of discussions. Best thing to do is see if you can befriend other rodders in your area and beg a ride/drive to measure your personal interpretations.
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  8. #8
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32driver View Post
    I wonder how much the ride would suffer with the bias ply tires?
    Bob called it. We've had these discussions on here before about bias vs radials, and they usually end up with no one winning because both sides have firm beliefs that aren't going to change.

    Here is MY opinion..........and it isn't going to change. For the coupe you pictured only bias plies would look right. Radials might offer a slight edge on performance, but they would ruin the look of the car and turn it from a hot rod to a street rod (and there IS a difference between the two) I care about the look of the car as much as the performance, so I only run bias plies. Some radial manufacturers have attempted to make their products resemble bias tires, but they are not close enough for my liking.

    To get back to your original question, hot rods are not supposed to ride like your 2009 luxury sedan. If they did it would completely ruin the driving experience for me, and for most hard core rodders. We want to feel the bumps in the road, have the exhaust drown out our stereos (if we HAD stereos ), smell like exhaust fumes from our open headers, and generally take a trip back in time for the duration of the ride to a time when cars were FUN. Practical?? NO. Fun? You betcha. That is why hot rodders like Gastrick say they love the noise coming off of their quick change rears. Why we ride around on buggy spring suspension that certainly is not as smooth as modern IFS, and why we choose tires that may or may not be as good as those now being produced for modern cars. When I drove my open 27 roadster almost daily for those 7 years, I knew I was probably going to get soaked on the way home, but that was part of the charm. Crazy, I know, but hot rodders understand.

    Like the sign I saw on the back of an off road Jeep. "If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand anyway."

    Last edited by Itoldyouso; 08-22-2009 at 10:09 AM.

  9. #9
    32driver is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well what else would you expect from a noob. I would agree that bias ply tires would be the only thing to have on that hot rod. I also agree that there are street rods and hot rods. If I get a 32 I will want it to look very similar to this. I even like the color, what is it…clear over the metal. Maybe you could paint a glass body close enough to capture the look.

    I don’t expect it to handle like a new car. Actually one thing I don’t like about my corvette it is too new to drive like such an old car. The power is there like a muscle car yet it supposed to be a sports car…BUT it still drives like truck.

  10. #10
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Those comments weren't aimed at you in any way........just making general conversation. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

    Yeah, I think that is bare metal. There is no clear coating that I know of that will stick, keep it from rusting, and not yellow. We've talked about how nice it would be to keep my Son's RPU in bare metal, but even sitting in the shop it rusts in like a day or two. I think the guys who do that use WD40 and a scotchbrite pad.


  11. #11
    32driver is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I wasn’t offended at all…I don’t get offended easily. While I am not a noob to old cars I am a noob to this forum and this era of car.

  12. #12
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    That's good because sometimes typed sentences don't come across as they were intended.


  13. #13
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I guess if "the look" is what you're after, that's fine.... Might want to give some serious consideration to your parts selection..... If "the look" is more important than how the car actually performs, I'd say you're on the right track!!!!! Personally, I think straight axles and bias tires belong in a museum!!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post
    Personally, I think straight axles and bias tires belong in a museum!!!!
    I reckon I'm a dinasour then because I like both. I don't get offended when others think differently though because their points are valid. My car is well maintained and is as safe as the antiquated technology allows it to be and I really enjoy driving it. I doubt that I'll ever have the loot for a steel 32 three window, but I really like the car that 32driver originally posted. Even though my car is fiberglass, future plans call for a similar chop.

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  15. #15
    Mike52's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    Those comments weren't aimed at you in any way........just making general conversation. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

    Yeah, I think that is bare metal. There is no clear coating that I know of that will stick, keep it from rusting, and not yellow. We've talked about how nice it would be to keep my Son's RPU in bare metal, but even sitting in the shop it rusts in like a day or two. I think the guys who do that use WD40 and a scotchbrite pad.

    Don, there is something you can use on bare metal, it's called Gibbs Brand Penetrant, check out this link from roadsters.com. http://www.roadsters.com/gibbs/ Read the entire article.


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